Reservoir Rock Properties

Course description

This course is designed for undergraduate (BSc) students. The main syllabus of this course are:

  1. Introduction to reservoir rock lithology and geological aspect of reservoir rock.
  2. Porosity, fluid saturation and rock compressibility: Definition and measurement
  3. Absolute permeability: Definition and measurement, Kilinkenberg effect, averaging methods, linear and radial flow
  4. Relative permeability: concept and measurement
  5. Capillary pressure, wettability and interfacial forces


  1. Petroleum Reservoir Engineering (Physical Properties), James Amyx, Daniel M. Bass, JR, Robest L. Whiting, 1960
  2. Petroleum Reservoir Rock and Fluid properties, Abhijit Y. Dandekar, 2013, 2nd Edition.
  3. Petrophysics (theory and practice of measuring reservoir rock and fluid transport properties), Djebbar Tiab and Erle C. Donaldson, 2nd edition, 2004
  4. Advanced Petrophysics, Ekwere J. Peters, 2012
  5. Reservoir Engineering Handbook, Tarek Ahmad, Fourth edition, 1946.
  6. Core Analysis: A Best Practice Guide, Colin McPhee, Jules Reed and Izaskun Zubizarreta, 1st edition, 2015

Mark distribution

  • Assignments: 20%
  • Quiz: 20%
  • Class Activities: 10%
  • Mid-term exam: 20%
  • Final Exam: 30%