Reservoir Engineering II (Applied Reservoir Engineering)

Course description

This course is designed for undergraduate (BSc) students. The main syllabus of this course are:

  1. General Material Balance Equation for oil and gas reservoirs, straight line technique
  2. Gas Reservoir: Determination of Gas in-place, Gas Recovery factor
  3. Under-saturated oil reservoir: determination of initial oil in-place, recovery factor, oil saturation
  4. Saturated oil reservoir: determination of gas cap size, IOIP, water influx
  5. Water influx: aquifer models (Steady state and unsteady state)


  1. Ahmed, Tarek, and Paul McKinney. Advanced reservoir engineering. Elsevier,3rd Edition, 2011.
  2. Tarek Ahmed, Reservoir Engineering Hanbook, Golf Publishing Company, 2014, 4th Edition.
  3. Craft, B,C., Hawkins, M. and Terry, E., Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engneering,  Prentice Hall, 1991, 2nd Edition
  4. Slip Slider, H.C., Worldwide Practical Petroleum Reservoir Engineering Methods, Penn Well, 2008, 3rd Edition.

Mark distribution

  • Assignments: 20%
  • Quiz: 20%
  • Class Activities: 10%
  • Mid-term exam: 20%
  • Final Exam: 30%