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2- A. A. Masoudi,,  F. Shahbazi ,J. Davoudi  and  M. R. Rahimi Tabar,
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3- F. Shahbazi, A. A. Masoudi, and M. R. Rahimi Tabar,
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4- F..Shahbazi et al, “Level crossing analysis of growing surfaces ”,  Journal of Physics  A 36, 2517 (2003).

5- A. Bahraminasab, A. Tabeii, A. A. Masoudi , F. Shahbazi and M. R. Rahimi Tabar,  “zero tension  Kardar- Parisi-Zhang equation in
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6- F. Shahbazi et al , "Localization of  elastic waves in heterogeneous media with  off-diagonal disorder and long-range correlation" ,
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7-Rasool Ghanbari, Farhad  Shahbazi, "Monte Carlo simulation of an strongly coupled  XY model in three dimensions",
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8-Frahad Shahbazi, Rasool Ghanbari,
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9– A. N. Beni, B. Mirza, F. Shahbazi, and A. Kazempour,
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10- A. Bahraminasab, S. M. Vaez Alaei, F. Shahbazi, M. Sahimi, M. D. Niry and M. R. Rahimi Tabar,
      “Renormalization group analysis and numerical imulation  of propagation and localization of acoustic waves in heterogeneous
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11- Azam Sadeghi and Farhad Shahbazi, “Critical properties of classical XY and  Heisenberg models: A mean-field renormalization
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12- Saba Mortezapour and Farhad Shahbazi, “The mean field study of the phase  transitions of XY model on two dimensional
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13- Mehdi Boorboor , Farhad Shahbazi and Behrooz Mirza, “ Multi-scale entropy (MSE)  and  multi-component  complexity (MCC) ”,
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14-Mohammad Rahimi and Farhad Shahbazi,
     ”Delocalizaion of elastic waves in disordered harmonic chain with random distribution of force constants with  long-rang
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15-N. Abedpour, M. Neek-Amal, Reza Asgari, F. Shahbazi, N. Nafari, and M. Reza Rahimi Tabar ,
     “Roughness of undoped graphene and its short-range induced gauge field”,  Phys. Rev .B  76, 195407 (2007).

16- M. BoorBoor, F. Shahbazi, “Level crossing analysis of complex biological  time series”, Iranian Journal of Physics Research,
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17- Farhad Shahbazi, Saba Mortezapour, "Tricritical transition in the classical XY model on the kagome lattice under local
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18- A. Bahraminasab, A. Esmailpour,  S. M. Vaez Alaei, F. Shahbazi, M. Sahimi,  and  M. R. Rahimi Tabar,
      “Reply to comment on Renormalization group  analysis and  numerical simulation of propagation and localization of acoustic
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19- Hamid Khoshbakht, Farhad Shahbazi and Keivan Aghababaei Samani, 
      "Phase synchronization on scale-free and random networks in the presence of noise ",
      Journal of Statistical  Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P10020 (2008).

20- Zahra Noorbakhsh, Farhad Shahbazi, Seyed Akbar Jafari and Ganapathy  Baskaran,
      "Variational RVB Wave Function for the Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Model  on honeycomb Lattice ",
      Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 78, No. 5,   054701 (2009).

21- M. Amini, S. A. Jafari and F. Shahbazi, “Anderson transition in disordered   graphene” ,  Euro. Phys. Lett. 87, 37002 (2009).

22– Z. Nourbakhsh, F. Shahbazi, and S. A. Jafari,
       “Optimized resonating valence bond state in square lattice: correlatins & excitations”,
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23- M.H. Zare, M. Amini, F.  Shahbazi, and  S.A. Jafari, “Anderson transition in  disordered bilayer graphene”,      J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22,  255503 (2010).

24- M. Hafez,  S. A. Jafari,  Sh. Adibi, and F. Shahbazi, “Classical analogue of the ionic  Hubbard model”,  Phys.  Rev. B  81, 245131 (2010).

25– A. Kiani, F. Shahbazi, and S. A. Jafari, “Flow equations approach to one dimensional quantum Ising model”,
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26– E. Ghorbani, S. A. Jafari, and F. Shahbazi, “Formalism of overlaps of valence bond states with any number of triplons”,
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27– Z. Jalaimola, F. Shahbazi, “High temperature series expansion for the susceptibility of Ising model on the Kagome lattice with
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28– R. Kouhi Esfahani, F. Shahbazi, and K. Aghababaei Samani, “Synchronization of the Kuramoto model on a regular network”,
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29- H. Mosadeq,  F. Shahbazi, S. A. Jafari, “Plaquette valence bond ordering in a  J1–J2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a
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30– Rasoul Ghanbari, and Farhad Shahbazi,  “Hexatic and Herringbone orderings  in  2D  liquid crystals”,
        Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Vol 541: pp 81-86 (2011).

31- Reihaneh Kouhi Esfahani, Farhad Shahbazi, and Keivan Aghababaei Samani, “Noise-induced synchronization in small world
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32- Mohammad H. Zare, Farhad Fazileh, and Farhad Shahbazi, “Zero-temperature phase diagram of the classical Kane-Mele-Heisenberg model”, Phys. Rev. B 87,
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33- Sima Pouyandeh, Farhad Shahbazi, and Abolfazl Bayat,
      “Measurement-induced dynamics for spin-chain quantum communication and its application for optical lattices”,
      Phys. Rev. A 90, 012337 (2014).

34- Mohammad H Zare, Hamid Mosadeq, Farhad Shahbazi, and S A Jafari, “Valence bond phases in S = ½ Kane–Mele–Heisenberg
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35- V. Salari, N. Moradi, M. Sajadi, F. Fazileh, and F. Shahbazi, "Quantum decoherence time scales for ionic superposition states in
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36- Azam Sadeghi, Mojtaba Alaei, Farhad Shahbazi, and Michel. J.P. Gingras, “Spin Hamiltonian, order out of a Coulomb phase, and
       pseudo criticality in the frustrated pyrochlore Heisenberg antiferromagnet FeF3
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37- Hassan Bassereh, Vahid Salari and Farhad Shahbazi, "Noise assisted excitation energy transfer in a linear model of a selectivity
       filter backbone strand
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38- Sima Pouyandeh and Farhad Shahbazi, "Quantum state transfer in XXZ spin chains: A measurement induced transport
", International Journal of Quantum Information 13, No. 3, 1550030 (2015).