■ Emami, S., Rahdar, M., Nookabadi, A.S., production Inventory system of Deteriorating Items with Inflation Induced Demand, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and operations management (IJIEPM), Vol. 20, No. 4, pp 39-51, 2010.
■ Babaei, M. and Nookabadi, A.S., A customer-oriented Approach to Warehouse Network Evaluation and Material Flow Determination, International Journal of Operations and Quality Management, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 1-12, 2011.
■ Rabiei, S. and Nookabadi, A.S., An extension to Balanced score card, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and operations management (IJIEPM), Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 40-51, 2011.
■ Saberi, S, Nookabadi, A.S.& Hejazi, S.R., Applying Agent-Based System and Negotiation Mechanism in Improvement of Inventory Management and Customer Order Fulfillment in Multi Echelon Supply Chain,Arab J Sci Eng (2012) 37:851 861
■ Sarlak, R. & Nookabadi, A.S., Synchronization in multi-echelon supply chain applying timing discount, Int J Adv Manuf Technol.(2012) 59:289 297.
■ A. Shahandeh Nookabadi, M.R. Yadollahpour & S. Kavosh,Optimal Capacities in Discrete Facility Location Design Problem, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, March 2013, Volume 24, Number 1 ,pp. 81-89 .
■ Fattahi, F., Nookabadi, A.S. & Kadivar, M., A model for measuring the performance of the meat supply chain, British Food Journal, Vol. 115 No. 8, 2013, pp. 1090-1111.
■ Emami, S. & Nookabadi, A. S., Managing a new multi-objective model for the dynamic facility layout problem, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, October 2013, Volume 68, Issue 9, pp 2215-2228
■ Parsa, M. , Shahandeh Nookabadi, A. ,Kamali, A. ,Naji, B. & Sami, M., Offering Two New Methods for Employees' Performance Appraisal (Case Study: Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Company), International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Management (2013) , November 2013, Volume 24, Number 3 pp. 377-393.
■ Khakbaz, A. & Nookabadi, A.S. & Shetab-bushehri, S. N., A Model for Locating Park-and-Ride Facilities on Urban Networks Based on Maximizing Flow Capture: A Case Study of Isfahan, Iran, Netw Spat Econ (2013), 13:43-66.
■ Rahdar, M. & Nookabadi, A.S., Coordination mechanism for a deteriorating item in a two-level supply chain system, Applied Mathematical Modeling 38 (2014) 2884-2900.
■ Nosoohi, I. &Nookabadi, A.S., Designing a Supply Contract to Coordinate Supplier s Production, Considering Customer Oriented Production, Computers & Industrial Engineering,Volume 74, August 2014, Pages 26-36.
■ Khakbaz, A., Nookabadi, A.s. & Shetab-bushehri, S.N., Urban bus fleet routing in transportation network equipped with park-and-ride: a case study of Babol, Iran, Transport. In press.
■ Nosoohi, I. &Nookabadi, A.S.& Moslehi, Gh, Contract Design in a Three-echelon Supply Chain, in Case of Information Uncertainty, Sharif Journal. In press
■ Nosoohi, I. &Nookabadi, A.S.& Moslehi, Gh, Design of Wholesale Price and Revenue Sharing Contracts in a Two-echelon Supply Chain, Sharif Journal. In press.
■ Eskandari, M., Nookabadi, A.S., Shatab-Bushehri, S.N., Mathematical Programming Model for Off-Street Public Parking Facilities Location (Case Study: The Central District of Isfahan, Operation and production Management. In press.