Paper Publications

  • Shabani, S. & Fatemi, Sh., "Design and Manufacturing of Rubber Cord for Mooring Line  of Waverider Buoy and Operational Test in Ports",  5th  National  Symposium  of  Marine and  Atmospheric Science & Technology, Iran, Feb. 2000.
  • Shabani, S. , Meratian, H. & Lueipour, M., "Computer Analysis and Structural Design of Waverider  Buoy ",  5th  National  Symposium of  Marine  and  Atmospheric  Science  &  Technology Iran, Feb. 2000.
  • Shabani, S., "Spectral Analysis of  Fixed  Template  Platforms Using  Modified  Response  Spectra", 6th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Abstract Title, Los Angelos, California, USA, May 26-31, 1996.
  • Shaba ni, S., "Dynamic Analysis of Fixed Template Platforms by Modal Approach", Second Workshop in Marine Structures, Sharif University of   Technology, 1996.