List of Publications

[1] Asadi, M. A., Goli, S. (2019) On the Network Reliability under Shock Models. .International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Productional Research. 30,165-172.


[2] Goli, S. (2019) On the Conditional Residual Lifetime of Coherent Systems under Double Regularly Checking. Naval Research Logistics. (2019),DOI: 10.1002/nav.21841.


[3] Gheisari, A., Goli, S. (2018) A Study on the Multi-state (r, s)-out-of- n Systems with Dependent Components. International Journal of Reliability, Risk and Safety:Theory and Application. 1, 11-16.


[4] Rahmati, M., Mirdamadi, H. R., and Goli, S.(2018) Divergence instability of pipes conveying fluid with uncertain flow velocity. Physica A, Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 491, 650-665.


[5] Goli, S., Xie, M. and Balakrishnan, N.(2018) On the mean residual life of a generalized k-out-of-n system. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 80, 2362-2372.


[6]  Goli, S., Asadi, M. (2017) A study on the conditional inactivity time of coherent systems. in Metrika. 80, 227-241.


[7] Mortazavi S. M., Karbasian, M. and Goli, S. (2017) Evaluating MTTF of 2-out-of-3 redundant systems with common cause failure and load share based on alpha factor and capacity flow models. International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management.. 8, 542-552.


[8] Mortazavi S. M., Karbasian, M. and Goli, S. (2016) Developing a method to estimate reliability of multi-state systems by considering dependent failures. Journal of Engineering and Quality Management. 5, 253-266.


[9] Sanei, M., Faramarzi, L., Fahimifar, A., Goli, S., Rahmati, A. and  Mehinrad, A. (2015) Shear strength of discontinuities in sedimentary rock masses based on direct shear tests. International Journal of Rock Mechanics  and Mining Sciences. 75, 119-131. 


[10] Parvardeh, A., Goli, S. and Soltani, A. R. (2014) Periodically Correlated and Multivariate Symmetric Stable Processes Related to Periodic and Cyclic Flow, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society (BIMS). 40, 339-355.


[11] Sanei, M., Faramarzi, L., Goli, S., Fahimifar, A., Rahmati, A. and  Mehinrad, A. (2013) Development of a new equation for joint roughness coefficient (JRC) with fractal dimension : a case study of Bakhtiary Dam site in Iran, Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 8, 465-475.


[12] Goliforushani,, S., Asadi, M. (2012) Stochastic Ordering Among Inactivity Times of Coherent Systems, Sankhya B. 73, 241-262.


[13] Goliforushani, S., Asadi, M. and Balakrishnan, N.(2012)  On the Residual and Inactivity Times of the Components of Used Coherent Systems, Journal of   Applied Probability. 49, 385-404. 


[14]  Asadi, M., Goliforushani, S. (2008) More on the mean residual lifetime of the coherent systems,  IEEE Transactions of  Reliability. 54, 574-580.


 [15] Goliforushani, S., Asadi, M. (2007) On the discrete mean past lifetime, Metrika. 68, 209-217.