Fatemeh Ghahremanzadeh

Ph.D Student

Title of Thesis: Investigation  and modeling of degredation process in PCL nanofibers scaffolds by artificial intelligence

Supervisors: Dr. Alihoseini & Dr. Semnani



Grad: PHD Student

EDUCATION  PHD. (Sep. 2012- now): Ph. D. Student in Textile Engineering- Textile Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT)

Title of Thesis: "Manufacturing and modeling the properties of PCL/Chitosan/Galactose scaffold for liver tissue engineering" Supervisors: Dr. Farzaneh Ali Hosseini & Dr. Dariush Semnani 

M. S. (Sep. 2007-Dec. 2009): Textile Engineering- Textile Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) Title of Thesis:" Investigation into thermal adaptable textiles with Phase Change Materials " Supervisors: Dr. Akbar Khoddami M. S. Seminar :" Application of Nanotechnology in textile finishing" 

B. S. (Sep. 2003-June 2007): Textile Engineering- Textile Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) Title of Thesis:" Improve the ability to prevent penetration of X-rays on knitted fabrics by Finishing on Yarn" Supervisors: Dr. Dariush Semnani ۲


1. " Improvement in poly(lactic acid) fabric performance via hydrophilic coating ", Progress in Organic Coatings, 72 (2011) 299– 304.

2. " Improvement in fastness properties of phase-change material applied on surface modified wool fabrics", Fibers and Polymers, 2010, Vol.11, No.8, 1170-1180.

3. "Protection of weft knitting fabric against X-ray by using lead powder coating", industria textila, Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 64-69, 2009. TEACHING EXPERIENCES 

Teaching in Birjand University- Department of Art: Sep. 2010- Dec. 2012

 Teaching in Comprehensive application of technical and vocational education, university (Birjand City): Jan. 2012- Dec. 2015 RESEARCH


 Nanotechnology  Tissue Engineering  Nanofibers  Medical Textile  Modeling (Neural Network) COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE Internet, General software (word, power point, End note), MATLAB, SPSS

  Email: F.ghahremanzadeh@tx.iut.ac.ir

