Ph.D. in Textile Engineering-Textile Technology
Thesis Title: Transient Heat Transfer Simulation in Nonwoven Fibrous Assembles
Supervisors: Dr. Mohammad Sheikhzadeh & Dr. Dariush Semnani
Consultant: Prof. Ebrahim Shirani
Resaerch Interests: Modeling and Simulation of Textile Structures, Mechatronic in Textile Technology
Coordinator of Mechatrotex Group
Address: Department of Textile Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 84156-83111
Fax: +98-311-391-2444
Phone: +98-913-309-4801
B.Sc. in Textile Technology Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, 1999-2003
M.Sc. in Textile Technology Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, 2003-2005
Thesis Topic: Optimization of Coefficients of an Electronically Controlled Warp Let-off Motion of Loom
PhD in Textile Technology Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, 2006-2012
Thesis Topic: Transient Heat Transfer Simulation in Nonwoven Fibrous Assembles
1- Design and Simulation of Electronic Warp Let-Off Controller of Weaving Machine, M. Darvishzadeh, M. Sheikh zadeh, SA. Hosseini and F. Sheikholeslam, 6th National Conference on Textile Engineering, 8-10 May 2007
2- A Comparison between Self Regulating Brake and Negative Warp Let-off Mechanism in Air-jet Weaving Machines, M. Darvishzadeh, K. Matin, M. Sheikhzadeh, The 9th Asian Textile conference, 28-30 june 2007, Taiwan
3- The Effect of Internal and External Factors on the Relationship between Abrasion Resistance and Friction of Yarns, M. Darvishzadeh, M. Sheikhzadeh, D. Semnani, The 9th Asian Textile conference, 28-30 june 2007, Taiwan
4- Effect of Different Types of Drawing-in on Production Efficiency of Plain Woven Fabrics, M. Darvishzadeh, K. Matin, M. Sheikhzadeh, The 9th Asian Textile conference, 28-30 june 2007, Taiwan
5- Determination of Yarn Position on Cone Surface of Random Cone Winding System, M Sheikhzadeh , D. Semnani, Z. Eslamian & M. Darvishzadeh, Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research, Vol. 33, June 2008, pp. 185-188
6- Theoretical Evaluation if Warp Tension Variations During Weaving Process, M. Sheikhzadeh, S. A. Hosseini, M. Darvishzadeh, Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research, Vol. 32, September 2007, pp. 377-380
7- Importance of Cloth Fell Position and its Specification Methods, M. Sheikhzadeh, E. Vatankhah and M. Darvishzadeh, 4th International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference – Magic World of Textiles, 5-8 October 2008, Dubrovnik, Croatia
8- Measurement of Thermal Diffusivity of polyester Nonwovens Using Artificial Intelligence, M. Darvishzadeh, D. Semnani, M. Sheikhzadeh and L.Wang. Autex2011-The 11th world textile conference,8-10 june 2011, Mulhouse, France
9- Improvement of X-Ray Protection Properties of 3D Spacer Fabric by lead powder printing, D. Semnani, M. Darvishzadeh, M. Shafii Dastjerdi and M. Gholipur Baradari, Autex2011-The 11th world textile conference,8-10 june 2011, Mulhaouse, France
10- Improvement modelling of heat transfer by using complex neural net in fibrous structures, M. Darvishzadeh, D. Semnani, E. Shiraniand M. Sheikhzadeh ,Fibers and Polymers, Vol. 12, No4, April 2012, pp. 542-548.
11- A Novel Real-Time Electronic Measuring Method for Cloth Fell Distance during Weaving, E. Vatankhah, M. Sheikhzadeh and M. Darvishzadeh, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol. 25, issu 3, 2013, pp. ?-?
1- Weaving Workshop, Isfahan University of Technology, 2003-2011
2- Staple Spinning Workshop, Isfahan University of Technology, 2006-2011
3- Fiber Physics Lab., Yazd University 2008-2009
4- Statistics in Textile, Machine Carpet, Quality Control, Scientific-Applied University 2010-2012
1- Persian (Fluent)
2- English (Fluent)
3- German (Low)