Dr. Javad Yekrang


Ph.D of Textile Engineering

Title of Thesis: Modeling and Optimization of Nanofibrous and Knitted Esophogus Scaffold by Complex ANN Model

Research Interest: Bio-fibrous Materials, Bio-textiles, Simulation and Modeling, Electronic and Smart Textiles

Lecturer in Bonab University



  • PhD. (Sep. 2011-now)

Textile Engineering (Textile Technology), Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), GPA:18.17/20

Thesis title: " Modeling and Optimization of Nanofibrous and Knitted Esophogus Scaffold by Complex ANN Model "

  • M.S. (Sep. 2009-Feb. 2011):

Textile Engineering (Textile Technology), Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), GPA:18.60/20

Thesis title: " Considering the Effective Parameters on Electrical Energy Creation of Wire Hybrid Yarns with Electromagnetic Property " (thesis score: 18.50/20)

  • B.S. (Sep. 2003-Jan. 2008):

Textile Engineering (Textile Technology), Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), GPA:15.76/20

Thesis title: "Measuring the surface roughness of nonwovens using machine vision method" (thesis score: 19.50/20 )

Diploma. (1998-2001): Mathematics & Physics, Taleghani, Isfahan, Iran., GPA: 18.90/20



  • Nanotechnology
  • Nano-Biomaterials
  • Tissue Engineering
  • Biotechnology
  • Medical Textile
  •  Nanofibers
  • Modeling & Neural Network
  • Electronic and Smart Textiles



  • 2nd rank among M.S. graduates, Discipline of Textile Technology, IUT, 2011.
  • 5th rank among B.S. graduates, Discipline of Textile Technology, IUT, 2005.
  • Nationwide M.Sc. entrance exam ranked 2 among more than 400 participants, February 2008.
  • Outstanding M.S. graduate award: Admission for Ph.D. program without participation in the national entrance exam, IUT, 2011.
  • Nationwide B.Sc. entrance exam ranked 3280 among more than 450000

Mobile Phone: +98-935-9584065

Email: javad.yekrang@tx.iut.ac.ir






1. Dec.2009-sep.2011:

 Part time working in Ghem Nakh Kimia Co., Morchekhort Industrial Area, Isfahan,Iran

Company’s activity: PET filament textured yarn (DTY) manufacturing

My activities in Ghaem Nakh Kimia Co. :

  • R&D manager
  • Quality responsible
  • Product responsible
  • Managing company’s lab


2. Dec.2009-sep.2011:

 Part time working in Dena Nakh Sepahan Co., Morchekhort Industrial Area, Isfahan,Iran

Company’s activity: PET filament yarn (POY) manufacturing

My activities in Dena Nakh Sepahan Co. :

  • Quality responsible
  • Product responsible
  • Managing company’s lab


3. Internship:

Gilan spinning Industry, 3 months period working with High bulk acrylic yarn spinning and dyeing machines, 2007



Teaching Assistant Jan. 2012: Department of Textile Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology

Course: Neural Network programming Using Matlab Software

Activities: Software Teaching and leading discussion,. 2012:Department of Textile Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology




  • PhD thesis: “Modeling and Optimization of Nanofibrous and Knitted Esophogus Scaffold by Complex ANN Model” Prof. D. Semnani (2012-now).
  • M.S. thesis: Considering the Effective Parameters on Electrical Energy Creation of Wire Hybrid Yarns with Electromagnetic Property, Supervisors: Prof. D.Semnani, Prof. M. Zarrebini, Jul. 2009-Feb. 2011.
  • M.S. Seminar: Textile roles in tissue Engineering fields, Supervisor: Prof. D. Semnani, Sep. 2008-Dec. 2008.
  • B.S. thesis: Measuring the surface roughness of nonwovens using machine vision method: Dr. D. Semnani, Jan. 2007- Jan. 2008.


Some Literature review projects during P.hD. :

1) investigation of Kevlar fiber structure variation  with SAXS/ WAXD methods

2) The Application of Textile in Tissue Engineering

4) Cell adhesion measurement methods in tissue engineering

5) Several review on various aspects of tissue engineering such as :

  • Cartilage tissue engineering
  • Vascular Tissue engineering
  • Bio Reactors in tissue engineering
  • Dermal tissue engineering
  • Bone tissue engineering

6) micro structure and macro structure of woven and 3D woven composites




Conference Papers:

1- D. Semnani, J. Yekrang & H. Ghayoor, “Analysis and Measuring Surface Roughness of Nonwovens Using Machine Vision Method”, International Conference of Signal Processing, Amsterdam, Vol. 57, pp. 543-546, September, 2009.



Internet, General softwares (word, excel, powerpoint), MATLAB(Neural Networks), SPSS, Abaqus



  • Advanced Bio Polymer Materials (participated the Class as guest in School of Material engineering )
  • Biodegradable biomaterials in biological systems (participated the Class as guest in School of Medical in Isfahan University)
  • Advanced Composite
  • Design of Experimental(DOE)
  • Fabric Dynamic and mechanical Relations
  • Advance Fiber structure evaluation methods

