Dariush Semnani is the Associate Professor of Textile Engineering and Deputy of President for Students Affairs in Isfahan University of Technology.
Dariush received his Ph. D. from Amirkabir University of Technology in 2005 with joint Pd. D. Supervision of Professor Latifi from Amrkabir University of Technology and Professor Behnam Pourdeyhimi from North Carolina State University. This was followed by a position as a research scientist at Gifu University in Japan. He jointed to Isfahan University of Technology from 2005 as assistant professor and then became associate professor in textile department from 2010. He was deputy of education in textile department and then general manager of educational affairs in Isfahan university of technology.
Dariush has taught textile technology and engineering as well as soft computing, modeling, simulation, image analysis and artificial intelligence applications to textiles and fibrous materials problems both at undergraduate and graduate levels. His research experience covers such areas as image and structural analysis of fibrous materials, textile applications in medicine, bioengineering and materials, instrumentation and test method development, among others. His contributions to fiber / textile science, engineering and technology and his contributions to the profession have been well recognized by several awards such as top selected researcher of IUT and top selected researcher of Isfahan province. He has published four books and chapters, over 45 refereed journal articles and over 50 conference presentations. He also has designed and manufactured many instruments, machines, testing apparatus for industry. Dariush has written a lot of softwares by Matlab, LabView, Visual Studio ++ and LabWindows for scientific and research matters in modeling, simulation and evaluations of fibrous materials and textile engineering processes. Behnam's research interests are in the area of fibrous biomaterials, medical prothesis, smart and elctrotextiles, modeling and simulation of textile processes and parameters. Dariush has cooperated in leading researches for ministry of industry and mining, industries development organization, scientific deputy of president and also a lot of major companies.