Course no: 20-10-514
Room: 3 Sun. & Tue. 15:00 - 16:30
Mid-term exam:
Final exam: 1402/3/29 @ 8:30
- Excitons in solids
- Plasmon and surface plasmonic in solids
- Lattice dynamics in crystals
- Lattice vibrations - phonons
- Particle scattering
- Optical properties of metals
- Transport in metals
- Optical properties in semiconductors and insulators
- Solid State Physics, G. Grosso and G. Parravicini (Academic Press; 2nd Ed., 2014)
- Solid-State physics, Introduction to the Theory, J. Patterson and B. Bailey (Springer; 2nd Ed., 2011)
- Solid State Physics, N. W. Ashcroft and N. D. Mermin
Introduction to Solid State Physics, C. Kittel, 8th Ed.
Solid-State Physics: An Introduction to Principles of Materials Science, H. Ibach