
Supervised students in MSc degree

  1.  Salehi, M. 2010. Investigation of Genetic Variation and Selection Indices in Breeding Lines Isolated from Local Population of Sesame.
  2. Nabi Afjadi, S. 2010. Study of genetic Diversity in Iranian Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Genotypes Using ISSR & SSR Markers.
  3.  Nematollahi, Z. 2010. Evaluation of Agronomic Trait in Breeding Lines of Flax under Two Moisture Regimes.
  4. Nikfekr, R. 2010. Investigation of Agronomic Trait and Relationship Between Yield and Its Components in Some Breeding Lines of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.).
  5. Nasiri, F. 2009. Evaluation of Agronomic Trait of Breeding Lines Isolated from Sesame Landraces.
  6.  Fathi Rabbani, M. 2009. Determination of Wild Genome Proportion in Wide Crosses of Safflower Using ISSR Marker.
  7.  Arabbeigi Jazi, M. 2009. Study of Karyotype, Meiotic Behavior and NORs in Wild Synthetic and Common Wheat.
  8.  Ahmadzadeh, S. 2009. Investigation of Physicochemical Properties of Oil and Seed Composition in Safflower Genotypes for Determination the Best Conditions in order to Producing Shortening.
  9.  Moradmand, R. 2009. Study of Response of Melon Cultivars to Tissue Culture in View Point of Organogenesis and Embryogenesis.
  10.  Moshksar, M. 2009. Genetic Variation and Selection Indices in isolated lines from Local Population of Flax.
  11.  Afzali, M. 2008. Evaluation of Yield Potentials of Sesame Cultivars in Climate Condition of Isfahan.
  12.  Pooladsaz, N. 2007. Evaluation of Agronomic Characteristics of Isolated Lines from Local Population of Flax.
  13.  Ghahery, M. 2007. Study of Genetic Variation for Agronomic Characteristics in Local Population of Sesame and Line Isolation by Single Plant Selection.
  14.  Asgarinia, P. 2007. Stability Analysis and Genotype × Environment Interaction in Wheat Cultivars.
  15.  Sedghi Dehnavi, A. 2006. Study of Genetic Variation for Agronomic Characteristics in Local Populations of Flax and Line Isolation by Single Plant Selection.
  16. Akhavan, A. 2006. Comparison of Different Methods for Detection of Seed Infection and Role of Factors Influence Epiphytic Population of Xanthamonas Axonopodis PV. Phaseoli in Epidemiology of Bean Common Blight.
  17.  Shahbazi, E. 2005. Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Different Trait in Safflower, Using Generation Mean Analysis.
  18.  Mohammadi Mirik, A. A. 2005. Evaluation of Flax Genotype and Their Interaction with Seeding Rate and Planting Date.
  19.  Abbasi, A. 2005. Investigation of General and Specific Combining Ability for Different Traits in Some Inbreed Line of Sunflower.
  20. Bagheri, H. R. 2004. Effect of genotypes, spring and summer planting dates and their interaction on seed yield, oil yield and other agronomic traits in safflower.
  21. Agharokh, M. 2004. Evaluation of Stability Analysis Method in Oat (Avena sativa L.) Genotyps.
  22.  Abbasi , Z. 2002. Investigating the Effect of Seed Colour and Linolenic Acid Concentration on Agronomic Characteristics in Flax.
  23. Khandan, A. 2002. Investigation of Genetic Variation for Agronomic Traits and Heritability of Yield Components in a Landrace Variety of Flax.
  24. Hasani, M. 2001. Estimates of Genetic Parameters and Combining Ability in Wheat.

Supervised students in Ph.D. degree

  1.  Shahbazi, E. 2012. Production of Canola Double Haploid Lines by Microspore Culture and Evaluation of Their Tolerance to Salinity Stress.
  2.  Emrani, S. N. 2011. Mutation Induction by Chemical Mutagens and Gamma Radiation and Detection of Useful Mutants in Canola.
  3.  Parsaeian, M. 2011. Genetic Analysis of Related Traits to Seed Yield, Yield Components and Seed Quality in Sesame.
  4. Mohammadi Mirik, A. A. 2010. Genetic Study of Some Agro-Morphological Traits and Oil Content in Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.).
  5.  Sabzalian Dastjerdi, M. R. 2009. Study of Inter-specific Hybridization of Safflower with Wild Species and the Effect of Seed Color on Agronomic Traits, Seed Characteristics and Fly Damage in Safflower.
  6.  Talebi Bedaf, M. 2009. Genetic Diversity and Population Dynamics of Sonorhizobim Meliloti Nodulating Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Genotypes.
  7.  Heidari, B. 2007. Mapping Quantitative Traits Loci in Doubled Haploid Wheat Lines using Molecular Markers.
  8.  Azizi, F. 2005. Evaluation of Epistasis Effects for Yield and Other Characteristics in Maize.
  9.  Pahlavani, M. H. 2004. Genetics of Yield, Height, Maturity, Oil and Protein Content in Safflower Line Isolated from Local Populations.
  10.  Rameeh, V. 2004. Genetic Analysis of Glucosinolate, Oil and Protein Contents, Seed Yield and other Related Traits to Seed Yield in Rapeseed Breeding Lines and Cultivars.