Supervised students in MSc degree
- Salehi, M. 2010. Investigation of Genetic Variation and Selection Indices in Breeding Lines Isolated from Local Population of Sesame.
- Nabi Afjadi, S. 2010. Study of genetic Diversity in Iranian Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Genotypes Using ISSR & SSR Markers.
- Nematollahi, Z. 2010. Evaluation of Agronomic Trait in Breeding Lines of Flax under Two Moisture Regimes.
- Nikfekr, R. 2010. Investigation of Agronomic Trait and Relationship Between Yield and Its Components in Some Breeding Lines of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.).
- Nasiri, F. 2009. Evaluation of Agronomic Trait of Breeding Lines Isolated from Sesame Landraces.
- Fathi Rabbani, M. 2009. Determination of Wild Genome Proportion in Wide Crosses of Safflower Using ISSR Marker.
- Arabbeigi Jazi, M. 2009. Study of Karyotype, Meiotic Behavior and NORs in Wild Synthetic and Common Wheat.
- Ahmadzadeh, S. 2009. Investigation of Physicochemical Properties of Oil and Seed Composition in Safflower Genotypes for Determination the Best Conditions in order to Producing Shortening.
- Moradmand, R. 2009. Study of Response of Melon Cultivars to Tissue Culture in View Point of Organogenesis and Embryogenesis.
- Moshksar, M. 2009. Genetic Variation and Selection Indices in isolated lines from Local Population of Flax.
- Afzali, M. 2008. Evaluation of Yield Potentials of Sesame Cultivars in Climate Condition of Isfahan.
- Pooladsaz, N. 2007. Evaluation of Agronomic Characteristics of Isolated Lines from Local Population of Flax.
- Ghahery, M. 2007. Study of Genetic Variation for Agronomic Characteristics in Local Population of Sesame and Line Isolation by Single Plant Selection.
- Asgarinia, P. 2007. Stability Analysis and Genotype × Environment Interaction in Wheat Cultivars.
- Sedghi Dehnavi, A. 2006. Study of Genetic Variation for Agronomic Characteristics in Local Populations of Flax and Line Isolation by Single Plant Selection.
- Akhavan, A. 2006. Comparison of Different Methods for Detection of Seed Infection and Role of Factors Influence Epiphytic Population of Xanthamonas Axonopodis PV. Phaseoli in Epidemiology of Bean Common Blight.
- Shahbazi, E. 2005. Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Different Trait in Safflower, Using Generation Mean Analysis.
- Mohammadi Mirik, A. A. 2005. Evaluation of Flax Genotype and Their Interaction with Seeding Rate and Planting Date.
- Abbasi, A. 2005. Investigation of General and Specific Combining Ability for Different Traits in Some Inbreed Line of Sunflower.
- Bagheri, H. R. 2004. Effect of genotypes, spring and summer planting dates and their interaction on seed yield, oil yield and other agronomic traits in safflower.
- Agharokh, M. 2004. Evaluation of Stability Analysis Method in Oat (Avena sativa L.) Genotyps.
- Abbasi , Z. 2002. Investigating the Effect of Seed Colour and Linolenic Acid Concentration on Agronomic Characteristics in Flax.
- Khandan, A. 2002. Investigation of Genetic Variation for Agronomic Traits and Heritability of Yield Components in a Landrace Variety of Flax.
- Hasani, M. 2001. Estimates of Genetic Parameters and Combining Ability in Wheat.
Supervised students in Ph.D. degree
- Shahbazi, E. 2012. Production of Canola Double Haploid Lines by Microspore Culture and Evaluation of Their Tolerance to Salinity Stress.
- Emrani, S. N. 2011. Mutation Induction by Chemical Mutagens and Gamma Radiation and Detection of Useful Mutants in Canola.
- Parsaeian, M. 2011. Genetic Analysis of Related Traits to Seed Yield, Yield Components and Seed Quality in Sesame.
- Mohammadi Mirik, A. A. 2010. Genetic Study of Some Agro-Morphological Traits and Oil Content in Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.).
- Sabzalian Dastjerdi, M. R. 2009. Study of Inter-specific Hybridization of Safflower with Wild Species and the Effect of Seed Color on Agronomic Traits, Seed Characteristics and Fly Damage in Safflower.
- Talebi Bedaf, M. 2009. Genetic Diversity and Population Dynamics of Sonorhizobim Meliloti Nodulating Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Genotypes.
- Heidari, B. 2007. Mapping Quantitative Traits Loci in Doubled Haploid Wheat Lines using Molecular Markers.
- Azizi, F. 2005. Evaluation of Epistasis Effects for Yield and Other Characteristics in Maize.
- Pahlavani, M. H. 2004. Genetics of Yield, Height, Maturity, Oil and Protein Content in Safflower Line Isolated from Local Populations.
- Rameeh, V. 2004. Genetic Analysis of Glucosinolate, Oil and Protein Contents, Seed Yield and other Related Traits to Seed Yield in Rapeseed Breeding Lines and Cultivars.