
Journal Papers:

1) M. Rouzbahani, S. Mortazavi (2023), "Numerical simulation of film boiling heat transfer in the presence of a uniform electric

field using front tracking, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol 161, 104386.


2) M. Najafian, S. Mortazavi (2023), "A numerical study of drop evaporation at high density ratios using front tracking method",

Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol 134, 1-15.


3) A. Salehi, S. Mortazavi, M. Amini (2022), "A numerical study of heat transfer in saturated nucleate pool boiling process:

a new analysis based on the inherent physics", Acta Mechanica Vol 233, 3601-3622.


4) S. Mortazavi, R. Zahedi (2022), "A numerical study of suspension of microdroplets in a channel under uniform electric field at finite electric Reynolds numbers, Melcher-Taylor theory revisited", Archieve of Applied Mechanics.


5) S. Mortazavi (2022), "Towards the ulitmate goal on simulating multi phase flows, simulation of film boiling at high density ratios",Journal of Heat Transfer, Transaction of the ASME,144, 084501-1.


6)A. Khorram,S. Mortazavi (2022), "Direct numerical simulation of film boiling on a horizontal periodic surface in three dimensions using front tracking",Physics of Fluids, 34, 052117.


7)H. Shahin, S. Mortazavi (2020),"Three-dimensional numerical simulation of axis-switching and micro-droplet formation in a co-flowing elliptic jet flow system using front tracking method",Computers and Fluids, Vol 198, pp 1-10.


8)M. Akbari, S. Mortazavi (2019),"Three dimensional numerical simulation of drops suspended in a channel under uniform electric field", European Journal of Mechanics/B Fluids, Vol  78, pp 32-49.


9)A. Sedaghatkish, S. Mortazavi(2018),"Simulation of film boiling heat transfer in complex geometries using front tracking method", Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol 12, No 3, pp 931-946.


10)M. Abreruee, S. Mortazavi (2018),"Effect of viscosity ration on the motion of drops flowing on an icnlined surface",Theoratical and Computational  Fluid Dynamics, Vol 32, No 10, pp 73-90.


11)M. Rasisadeh, S. Mortazavi, H. Shahin (2018),"Drop breakup and drop pair coalescence using front tracking method in three diemensions",Acta Mechanica, Vol 229, No 3,pp 1021-1043.


12)H. Shahin, S. Mortazavi (2017),"Three-dimensional Simulation of microdroplet formation in a co-flowing immiscible fluid system using front tracking method",Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol 243,pp 737-749.


13) M. Akbari, S. Mortazavi (2017),"Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Deformation of a Single Drop under Uniform Electric Field", Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol 10, No 2, pp 693-702.


14) R. Khazaeli, M. Ashrafizaadeh, S. Mortazavi (2015),”A Ghost Fluid Approach for

Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Method in Dealing with Heat Flux Boundary Condition

In Thermal Problems with Complex Geometries”, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics,

Vol 8, No 3, pp 439-452.


15)  R. Khazaeli, S. Mortazavi , M. Ashrafizaadeh (2015),”Application of an Immersed

Boundary Treatment in Simulation of Natural Convection Problems with Complex

Geometry via the Lattice Boltzmann Method”, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics,

Vol 8, No 2, pp 309-321.


16)   A. Razavieh, S. Mortazavi (2015),”The interface between fluid-like and

Solid-like behavior for drops suspended in two-phase Couette flow”,Acta

Mechanica, Vol 226, pp 1105-1121.


17)  M. Tafreshi , S. Mortazavi  (2013), “Numerical Simulation of The motion of

Drops on an Inclined Surface”, Iranian Journal of Science  & Technology, Vol

37.No M2, pp 119-131.


18)  O. Pournader, S. Mortazavi (2013), “Three dimensional interaction  of two

drops driven by buoyancy”, Computers and Fluids, Vol 88, 543-556.


19)  M. Amiri, S. Mortazavi (2013), “Three-dimensional numerical simulation of

Sedimenting drops inside a vertical channel”, International Journal of Multiphase

Flow, Vol 56, 40-53.


20)  R. Khazaeli, S. Mortazavi , M. Ashrafizaadeh (2013),”Application of a ghost

fluid approach for a thermal lattice Boltzmann method”, Journal of Computational

Physics, Vol 250, 126-140.


21)  S. Goodarzi, S. Mortazavi (2013), “Numerical simulation of buoyant drops

Suspended in a shear flow: suspensions at low and moderate areal fractions”,

Fluid Dynamic Research, Vol 45, No. 045502, pp 1-18.


22)  M. Bayareh, S. Mortazavi (2013), “Equilibrium position of a buoyant drop

in Couette and Poiseuille flows at finite Reynolds numbers”,Journal of mechanics

,Vol 29,No. 1,pp 53-58.


23)  H. Kalili, S. Mortazavi (2013),”Numerical simulation of buoyant drops

 Suspended in Poiseuille flow flow at nonzero Reynolds numbers” ,

Acta Mechanica. Vol 224, No 2,269-286.


24) S. Mortazavi, M. Tafreshi (2013),”On the behavior of suspension of drops on

 an inclined surface”,Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications,Vol 392,

No. 1, pp 58-71.


25)   M. Shamshiri, R. Khazaeli, M. Ashrafizaadeh, S. Mortazavi (2012),

“Heat transfer and entropy generation analyses associated with

mixed electrokinetically induced and pressure-driven power-law

microflows”.Energy, Vol 42, pp 157-169.


26)  S. Goodarzi, S. Mortazavi (2012), “Numerical simulation of a buoyant

suspending drop in plane Couette flow : The equilibrium position

of the drop”, Iranian Journal of Science  & Technology, Transaction

B, Engineering, Vol 36, No. M1, pp 69-82.


27)  M. Shamshiri, R. Khazaeli, M. Ashrafizaadeh, S. Mortazavi (2012),

“Electroviscous and thermal effects on non-Newtonian liquid flows

though michrochannels”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics,

Vol 173-174, pp 1-12.


28)  M. Bayareh, S. Mortazavi (2011), “Effect of density ratio on the

hydrodynamic interaction between two drops in simple shear flow”,

Iranian Journal of Science  & Technology, Transaction B, Engineering,

Vol 35, No. M2, pp 121-132.


29)  A. Noorbakhsh, S. Mortazavi and Y. Afshar (2011), “Three-dimensional

Numerical simulation of drops suspended in Poiseuille flow at non-zero

Reynolds numbers”, Physics of Fluids, Vol 23,Issue 12, pp 23303-1,23303-11.


30)  M. Bayareh, S. Mortazavi (2011),”Three-dimensional numerical simulation

of drops suspended in simple shear at finite Reynolds numbers”, International

Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol 37, Issue 10, pp 1315-1330.


31) M. Bayareh, S. Mortazavi (2011),”Binary collision of drops in simple shear

flow at finite Reynolds numbers: Geometry and viscosity ratio effects”, Advances

In Engineering Software, Vol 42, Issue 8, pp 604-611.


32) S. Mortazavi, Y. Afshar and H. Abbaspour (2011),”Numerical Simulation of

Two-Dimensional Drops Suspended in Simple Shear Flow at Nonzero Reynolds

Numbers, Journal of Fluids Engineering, ASME Transaction, Vol 133, Issue 3,



33) M. Bayareh and S. Mortazavi (2009),"Numerical simulation of the motion of a single drop in a shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers", Iranian Journal of Science & Technology , Transaction B. Engineering, vol 33, No B5, pp 441-452.


34) A.Nourbakhsh and S. Mortazavi (2010),"A three dimensional study of the motion of a drop in plane Poiseuille flow at finite Reynolds numbers", Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, Transaction B. Engineering, vol 34, No.B2, pp 179-196.


35) A. Nourbakhsh and S. Mortazavi (2012), "The lateral migration of a drop under gravity between two parallel plates at finite Reynolds numbers", Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, vol 5, No 1, pp 11-21.


36) A. Rostami and S. Mortazavi (1990), "Analytical prediction of Nusselt number in a simultaneously developing laminar flow between parallel plates", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 11, No 1, pp 44-47.


37) S. Mortazavi  and Gretar Tryggvason (2000), "A numerical study

of the motion of Drops in Poiseuille Flow, Part 1. Lateral migration of one drop", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 411, pp 325-350.


38) P. Sunderland, S. Mortazavi and G.M. Faeth (1994), "Laminar Smoke Point of Low Pressure Diffusion Flames", Combustion and Flame, 96: 97-103.


39) S. Mortazavi, P.B. Sunderland, J. Jurng, U.O. Koylu and G.M. Faeth (1993), "Structure of Soot Containing Laminar Jet Diffusion Flames", AIAA 93-078









Conference Papers:

 1)         M. Akbari and S. Mortazavi (2016),"Electrohydrodynamic interaction

             of drop pairs in three dimensions", The international Conference on New Researches

              in Engineering Science",Tehran University,Tehran.

 2)          M. Akbari and S. Mortazavi (2015),"Numerical Simulation of two-dimensional Drops

              under a Uniform Electric Field",Sixteenth National Conference on Flow Dynamics,

              Razi University, Kermanshah.

3)          M. Razizadeh and S. Mortazavi (2015), "Numerical Simulation of Deformation and

             Breakup of a Drop in Shear Flow using Front-Tracking Method",Twelfth International

             Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2015),Japan.

4)         M. Ahmadi and S. Mortazavi (2014), “A numerical study of the nonlinear

            Behavior of the interface between two immiscible fluids”, 1st national

            conference on development of civil, architecture, electricity and

            mechanical engineering, Gorgan, Iran.

5)        A. Razavieh and S. Mortazavi (2012),”The Interface between Fluid-like

                and Solid-like Behavior of Two-phase Couette Flow: Bulk Reynolds number

                Effects”, ISME 2013, 21th Annual International Conference on

            Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran.

6)         A. Razavieh and S. Mortazavi (2012),”Equilibrium position of a drop

            In horizontal shear flow”, 4th National Conference on CFD Applications

            In Chemical & Petroleum Industries, Tehran, Iran.

7)         S. Goodarzi and S. Mortazavi (2011) ,’Effect of gravity on the equilibrium

            position of a drop”, 19th Annual Conference on mechanical Eng.

            ISME2011), Birjand University,Iran.

8)         M. Bayareh and S. Mortazavi (2011) ,”Equilibrium Position of a buoyant

            drop in simple shear flow”, 19th Annual Conference on mechanical Eng.

           (ISME2011), Birjand University,Iran.

9)         M. Bayareh and S. Mortazavi (2010), "Migration of a drop in simple shear

            flow at finite Reynolds numbers: size and viscosity ratio effects", ICME

            2010, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering”, Cape Town,

            South Africa.

10)        A. Nourbakhsh and S. Mortazavi (2010), "The motion of a neutrally

            buoyant and non-neutrally buoyant drop at finite Reynolds numbers",

            ISME  2010, 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical

            Engineering, Tehran, Iran.

11)         S. Mortazavi and M. Bayareh (2009),"Geometry effects on the interaction

            of two equal-sized drops in simple shear flow at finite Reynolds

            numbers", Fifth International Conference on Computational and

            Experimental Methods In Multiphase and Complex flows,

            New Forest, UK.

12)         M. Bayareh and S. Mortazavi (2009),"Numerical simulation of the

            interaction of two equal-sized drops in a shear flow at finite Reynolds

            numbers", ISME 2009, 17th Annual International Conference on

            Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran.

13)         S. Mortazavi, A. Sabonchi, A. Nourbakhsh (2009), "A three dimensional

            study of the motion of drops in Poiseuille flow at finite Reynolds

             numbers", ISME 2009, 17th Annual International Conference

            on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran.

14)         S. Mortazavi and Y. Afshar (2007), "A numerical study of the motion of

            drops in Couette flow: (high Reynolds numbers) the effect of viscosity

            ratio",  ISME 2007, 15th Annual International Conference on Mechanical

            Engineering, Tehran, Iran.

15)         P. Yazdi and S. Mortazavi (2006), "A numerical study of the motion of  a

            drop in Poiseuille flow", ISME 2006, 14th Annual International

            Conference  on Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan, Iran.

16)        F. Fazeli and S. Mortazavi (2005), "A vortex method for simulation of

            turbulent jets", ISME 2005, 13th Annual International Conference on

            Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan, Iran.

17)        S. Mortazavi, P. Sunderland, JJ. Jurng and G.M. Faeth, (1992),

            "Structure of Laminar Jet Diffusion Flames at Low pressures",

            Spring Technical Meeting, Central State Sections of the

            Combustion Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

18)       S. Mortazavi, Gretar Tryggvason,(1998), "A three dimensional Vortex

            method for simulation of turbulent jets", 51st Annual meeting, American 

            Physical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsilvania.

19)       S. Mortazavi, Gretar Tryggvason, (1994), "Fluidization of drops In a shear

            Flow",  American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics,


20)       S. Mortazavi, Gretar Tryggvason (1996),  "Suspension of drops in a

            Shear Flow ", American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics,

            Syracuse, New York.