Conference Papers

Mansouri-Borujeni,N.Mirhoseini,M.Saboonchi,A.”Thermal Modeling of strip across the transfer talow in corrugated tubes with different inclinations” International Communication Heat And Mass Transfer,Vol39,138-143,2012. 2012
Sharifi,F.Salimpoor,M.Saboonchi,A.”Effect of highly conductive insert architecture in the constructal cooling of a disc” 19th Annual Conference on mechanical Engineering (ISME2011),No2528,1390,Birjand,Iran. 2011
Olumi,A.Saboonchi,A.Sedaghat,A.”Effects of Incidence Angle on Thermal Radiative Properties of Nanoscale Semiconductors” 6th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED and THEORTICAL MECHANICS(MECHANICS TO),No2447,1389,Athens. 2010
Olumi,A.Saboonchi,A.Sedaghat,A.”effects of Donors and Acceptors on radiative properties of Nanoscale Multilayer Structures at infrared Wavelengths” 6th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED and THEORETICAL MECHANICS(MECHANICS TO),No2447,1389,Athens. 2010
Kalbasi,R.Alamrajabi,A.Saboonchi,a.”MULTI- EFFECT PASSIVE DESALINATION SYSTEM,AN EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH” US Iran Workshop on Challenges in the development of Solar energy,No2615,1389. 2010
Olumi,A.Saboonchi,A.Sedaghat,A.”Effects of Dopant Concentration on Radiative Properties of Nanoscale Multilayer with Incoherent Formulation for Infrared Wavelengths” The lst Regional Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Engineering Sciences,N 2009
Olumi,A.Saboonchi,A.Sedaghat,A.”Predict Thermal Radiative Propertise of Nano scale Multilayer structures” International conference Nanotechnology and Application,No1756, 113-118,1387,Athens,yunan. 2008
Olumi,A.Saboonchi,A.Sedaghat,A.”Computing Thermal Radiative Properties of Nanoscale multilayer” international Conference on mathematics, Statistics Scientific Computing (ICMSSC2009),No2088,1387,Dubai. 2008
Saboonchi,A.Sedaghat,A.Olumi,A.”Thermal Radiative Properties of Nanoscale Multilayer Structures” 2nd International Congress on Nanoscience&Nanotechnology,No1419,1387,Tabriz,Iran. 2007
Chendhil,P.Saboonchi,A.Gelahalisab.”Effect of Radiation on the Evaporation Enhancement of Liquid fuels in Porous media” International Conference on advances in Mechanical engineering,Chennai,India,December14-16,2006 2006
4-Chendhil,P.saboonchi,A.Gollahalli,S.R.”Influence of Solid Radiation in the evaporation Enhancement of liquid Fuels in Porous media” XXVI Oklahoma AIAA/ASME Symposium,No2167,1385,Oklahoma,America. 2006
Periasamy,Ch.Saboonchi,A.Gollahalli,S.R.”Influence of Solid Radiation in the Evaporation Enhancement of Liquid Fuels in Porus Media” XXVI OKLSHOMA AIAA/ASME SYMPOSIUM,NO1405,7-7,1384,Oklahoma City,America. 2004
Saboonchi, A., Sutton W.H. , Love T.J., “Direct Determination of Gray Participating Thermal Radiation Properties of Insulating Materials”, AIAA Thermophysics Conference, 1987.  
Love T.J. and Saboonchi, A., “Determination of Thermal Radiation Properties of Fiber Insulation”, AIAA 15th Thermophysics Conference, AIAA-80-1528, 1980.

