Undergraduate Courses
Overview and history of remote sensing, the fundamentals of electromagnetic radiation, remote sensing systems: optical, thermal and active, image processing: enhancement, transformations, filtering, pre-processing, classification, applications of remote sensing in relation to soil, water, vegetation and man-made features, practical exercises using image processing softwares.
Introduction to earth formation and its topography, rock classification in geomorphology, water erosion, karstic landforms, effect of erosion on land forms, mass movements, dynamic geomorphology, stream morphology, preparation of geomorphological maps.
Characteristics of arid zones, wind erosion and sand dunes, morphology of sand dunes, land forms of arid lands, pediments and playas, analysis of aeolian sediments, dune stabilization.
Introduction to earth formation and its topography, rock classification in geomorphology, water erosion, karstic landforms, effect of erosion on land forms, mass movements, dynamic geomorphology, stream morphology, preparation of geomorphological maps. Characteristics of arid zones, wind erosion and sand dunes, morphology of sand dunes, land forms of arid lands, pediments and playas, analysis of aeolian sediments, dune stabilization.
Postgraduate Courses
Advanced topics in remote sensing such as hyperspectral imagery (methods of analysis and interpretation), examinations of spectral libraries, mapping subpixel components with multi- and hyperspectral imagery, applications of hyperspectral imagery with the focus on rangelands and related topics, practical exercises using image processing softwares.
Desertification and Control Techniques
Desert and desertification concepts, desertification factors and processes, land degradation and its trend in different biomes, land degradation and its trend in Iran, combating desertification techniques (biological, chemical and physical), wind erosion and control techniques, natural vegetation condition of Iran in the past and present.
Formation definition and concept, Iranian geological zones, geological formations of Iran prior to quaternary, quaternary phenomena in the world (such as climate change, glacial and interglacial periods, glacial sediments, losses, wind processes), quaternary stratigraphy, and quaternary phenomena in Iran.