Vegetation indices are widely used for assessing and monitoring ecological variables such as vegetation
cover, above-ground biomass and leaf area index. This study reviewed and evaluated different groups of vegetation
indices for estimating vegetation cover in southern rangelands in South Australia. Slope-based, distance-based, orthogonal
transformation and plant-water sensitive vegetation indiceswere calculated from Landsat thematic mapper (TM) image data
and compared with vegetation cover estimates at monitoring points made during Pastoral Lease assessments. Relationships
between various vegetation indices and vegetation cover were compared using simple linear regression at two different
scales: within two contrasting land systems and across broader regional landscapes. Of the vegetation indices evaluated,
stress related vegetation indices using red, near-infrared and mid-infrared TM bands consistently showed significant
relationships with vegetation cover at both land system and landscape scales. Estimation of vegetation cover was more
accurate within land systems than across broader regions. Total perennial and ephemeral plant cover was best predicted
within land systems, while combined vegetation, plant litter and soil cryptogam crust cover was best predicted at landscape
scale. These results provide a strong foundation for use of vegetation indices as an adjunct to field methods for assessing
vegetation cover in southern Australia.