
Postdoctoral Fellow / lab manager, 2007- 2011

Hot Deformation lab manager, Department of Mining and Materials Engineering

McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada

Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engineering– Hot Deformation / Physical Metallurgy, 2002-2007

McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, Supervisor: Prof. Steve Yue

Thesis: "The Effect of Very High Temperature Deformation on the Hot Ductility of V-Microalloyed Steel"

M.Sc. in Materials Engineering – Identification and Selection of Materials, 1996-1999

Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, Supervisors: Prof. Abbas Najafizadeh, Prof. Ali Shafyei

Thesis: "Thermomechanical & Grain Growth Behavior of HSLA Steel (DIN STE 380-19800) by means of Hot Compression Test"

B.Sc. in Materials Engineering – Industrial Metallurgy, 1989-1993

Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, Supervisor: Prof. Abbas Najafizadeh

Thesis: "Effects of Alloying Elements and Heat Treatment on Austempered Ductile Iron"