Thesis title:
Microstructural and mechanical properties of Selective Laser Melted IN718 superalloy at different processing conditions.
Conference papers (from thesis):
Journal papers (from thesis):
- Ali Rezaei, Ahmad Rezaeian, Ahmad Kermanpur, Mohsen Badrossamay, Ehsan Foroozmehr, Mahdi Marashi, Ali Foroozmehr, Jeongho Han, Microstructural and mechanical anisotropy of selective laser melted IN718 superalloy at room and high temperatures using small punch test, Materials Characterization, Volume 162, 2020.
- Ali Rezaei, Ahmad Kermanpur, Ahmad Rezaeian, Mohsen Badrossamay, Ehsan Foroozmehr, Fazlollah Sadeghi, Jeongho Han, Tak Min Park, Contribution of hot isostatic pressing on densification, microstructure evolution, and mechanical anisotropy of additively manufactured IN718 Ni-based superalloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 823, 2021.
Honors, Awards and Experiences:
- Currently, Research Assistant (RA) in Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing Laboratory, University of Waterloo.
- Currently, a Ph.D. student at University of Waterloo.
- Former manager of the additive manufacturing of materials Department, Noura Compnay, Isfahan, Iran