

(1) On the limiting distributions of additive arithmetic functions.  Proceedings of the Ninth National Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1978), pp. 320-335, (in English).

(2) On the asymptotic expansions for the moments and the limiting distributions of some additive arithmetic functions. (Ph. D. dissertation, Department of Statistics, Stanford University,)  Technical Report no 116, Department of Statistics, Stanford University (1978), (in English).

(3) Problems of teaching mathematics in Iran, A Brief Review, Iranian Mathematical Society News letter, 13, (1980) page 2, (in Farsi).

(4) The mean and variance of the number of prime factors of a number, (in collabration with Professor Persi Diaconis), Abstract,  Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1980) page 24, (in English).

(5) On literacy campaign in Iran.  Isfahan Jehad University Magazine, 4, 1981, pp. 24-26, (in Farsi).

(6) Booklets for high school teachers,  Publications of Isfahan University of Technology, Elementary Statistics, Issue 1 (1980), Number Theory, Issues 6, 7, 8 and 9 (1980-1981), Some Suggestions About the Problems in Schools, Issue 10 (1981), Logic, Issue 11(1981), Vector Analysis, Issue 12(1981) and Some Notes on Mathematics Education (1988), (in Farsi).

(7) The statistics of higher education and its facilities in Isfahan, (in collaboration with a university team), The statistics of Isfahan Province,  Plans and Budget Publications (1982), pp. 249-345, (in Farsi).

(8) The future of higher education in Isfahan (in collaboration with a university team), A curriculum,  Plans and Budget publications (1983), (in Farsi).

(9) Lack of interest in students for studying mathematics , A Brief Review, Iranian Mathematical Society News letter, 3-4, (1983), pp. 1-3, (in Farsi).

(10) Euler,  Farhang and Andisheh Riazi, Magazine of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 3, 1984, pp. 2-6, (in Farsi).

(11) A look at suicide in Isfahan,  The Scientific Journal of the Isfahan Medical School, 4, 1985, pp. 29-36, (In collaboration with a medical team), (in Farsi).

(12) Primes in set theory,  Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 13 (1986), pp. 29-35, (in English).

(13) Ramanujan,  Farhang and Andisheh Riazi, Magazine of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 5-1986, pp, 2-12, (in Farsi).

(14) Expansion of   , Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 14 (1987), pp. 31-39, (in English).

(15) A review of 200 cases of attempted suicide in Isfahan,  The Journal of Isfahan Medical School, 6 (1987), pp. 47--59, (In collabration with Dr. Hasanzadeh), (in Farsi).

(16) How to study mathematics,  Roshd, Magazine of Mathematical Education, 15 (1987), pp. 10-12, (in Farsi).

(17) A simple method for teaching mathematics, Roshd, Magazine of Mathematical Education, 17 (1988), pp. 14-16, (in Farsi).

(18) A report on ICME-6, Distributed by the Ministry of Higher Education (1988), (in Farsi).

(19) About educational system of B.S. in Mathematics in Iran,  Nashr-I Ryazy Vol. 1, No. 3, 1988, pp. 156-157, (in Farsi).

(20) Kolmogrov,  Farhang and Andisheh Riazi , Magazine of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 7 (1988) pp. 2-6, (in Farsi).

(21) Summary of a report on ICME-6,  Peyke Riazi, Vol. 3, No. 2 (1988), pp. 138-143, (in Farsi).

(22) A letter to the members of the Iranian Mathematical Society about mathematical education section of the I. M. S.,  Peyke Riazi, Vol. 3, No. 2. (1988), pp. 225-227, and  Jongeh Riazi, vol. 4 (1989), pp. 177-178, (in Farsi).

(23) Some suggestions for popularizing mathematics in Iran, Peyke Riazi, Vol. 3, No. 2, (1988), pp. 228--232, (in Farsi).

(24) Asymptotic normality of the area under a random increasing lattice polygon, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 15(1988), pp. 49-56, (in English).

(25) Asymptotic expansions for the moments of additive arithmetic functions, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 15(1988), pp. 32-48, (in English).

(26) Asymptotic independence of  Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1987), pp. 22-34, (in English).

(27) Lack of interest of students for studying Mathematics. Unesco Document series no. 35. (Reports and papers presented in the fifth day special programme on "Mathematics, Education and society" at the 6th International Congress on Mathematical Education), (1988), pp. 146-147. (in English). "Its translation,  Peyke Riazi, Vol. 3, No. 2, (1988), pp. 221-224".

(28) Twenty years of the Iranian Mathematical Society,  Peyke Riazi, Vol. 4, No. 1, (1989), pp.1-17, (in Farsi).

(29) Bivariate limiting distribution in Number Theory,  Proceedings of the Twentieth Annaul Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1989), pp. 539-544, (in English).

(30) A report on "College on Recent Developments in Mathematics and Computer Science", distributed by the Ministry of Higher Education, (1990), (in Farsi).

(31) A report on "the first World Federation of National Competitions Conference", distributed by the Ministry of Higher Education (1990), (in Farsi).

(32) Some factors that make teaching calculus uninteresting, presented at Sharif University seminar on Teaching Calculus (1990),  Nashr-I Riazi, Vol. 3, No. 3, (1990), pp. 94-95, (in Farsi).

(33) Pre-report and final report of the Iranian Mathematical Society panel discussion on "Calculus and its problems in university", presented at the twenty second annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1991),  Iranian Mathematics Society News letter, 13-6, (in Farsi).

(34) Applications of probabilistic methods in other areas of mathematics, Abstract, Proceedings of the twenty first annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (1990), page 42, (in Farsi).

(35) Questioning in classroom,  Roshd, Magazine of Mathematical Education, 31, (1991), pp. 12--15, (in Farsi).

(36) Impact of Iran's participation in mathematics olympiads on mathematical education, and National Competitions, “A New Proposal”, presented at the first WFNC Conference, Waterloo, (Canada), 1990,  Mathematics Competitions  vol. 4, No. 2, (1991) pp. 84-90, (in English).

(37) Asymptotic independence between two sets of additive arithmetic functions, Research report, SRO 5-93, CMA, the ANU, Australia (1993), (in English).

(38) Asymptotic expansions for local density and the moments of multiplicative arithmetic functions,  Technical Report No. 433, Department of Statistics, Stanford University, California, USA (1993), (in English).

(39) Aymptotic expansions for local density of additive arithmetic functions,  Research report, CMA, SRO 24-93, CMA, The ANU, Australia (1993), (in English).

(40) Mathematics Society and University Education, In  memoire of the 25th Iranian Mathematics Conference (1994), pp. 87-90, (in Farsi).

(41) Problems of statistical education in Iran, A brief review,  Iranian Statistical Society Newsletter, 3 (1994), page 6, (in Farsi).

(42) A proposal for statistical center of Iran,  Iranian Statistical Society Newsletter, 3 (1994), pp. 6-9, (in Farsi).

(43) Probability, Notes for an inservice course, presented at 26th Iranian Mathematical Conference, Proceedings of the workshop on Math. education, 26th Iranian Mathematics Conference (1995), pp. 159-201, (in Farsi).

(44) Panel disscussion on mathematics, its state and suggestions, (In collabration with professors Karamzadeh, Shahshahani and Zaare-Nahandi), Daneshgah-e-Enghelab, Volume 104 (1995), pp.  11-40, and Unbelievevable Results in Mathematics, Shahid Chamran Ahwaz University Publication on the occassion of the WMY-2000, (2000), pp. 241-283, (in Farsi).

(45) Fourteen suggestions for mathematics teachers, Roshd, Magazine of Mathematical Education, 42, (1995), pp. 44-48, (in Farsi).

(46) Calculus I, A book for national curriculum for pre-university students, Minsitry of Education (1995), (in collabration with M. Talgini, F. Kherad Pazuh & A. Ghiasian), (in Farsi).

(47) Discrete Mathematics, A book for national curriculum for pre-university students, Ministry of Education (1995), (in collabration with M. Behzad, E. Mahmoodian & A. Amidi), (in Farsi).

(48) Calculus II, A book for national curriculum for pre-university students, Ministry of Education (1996), (in collabration with M. Talgini, F. Kherad Pazuh & A. Ghiasian), (in Farsi).

(49) Popularizing Mathematics,  Aeen Farzanegan, Vol 3 (1996), pp. 123-138, (in Farsi).

(50)A proposal for activities of the Iranian mathematical society,  Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society vol 18, no.3, (1996), pp. 16-19, (in Farsi).

(51) Application of mathematics in everyday life, presented at 27th Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1996),  Farnood, the Journal of Isfahan society of teachers of mathematics, vol.I (1996), pp. 19-29, (in Farsi).

(52) Discrete Mathematics, A new course for Iranian National Curriculum, presented in the working Group 13, “Curriculum changes in the secondary school”, Eight International congress on Mathematical Education ICME-8), Spain (1996), Published by  Freudenthal institute, pp. 73-76, (in English).

(53) Some comments on mathematics education in Iran,  (National Standards), Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical society, vol 19, no. 1 (1997), pp. 12-13, (in Farsi).

(54) A report on ICME-8,  Farnood, The Journal of Isfahan society of teachers of mathematics, vol III (1997), pp. 2-11. and vol. IV (1998), pp. 9-16, (in Farsi).

(55) Outcomes of the first Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (1st IMEC), Standards and more activities on mathematics education, presented at 2nd Iranian Mathematics Education conference, Kermanshah (1997), Proceeding of the 2nd IMEC, pp. 129-137, (in Farsi).

(56) Teaching ”Logo” to teachers, presented at 2nd Iranian Mathematics Education conference, Kermanshah (1997), (in collabration with Z. Savoj),  proceedings of the 2nd IMEC, pp. 156-163, (in Farsi).

(57) Teaching Probability and Statistics in Schools, Andishe-ye Amari, Magazine of the Iranian Statistical Society, vol.2 (1997), pp. 10-18, (in Farsi).

(58) Statistics and Probability in Iranian School Curriculum, ISI Newsletter, vol.22, no.1 (1998), Page 21, (in collabration with A. Parsian), (in English), its translation in Italian (atatistical  probablita Nei programmi di scuola in Iran, in Induzioni, Demografia, probabilita, statistica a scoula, 16 (1998), pp. 33-35.)

(59) The ups and downs of teaching geometry in Iran,  Geometry and Mathematics Competitions, papers contributed to: topic Area 6 third WFNMC Congress, China, published by IUT, (in collabration with A.Razavi), (1998), pp. 81-88, (in English), Also Mathematics Competitions, Journal of the World Federation of National Mathematics competitions, vol 11, no.2, pp.77-84.

(60) School mathematics competition in Iran,  Roshd, Magazine of Mathematical Education, 51 (1998), pp. 46-51, (in Farsi).

(61) Report on statistical techniques applicable to different units of Mobarekeh steel Company (1998), (in collabration with a group of colleagues in the department.), (in Farsi).

(62) National Commission for the World Mathematical Year,  Journal of Gilan Mathematics Teachers' Society, No. 1 (1999), pp. 10-14, (in Farsi).

(63) Mathematics Teachers' societies in Iran, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematics Society, no.4 (1999), pp. 11-12, (in Farsi).

(64) Statistical analysis on a GRE-type competition, Mathematics Competitions, Journal of the WFNMC, volume 12, no.1 (1999), pp. 60-64, (in collabration with A. Hamadani), (in English).

(65) Mathematics House of Isfahan, Farnood, The Journal of Isfahan Society of teachers of mathematics, vol V (1999), pp.2-7, (in Farsi).

(66) A brief history of probabilistic number theory, Andishe-ye Amari, vol.4, No.1 (1999) pp.3-9, (in Farsi).

(67) Why Mathematics is Important? part I, Raja, the journal of Ghazvin Society for teachers of mathematics, vol 2 (2000), pp.    4-7, (in Farsi).

(68) Dr. Behboodian and Scientific Conferences, On the Honour of Professor J. Behboodian,  Fifth Iranian Statistics Conference Publications, Isfahan, Iran (2000), pp. 29-37, (in Farsi).

(69) Making Essay Test scores Fairer with Statistics, (in collabration with Ahmad Parsian), Statistics, a guide to the unknown (its transtation into Farsi),  Iranian Statistics Society (2000), pp. 267-281.

(70) The Role of teachers'societies for qualitative development of education in Iran,  Amozeh,  6 (2000), pp. 21-23, (in Farsi).

(71) Report on opinion polls for  Mobarakeh Steel Company (with cooperation of a university team), (2001).

(72) Report on studies on cellular phone for the Communication Research Center (with cooperation of a university team), (2001).

(73) Interview with Ali Rejali, Aeen Farzanegan, special volume for the WMY-2000 (2001), pp. 297-302.

(74) World Mathematical Year, Young Students, Dialogue and Innovation, Isfahan Education Organization, (2002), pp. 119-128

(75) Some information about scientific societies for mathematics teachers in some countries, Association for Mathematics Teachers' Societies in Iran Publications, in collabration with Miss F.Sajadi (2001), (in Farsi),

(76) Primary and Final report on studies about household enerergy consumption in Iran for the Energy Department of the  Ministry of Power (with cooperation with a university team) 2002-2004.

(77) A proposal for a national committee on planning for statistical works in Iran, produced for the  Iranian Statistical Society, (2001-2002).

(78) A proposal for the Iranian Universities Entrance Examinations, in cooperation with Y.Tabesh and A.Asraee, Set of papers for the  seminar on methods and problems of university entrance examinations, (2002), pp. 143-148.

(79) Results of an opinion polls study on the proposal for the Iranian Universities Entrance Examinations, in cooperation with S.Kherad Pazuh, set of papers for the seminar on methods and problems of university entrance examinations (2002) pp.149-158.

(80) Mathematics Competitions, Mathematics Teachers and Mathematics Education In Iran, presented at the 4th Conference of the WFNMC, Melbourne, Australia (2002), Journal of the WFNMC, Vol 16, no.1 pp.92-96 (2003), (in English).

(81) It is too late for solving the problems of mathematics Education in Iran, A discussion paper on problems of mathematics education in Iran, presented at the 6 th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference, Shiraz, Iran (2003),  Farnood, No. 12(2004),pp.15-21. (in Farsi).

(82) Challenges for Iranian Statistical Community, Editorial Note, Iranian Statistical Society Newsletter, vol.41 (2004), pp.1-6.,(in Farsi).

(83) Evaluation and Admission Plan, A new law for Iranian Universities Entrance Examinations, Iranian Mathematical Society, Newsletter No. 98, (2004), pp. 21-23, (in Farsi).

(84) First and Second report on bread consumption in Iran (with cooperation with a university team), (2005), (in Farsi).

(85) Statistics for all, a website for popularizing statistics, in collabration with Miss Sajadi 2005-2006, (in Farsi), “http: // or”

                            (86) Presenting a new method for teaching, A workshop, presented at the 8th Iranian

Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-8), (in collabration with Haghani, F.) Proceedings of IMEC-8 Shahrekord, 2006, pp. 287-298.

(87) Problems of Mathematics and Science Education in Iran, Ettehad,The Journal of  the Iranian Association for Mathemarics Teachers' Societies, vol.4, (2007) pp.8-12, (in Farsi).

(88) Honoring Dr.M. Farzan, Ettehad, The Journal of the Iranian Association for Mathematics Teachers' Societies, vol.4 (2007), pp.40-42. (in Farsi).

(89) A first report on opinion poll survey on contractors of Mobarakeh Steel Company (2007).

(90) Proposal for organization of research teams of mathematics teachers, Newsletter of the Iranian Association for Mathematics Teachers Societies, no 13, 2007.

(91) The Iranian Statistical Society: IRSS promotes Statistics, Applications, Amstat News, February 2008, P.23, (in collaboration with M. Reza Meshkani, A. Parsian and M. Tata.)

(92) Responsibilities of the Association, Newsletter of the Iranian Association for Mathematics Teachers Societies, no. 15, 2008, page 4.

(93) Challenges and Problems facing school mathematics in Iran, Newsletters of the Iranian Associatation for Mathematics Teachers Societies.

(94) The major Challenge of Education in Iran, Changing the position of education from service work to productive tool, Newsletter of the Association of Mathematics Teachers’ Societies, 2008, no. 16, pp. 5-7.

(95) Challenging Mathematics Beyond Classroom (in collabration with a team of international scholars), chapter 2 of 16th ICMI study book on challenging Mathematics in and beyond the classroom, [Barbeau, Edward J.; Taylor, Peter J. (Eds.), Challenging Mathematics In and Beyond the Classroom, New ICMI Study Series, Vol. 12 , Springer (2009), pp.

(96) A Report on Preparing Mathematics Teachers to Teach Statistics in High School, (in collaboration with A. Parsian), presented at joint ICMI/IASE study on Statistics Education in School Mathematics, Mexico, 2008.


 (97) The Process of Choosing Mathematically Gifted Students in Iran and Its Impact (in collaboration with L.Hatamzadeh Isfahani), presented at TSG6 at ICME-11, Mexico, (2008), (

 (98) Panel on Statistics Education, in cooperation with Dr. Ahmad Parsian, proceedings of the 10th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-10), 2008, pp. 448-451.

(99) The Most Challenging Problem facing the education, Newsletter of the Iranian Association for Mathematics Teachers Societies, no. 15, 2008, page 5 and no 6,2009, pp. 5-7.

(100) Mathematics House, its goals and activities, Proceedings of the 10th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-10), 2008 (in Cooperation with Mr. KheradPazhuh) pp. 163-173

(101) Lack of Interest in Students for studying statistics, in cooperation with a group of students, Farnood 2010, no.18, pp. 58-63.

(102) A report on the organization of Statistics week in Iran, Iranian Statistical Newsletter, 2010, pp. 1-7, (in Farsi).

(103) Past, Present and Future of the Iranian Association for Mathematics Teachers Societies, Interview, Ettehad, vol. 7, no. 1, 2010, pp. 8-11

(104) Two letters from a teacher (Ali Rejali) to the Minister of Education (about the problems of education in Iran.), Newsletter of the Iranian Association for Mathematics Teachers Societies, no. 18, 2010, pp. 4-7.

(105) Short Sabattical leave Proposal for Mathematic Teachers. Newsletter of Iranian Association for Mathematics Teachers Socities, no. 18, 2010, pp. 10-12.

(106) New perspectives on identification and fostering mathematically gifted     students: matching research and practice, as Guest Editors with V.Freiman (Canada) , The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast , VOL. 8, NOS 1&2, 2011, and pp. 161-166.

(107) An experience on training mathematics teachers for teaching statistics in Iran, Chapter 7 of C. Batanero, G. Burrill, and C. Reading (eds.), Teaching Statistics school Mathematics-Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Education: A joint ICMI/IASE study, Springer 2011, pp. 37-40.

(108) Isfahan Mathematics House Activities for Mathematically Gifted Students, Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students, Riga, Latvia (2011), PP. 165-169.

(109) Statistics Competitions in Iran, The Proceedings, The 6th  Congress of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions, Riga, Latvia (2011), pp. 149-154.

(110) Some activities for popularizing statistics. Statistics Education Session of the Tenth Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICCS-X) on Statistics for Development and Good Governance, 2009, pp. 39-43.

(111) Lack of interest in students for studying statistics, Farnood, vol. 18, 2010, pp. 58-63 (in cooperation with Borhan and Ellahi)

(112) An opinion poll study on high school students and teachers about their attitudes toward statistics, Neda, vol.

(113) With Frontiers in Statistics (Ali Rejali), Newsletter, Iranian Statistical Society, No 74 (2012), pp. 2-5.

(114) Popularizing science using the experience of mathematical society, Third Seminar on Physics and the necessities, for its popularization, Physics Branch of the Science Academy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2012, pp. 115-124.


Accepted publications:

(1) Mathematics competitions in Iran. (In collabration with Professors Toomanian and Zaare-Nahandi), presented at ICME-6, Budapest, Hungary, 1988, (in English).

(2) Statistical evaluation of the past mathematical competitions in Iran, presented at  ICME-6, Budapest, Hungary, 1988, (in English).

(3) What should be done to be able to solve problems, presented at the twentieth annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, 1989, (in Farsi).

(4) Asymptotic independence in Number Theory and Statistics, presented at the department of Mathematics Colloquiums, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1990, (in Farsi).

(5) The result of a study on problems of research and developments in Isfahan University of Technology, 1991 (in Farsi).

(6)  In--Service projects, presented as a poster and in Working Group 6, at  ICME-7, Quebec, Canada, 1992, (in English).

(7) Data bank for Iranian Mathematics competitions, presented at  ICME-7, Quebec, Canada 1992, (in English).

(8) Asymptotic Independence in Number Theory, presented at CMA Statistical Sciences Seminar, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 1992 , (in English).

(9) History of probabilistic number theory, Presented at Mathematics Department and Mahani Research Institute of Kerman University, Kerman, Iran, 1993, (in Farsi).

(10) Popularization of mathematics in schools, Presented at Kerman University, Kerman, Iran, 1993, (in Farsi).

(11) Local densities of arithmetic functions, presented at 25th Iranian Mathematics conference, (1994), (in English).

(12) Popularizing mathematics and organizing the teacher's mathematics societies, presented at 25th Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1994), (in Farsi).

(13) A report on the first Iranian general exam in Mathematical sciences, presented at 25th Iranian Mathematics Conference, 1994, (in Farsi).

(14) Zeta distribution and its applications, presented at second  Iranian Statistics Conference, 1994, (in English).

(15) A review on probability, presented at Tehran University Mathematics Festival, (1996), (in Farsi).

(16) GRE-type exam for mathematical sciences, presented in the Topic Group 24, Mathematics competitions, ICME-8, Spain, 1996 (in collabration with Dr. Hamadani), (in English).

(17) Number Theory and its applications, presented at 28th Iranian Mathematics conference (1997), (in Farsi).

(18) In-Service Education for Mathematics Teachers, presented at first Khorasan seminar on Mathematics Education, Meshed, IRAN, (1997), (in Farsi).

(19) Creativity, presented at the meeting of the highschool mathematics teachers of Isfahan (1998), (in Farsi).

(20) Proposals for future activities of the WFNMC, presented at the forum of future Directions, WFNMC fourth session at ICME-9, (2000), (in English.)

(21) Teaching Statistics at Schools, presented at the fifth Iranian statistics conference (2000), (in Farsi).

(22) A report on panel discussion on pre and in-service programs for high school mathematics teachers, presented at the fifth Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (2001), (in Farsi).

(23) About Riemann Hypothesis, presented at the Iranian Mathematics Society's conference for university students, Shiraz, IRAN (2002), (in Farsi).

(24) Teachers, Competitions And Mathematics Education, Discussion paper presented at the 4th conference of the WFNMC, Melbourne, Australia, 2002, in collabration with Kathrine Chiu, Peter Crippin, Tony Gardiner, Robert Geretschlager and Mark Saul, (in English).

(25) Statistical Thinking, presented at the 2nd mathematics education gathering of Khorason, Iran (2003), (in Farsi).

(26) A workshop on teaching statistics, presented at the 2nd mathematics education gathering of Khorasan, Iran (2003), (in Farsi).

(27) Mathematics Houses and their Achievements, presented at Khosestan gathering of mathematics teachers in honour of Dr. Karamzedeh, Ahwaz, Iran (2003), (in Farsi).

(28) Challenges for the Mathematics Community in Iran, presented as a Plenary Lecture at 35th Iranian Mathematics conference, Ahwaz,Iran (2005),(in Farsi).

(29) Elementary school mathematics standards and their effects on graduate work in mathematics, presented as a plenary lecture at 36th Iranian Mathematics Conference, Yazd, Iran (2005), (in Farsi).

(30) Statistical standards and thinking for school students, presented as a plenary lecture at 36th Iranian Mathematics Conference, Yazd, Iran (2005), (in Farsi).

(31) Panel Disscussion on establishment of an NGO organization for evaluation of statisticians in Iran, 9th Iranian Statistics Conference, Shiraz, Iran (2006), (in Farsi)

(32) Proposals on research activities for the Iranian Association for Mathematics Teachers' societies, Gathering of general assembly of the Association (2007), in Farsi.

(33) What are Mathematics Houses in Iran, Presented at the Institute Henri Poincare at Paris, France, 2011.

(34) Challenging Mathematics through the Improvement of Education.Presented at the miniconference of the WFNMC ,Seoul,Korea,2012.

(35) Teaching mathematics through playing.Presented at IMEC-12,Semnan,Iran,2012.