Curriculum Vitac

Curriculum Vitae


ALI REJALI, Ph.D., F.R.S., MATHEMATICS TEACHER, Retired Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Founder of Isfahan Mathematics House


A- Personal:

Date of Birth: April 21, 1951

Nationality: Iranian


B- Degrees:

 (1) B.S., Mathematics, Shiraz University, 1973 (Top Rank).

(2) M.S., Mathematics, Shiraz University, 1974 (Top Rank).

(3) Ph.D., Probabilistic Number Theory, Stanford University, 1978.


C- Awards:

(1) Shiraz University Scholarship for graduate study at Stanford University as top rank student, 1973-1978.

(2) Ministry of Higher Education's Prize for establishment of Isfahan University of Technology Computer Center (1989).

(3) Peter O'Halloran's Fellowships for attending the WFNMC conferences and ICME's 1998, 2000, 2002.

(4) Erdos Award of the WFNMC for the mathematics enrichment activities (2006) presented at ICME-11 Mexico, 2008

(5) Behzad Award of the Iranian Mathematical Society for establishment of institutions for mathematics enrichment (2012) presented at the 12th Iranian Mathematics Conference, Tabriz, 2012

(6) Popularization of Science Award of Iran (2017) presented at Iranian Society for Popularization of Science (IAPS)’s meeting, Tehran, 2017

(7) Superior Professor of Statistics of the Statistical Center of Iran for the modernization of the statistical system and implementation of the national statistics development program of Iran, with the recommendation of the Iranian Statistical Society, Tehran, 2019


D- Publications:

(1) On the limiting distributions of additive arithmetic functions. Proceedings of the Ninth National Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1978), pp. 320-335, (in English).

(2) On the asymptotic expansions for the moments and the limiting distributions of some additive arithmetic functions. (Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Statistics, Stanford University,) Technical Report no 116, Department of Statistics, Stanford University, (1978), (in English).

(3) Problems of teaching mathematics in Iran, A Brief Review, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 13, (1980) page 2, (in Farsi).

(4) The mean and variance of the number of prime factors of a number, (in collaboration with Professor Persi Diaconis), Abstract, Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1980) page 24, (in English).

(5) On literacy campaign in Iran. Isfahan Jehad University Magazine, 4 (1981), pp. 24-26, (in Farsi).

(6) Booklets for high school teachers, Publications of Isfahan University of Technology, Elementary Statistics, Issue 1 (1980), Number Theory, Issues 6, 7, 8 and 9 (1980-1981), Some Suggestions About the Problems in Schools, Issue 10 (1981), Logic, Issue 11 (1981), Vector Analysis, Issue 12 (1981) and Some Notes on Mathematics Education (1988), (in Farsi).

(7) The statistics of higher education and its facilities in Isfahan, (in collaboration with a university team), The statistics of Isfahan Province, Plans and Budget Publications (1982), pp. 249-345, (in Farsi).

(8) The future of higher education in Isfahan (in collaboration with a university team), A curriculum, Plans and Budget publications (1983), (in Farsi).

(9) Lack of interest in students for studying mathematics, A Brief Review, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 3-4, (1983), pp. 1-3, (in Farsi).

(10) Euler, Farhang and Andisheh Riazi, Magazine of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 3, (1984), pp. 2-6, (in Farsi).

(11) A look at suicide in Isfahan, The Scientific Journal of the Isfahan Medical School, 4, (1985), pp. 29-36, (In collaboration with a medical team), (in Farsi).

(12) Primes in set theory, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 13 (1986), pp. 29-35, (in English).

(13) Ramanujan, Farhang and Andisheh Riazi, Magazine of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 5-1986, pp, 2-12, (in Farsi).

(14) Expansion of \sum{(lnp)^k/p}, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 14 (1987), pp. 31-39, (in English).

(15) A review of 200 cases of attempted suicide in Isfahan, The Journal of Isfahan Medical School, 6 (1987), pp. 47-59, (In collaboration with Dr. Hasanzadeh), (in Farsi).

(16) How to study mathematics, Roshd, Magazine of Mathematical Education, 15 (1987), pp. 10-12, (in Farsi).

(17) A simple method for teaching mathematics, Roshd, Magazine of Mathematical Education, 17 (1988), pp. 14-16, (in Farsi).

(18) A report on ICME-6, Distributed by the Ministry of Higher Education (1988), (in Farsi).

(19) About educational system of B.S. in Mathematics in Iran, Nashr-I Ryazy, Vol. 1, No. 3, (1988), pp. 156-157, (in Farsi).

(20) Kolmogorov, Farhang and Andisheh Riazi, Magazine of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 7 (1988), pp. 2-6, (in Farsi).

(21) Summary of a report on ICME-6, Peyke Riazi, Vol. 3, No. 2 (1988), pp. 138-143, (in Farsi).

(22) A letter to the members of the Iranian Mathematical Society about mathematical education section of the I. M. S., Peyke Riazi, Vol. 3, No. 2. (1988), pp. 225-227, and Jongeh Riazi, Vol. 4 (1989), pp. 177-178, (in Farsi).

(23) Some suggestions for popularizing mathematics in Iran, Peyke Riazi, Vol. 3, No. 2, (1988), pp. 228-232, (in Farsi).

(24) Asymptotic normality of the area under a random increasing lattice polygon, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 15 (1988), pp. 49-56, (in English).

(25) Asymptotic expansions for the moments of additive arithmetic functions, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 15 (1988), pp. 32-48, (in English).

(26) Asymptotic independence of ω and capital ω, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1987), pp. 22-34, (in English).

(27) Lack of interest of students for studying Mathematics. UNESCO Document Series, No. 35. (Reports and papers presented in the fifth day special programme on "Mathematics, Education and society" at the 6th International Congress on Mathematical Education), (1988), pp. 146-147. (in English), "Its translation, Peyke Riazi, Vol. 3, No. 2, (1988), pp. 221-224".

(28) Twenty years of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Peyke Riazi, Vol. 4, No. 1, (1989), pp.1-17, (in Farsi).

(29) Bivariate limiting distribution in Number Theory, Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1989), pp. 539-544, (in English).

(30) A report on "College on Recent Developments in Mathematics and Computer Science", distributed by the Ministry of Higher Education, (1990), (in Farsi).

(31) A report on "the first World Federation of National Competitions Conference", distributed by the Ministry of Higher Education, (1990), (in Farsi).

(32) Some factors that make teaching calculus uninteresting, presented at Sharif University seminar on Teaching Calculus, (1990), Nashr-I Riazi, Vol. 3, No. 3, (1990), pp. 94-95, (in Farsi).

(33) Applications of probabilistic methods in other areas of mathematics, Abstract, Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (1990), page 42, (in Farsi).

(34) Impact of Iran's participation in mathematics Olympiads on mathematical education, and National Competitions, “A New Proposal”, presented at the first WFNC Conference, Waterloo, (Canada), (1990), Mathematics Competitions Vol. 4, No. 2, (1991), pp. 84-90, (in English).

(35) Pre-report and final report of the Iranian Mathematical Society panel discussion on "Calculus and its problems in university", presented at the twenty second annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1991), Newsletter of Iranian Mathematics Society, 13-6, (in Farsi).

(36) Questioning in classroom, Roshd, Magazine of Mathematical Education, 31 (1991), pp. 12-15, (in Farsi).

(37) Asymptotic independence between two sets of additive arithmetic functions, Research report, SRO 5-93, CMA, the ANU, Australia, (1993), (in English).

(38) Asymptotic expansions for local density and the moments of multiplicative arithmetic functions, Technical Report No. 433, Department of Statistics, Stanford University, California, USA, (1993), (in English).

(39) Asymptotic expansions for local density of additive arithmetic functions, Research report, CMA, SRO 24-93, CMA, The ANU, Australia, (1993), (in English).

(40) Mathematics society and university education, in memoire of the 25th Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1994), pp. 87-90, (in Farsi).

 (41) Problems of statistical education in Iran, A letter to the president, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 3 (1994), page 6, (in Farsi).

(42) A proposal for statistical center of Iran, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 3 (1994), pp. 6-9, (in Farsi).

(43) Mathematics education, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 63 (1994), pp. 11-12, (in Farsi).

(44) Society news: Some notes on Society Executive Council, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 63 (1994), page 15, (in Farsi).

(45) Mathematics education, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 64 (1995), pp. 8-9, (in Farsi).

(46) Mathematics education, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 65 (1995), pp. 10-11, (in Farsi).

(47) Mathematics education, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 66 (1995), pp. 8-9, (in Farsi).

(48) Probability, Notes for an in service course, presented at 26th Iranian Mathematical Conference, Proceedings of the Workshop on Math. Education, 26th Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1995), pp. 159-201, (in Farsi).

(49) Panel discussion on mathematics, its state and suggestions, (In collaboration with professors Karamzadeh, Shahshahani and Zare-Nahandi), Daneshgah-e-Enghelab, Vol. 104 (1995), pp. 11-40, and Unbelievable Results in Mathematics, Shahid Chamran Ahwaz University Publication on the occasion of the WMY-2000, (2000), pp. 241-283, (in Farsi).

(50) Fourteen suggestions for mathematics teachers, Roshd, Magazine of Mathematical Education, 42, (1995), pp. 44-48, (in Farsi).

(51) Calculus I, A book for national curriculum for pre-university students, Minsitry of Education (1995), (in collaboration with M. Talgini, F. Kherad Pazuh & A. Ghiasian), (in Farsi).

(52) Discrete Mathematics, A book for national curriculum for pre-university students, Ministry of Education (1995), (in collaboration with M. Behzad, E. Mahmoodian & A. Amidi), (in Farsi).

(53) Calculus II, A book for national curriculum for pre-university students, Ministry of Education (1996), (in collaboration with M. Talgini, F. Kherad Pazuh & A. Ghiasian), (in Farsi).

(54) Popularizing Mathematics, Aeen Farzanegan, Vol. 3, (1996), pp. 123-138, (in Farsi).

(55) A proposal for activities of the Iranian mathematical society, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Vol. 18, No. 3, (1996), pp. 16-19, (in Farsi).

(56) Application of mathematics in everyday life, presented at 27th Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1996), Farnood, the Journal of Isfahan society of teachers of mathematics, Vol. I, (1996), pp. 19-29, (in Farsi).

(57) Discrete mathematics, A new course for Iranian National Curriculum, presented in the working Group 13, “Curriculum changes in the secondary school”, Eight International congress on Mathematical Education ICME-8), Spain (1996), Published by Freudenthal Institute, pp. 73-76, (in English).

(58) Viewpoint: The achievements of the first Iranian Mathematics Education Conference, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 71 (1996), pp. 21-22, (in Farsi).

(59) Viewpoint: Past review and future plans, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 69 (1996), pp. 16-19, (in Farsi).

(60) Some comments on "First letter", Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 72 (1997), pp. 12-13, (in Farsi).

(61) Some comments on mathematics education in Iran, (National Standards), Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Vol. 19, No. 1 (1997), pp. 12-13, (in Farsi).

(62) A report on ICME-8, Farnood, The Journal of Isfahan society of teachers of mathematics, Vol. III (1997), pp. 2-11 and Vol. IV, (1998), pp. 9-16, (in Farsi).

(63) Outcomes of the first Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (1st IMEC), Standards and more activities on mathematics education, presented at 2nd Iranian Mathematics Education conference, Kermanshah, (1997), Proceeding of the 2nd IMEC, pp. 129-137, (in Farsi).

(64) Teaching ”Logo” to teachers, presented at 2nd Iranian Mathematics Education conference, Kermanshah, (1997), (in collaboration with Z. Savoj), proceedings of the 2nd IMEC, pp. 156-163, (in Farsi).

(65) Teaching probability and statistics in schools, Andishe-ye Amari, Magazine of the Iranian Statistical Society, Vol. 2, (1997), pp. 10-18, (in Farsi).

(66) Biography of a teacher, Farnood, The Journal of Isfahan Society of Teachers of Mathematics, Vol. III (1997), page 3, (in Farsi).

(67) National headquarters of the world year of mathematics, Farnood, The Journal of Isfahan Society of Teachers of Mathematics, Vol. III, (1997), pp. 3-6. (in Farsi).

(68) Statistics and probability in Iranian school curriculum, ISI Newsletter, Vol. 22, No. 1 (1998), Page 21, (in collaboration with A. Parsian), (in English), its translation in Italian (statistical probablita Nei programmi di scuola in Iran, in Induzioni, Demografia, probabilita, statistica a scoula, 16 (1998), pp. 33-35.)

(69) The ups and downs of teaching geometry in Iran, Geometry and Mathematics Competitions, papers contributed to: topic Area 6 third WFNMC Congress, China, published by IUT, (in collaboration with A. Razavi), (1998), pp. 81-88, (in English), Also Mathematics Competitions, Journal of the World Federation of National Mathematics competitions, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp.77-84.

(70) School mathematics competition in Iran, Roshd, Magazine of Mathematical Education, 51 (1998), pp. 46-51, (in Farsi).

(71) Report on statistical techniques applicable to different units of Mobarekeh steel Company, (1998), (in collaboration with a group of colleagues in the department.), (in Farsi).

(72) Seminars and conferences: Seminar on the history of mathematics of Iran, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 18 (1998), pp. 11-12, (in Farsi).

(73) News from the national headquarter of the world year of mathematics, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 19 (1998), pp. 5-7, (in Farsi).

(74) News from universities and statistical centers of the country: Isfahan University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 20 (1998), page 12, (in Farsi).

(75) News from national headquarters of the world year of mathematics, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 22 (1999), pp. 9-10, (in Farsi).

(76) National commission for the world mathematical year, Journal of Gilan Mathematics Teachers' Society, No. 1, (1999), pp. 10-14, (in Farsi).

(77) Mathematics teachers' societies in Iran, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, No. 4 (1999), pp. 11-12, (in Farsi).

(78) Statistical analysis on a GRE-type competition, Mathematics Competitions, Journal of the WFNMC, Vol. 12, No. 1, (1999), pp. 60-64, (in collaboration with A. Hamadani), (in English).

(79) Mathematics house of Isfahan, Farnood, The Journal of Isfahan Society of teachers of mathematics, Vol. V, (1999), pp. 2-7, (in Farsi).

(80) A brief history of probabilistic number theory, Andishe-ye Amari, Vol. 4, No. 1, (1999) pp. 3-9, (in Farsi).

(81) Why mathematics is important? Part I, Raja, the Journal of Ghazvin Society for Teachers of Mathematics, Vol. 2, (2000), pp. 4-7, (in Farsi).

(82) Dr. Behboodian and scientific conferences, On the honor of professor J. Behboodian, Fifth Iranian Statistics Conference Publications, Isfahan, Iran, (2000), pp. 29-37, (in Farsi).

(83) Making essay test scores fairer with statistics, (in collaboration with Ahmad Parsian), Statistics, a guide to the unknown (its translation into Farsi), Iranian Statistics Society, (2000), pp. 267-281.

(84) The role of teachers' societies for qualitative development of education in Iran, Amozeh, 6 (2000), pp. 21-23, (in Farsi).

(85) Isfahan University of Technology, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 26 (2000), page 12, (in Farsi).

(86) News from the National Headquarter of the World Year of Mathematics, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 27 (2000), page 13, (in Farsi).

(87) Mathematics Houses, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 27 (2000), page 13, (in Farsi).

(88) General assembly of the Iranian cryptology society, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 27 (2000), page 14, (in Farsi).

(89) Report on the role of statistics in development: the first part, in industry, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 27 (2000), pp. 17-18, (in Farsi).

(90) The 5th Iranian statistics conference: A report from the 5th Iranian statistics conference, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 28 (2000), pp. 9-10, (in Farsi).

 (91) Other news: National committee for advancing mathematics, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 31 (2001), pp. 19-20, (in Farsi).

(92) Celebration of the day of statistics and planning at Isfahan Mathematics House, Some other activities at Mathematics House, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 32 (2001), pp. 22-23, (in Farsi).

(93) Paper request, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 32 (2001), page 25, (in Farsi).

(94) Report on opinion polls for Mobarakeh Steel Company (with cooperation of a university team), (2001).

(95) Report on studies on cellular phone for the Communication Research Center (with cooperation of a university team), (2001).

(96) Interview with Ali Rejali, Aeen Farzanegan, Special Volume for the WMY-2000 (2001), pp. 297-302.

(97) World Mathematical Year, Young Students, Dialogue and Innovation, Isfahan Education Organization, (2002), pp. 119-128

(98) Some information about scientific societies for mathematics teachers in some countries, Union for Mathematics Teachers' Societies in Iran Publication, in collaboration with Miss F. Sajadi, (2001), (in Farsi),

(99) Primary and final report on studies about household energy consumption in Iran for the Energy Department of the Ministry of Power (with cooperation with a university team), (2002-2004).

(100) A proposal for a national committee on planning for statistical works in Iran, produced for the Iranian Statistical Society, (2001-2002).

(101) A proposal for the Iranian universities entrance examinations, in cooperation with Y. Tabesh and A. Asaraee, Set of papers for the seminar on methods and problems of university entrance examinations, (2002), pp. 143-148.

(102) Results of an opinion polls study on the proposal for the Iranian universities entrance examinations, in cooperation with S.Kherad Pazuh, set of papers for the seminar on methods and problems of university entrance examinations, (2002) pp. 149-158.

(103) Mathematics competitions, mathematics teachers and mathematics education in Iran, presented at the 4th Conference of the WFNMC, Melbourne, Australia (2002), Journal of the WFNMC, Vol. 16, No.1 pp. 92-96, (2003), (in English).

(104) News from universities and statistical centers: Isfahan Mathematics House, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 33 (2002), page 11, (in Farsi).

(105) News from universities and statistical centers in Iran: Isfahan Mathematics House, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 34 (2002), pp. 12-13, (in Farsi).

(106) Isfahan University of Technology, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 36 (2002), page 11, (in Farsi).

(107) News from universities and statistical centers in Iran: Activities of Isfahan Mathematics House, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 36 (2002), page 13, (in Farsi).

(108) It is too late for solving the problems of mathematics Education in Iran, A discussion paper on problems of mathematics education in Iran, presented at the 6th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference, Shiraz, Iran (2003), Farnood, No. 12, (2004), pp. 15-21, (in Farsi).

(109) Statute of the council of mathematics houses, Newsletter of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers Societies, 5 (2003), pp. 22-26, (in Farsi).

(110) Concur plan, Newsletter of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers Societies, 5 (2003), pp. 26-30, (in Farsi).

(111) Challenges for Iranian Statistical Community, Editorial Note, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, Vol. 41, (2004), pp. 1-6, (in Farsi).

(112) Evaluation and Admission Plan, A new law for Iranian Universities Entrance Examinations, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, No. 98, (2004), pp. 21-23, (in Farsi).

(113) First and second report on bread consumption in Iran (with cooperation with a university team), (2005), (in Farsi).

(114) Statistics for all, a website for popularizing statistics, in collaboration with Miss Sajadi 2005-2006, (in Farsi), “ or”.

(115) Presenting a new method for teaching, A workshop, presented at the 8th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-8), (in collaboration with F. Haghani) Proceedings of IMEC-8 Shahrekord, (2006), pp. 287-298.

(116) International Commission on Mathematical Instruction, Farnood, the Journal of the Isfahan Society for Teachers of Mathematics, Vol. 14 (2006), pp. 30-31, (in Farsi).

(117) Report on drafting a law for establishment a National Organization of Statisticians in Iran, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 52 (2006), pp. 21-25, (in Farsi).

(118) Problems of Mathematics and Science Education in Iran, Ettehad, The Journal of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers' Societies, Vol. 4, (2007), pp. 8-12, (in Farsi).

(119) Honoring Dr. M. Farzan, Ettehad, the Journal of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers' Societies, Vol. 4 (2007), pp. 40-42, (in Farsi).

(120)A first report on opinion poll survey on contractors of Mobarakeh Steel Company, (2007).

(121) Proposal for organization of research teams of mathematics teachers, Newsletter of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers Societies, No. 13, (2007).

(122) Mathematical houses: Iranian Mathematical Houses Society, the second top society in the year 85, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 111 (2007), page 29, (in Farsi).

(123) Proposals for the formation of study groups of the Union of Scientific and Educational Societies of Mathematical Teachers of Iran, Along with Mathematicians, No. 37-38 (2007), pp. 8-13, (in Farsi).

 (124) The Iranian Statistical Society: IRSS promotes Statistics, Applications, Amstat News, (February 2008), p. 23, (in collaboration with M. Reza Meshkani, A. Parsian and M. Tata.)

(125) Responsibilities of the Union, Newsletter of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers Societies, No. 15 (2008), page 4, (in Farsi).

(126) The major challenge of education in Iran, changing the position of education from service work to productive tool, Newsletter of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers Societies, No. 15 )2008(, page 5, (in Farsi).

 (127) A report on preparing mathematics teachers to teach statistics in high school, (in collaboration with A. Parsian), presented at joint ICMI/IASE study on Statistics Education in School Mathematics, Mexico, (2008) (

(128)The process of choosing mathematically gifted students in Iran and its impact (in collaboration with L. Hatamzadeh Isfahani), presented at TSG6 at ICME-11, Mexico, (2008).

(129) Panel on statistics education, in cooperation with Dr. Ahmad Parsian, proceedings of the 10th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-10), (2008), pp. 448-451.

(130) Mathematics House, its goals and activities, Proceedings of the 10th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-10), (2008) (in Cooperation with Mr. KheradPazhuh), pp. 163-173.

(131) The major challenge of education in Iran, changing the position of education from service work to productive tool, Newsletter of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers Societies, No. 16 )2009(, pp. 5-7, (in Farsi).

(132) Challenging mathematics beyond classroom (in collaboration with a team of international scholars), chapter 2 of 16th ICMI study book on challenging Mathematics in and beyond the classroom, [Barbeau, Edward J.; Taylor, Peter J. (Eds.), Challenging mathematics in and beyond the classroom, New ICMI Study Series, Vol. 12, Springer (2009), pp. 53-96.

 (133) A brief report on the election of the Twenty-seventh period Executive Council of the Iranian Mathematical Society (88/7/1 to 91/6/31), Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 120 (2009), pp. 19 -20, (in Farsi).

(134) Challenges and problems facing school mathematics in Iran, Newsletter of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers Societies, No. 17)2009(, pp. 4-5, (in Farsi).

(135) Report on the election committee for the tenth period executive committee of the Iranian Statistical Society, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 67 (2010), pp. 16-17, (in Farsi).

(136) A report on the preparation of teachers for teaching statistics in high schools (Translated by Fatemeh Asl Marz and Ali Rejali), Farnood, Vol.18 (2010), pp. 60-64, (in Farsi).

(137) What do we know and how do we know? (Translated by Fatemeh Asl Marz With cooperation of Ali Rejali), Roshd, Magazine of Mathematical Education, 100 (2010), pp. 46-55, (in Farsi).

(138) A report on the organization of statistics week in Iran, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, (2010), pp. 1-7, (in Farsi).

(139) Past, present and future of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers Societies, Interview, Ettehad, Vol. 7, No. 1, (2010), pp. 8-11

(140) Two letters from a teacher (Ali Rejali) to the Minister of Education (about the problems of education in Iran.), Newsletter of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers Societies, No. 18, (2010), pp. 4-7.

(141) Short sabbatical leave proposal for mathematic teachers, Newsletter of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers Societies, No. 18, (2010), pp. 10-12.

(142) Some activities for popularizing statistics, Statistics Education Session of the Tenth Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICCS-X) on Statistics for Development and Good Governance, Egypt, (2010), pp. 39-43.

(143) Lack of interest in students for studying statistics, Farnood, 18 (2010), pp. 58-63 (in cooperation with Borhan and Ellahi).

(144) An opinion poll study on high school students and teachers about their attitudes toward statistics, Neda, Vol. 7, No.2, (2010), pp 1-5 (in cooperation with Borhan and Ellahi).

(145) New perspectives on identification and fostering mathematically gifted students: matching research and practice, as Guest Editors with V.Freiman (Canada), The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast, Vol. 8, NOS 1&2, (2011), and pp. 161-166.

(146) An experience on training mathematics teachers for teaching statistics in Iran, Chapter 7 of C. Batanero, G. Burrill, and C. Reading (eds.), Teaching Statistics school Mathematics-Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Education: A joint ICMI/IASE study, Springer, (2011), pp. 37-40.

(147) Isfahan Mathematics House activities for mathematically gifted students, Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students, Riga, Latvia (2011), pp. 165-169.

(148) Statistics competitions in Iran, The Proceedings, The 6th Congress of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions, Riga, Latvia (2011), pp. 149-154.

(149) National statistics week in Iran, Roshd, Magazine of Mathematical Education, 103 (2011), pp. 28-31, (in Farsi).

(150) Challenges for statistical community and statisticians organization in Iran, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 71 (2011), pp. 3-5, (in Farsi).

(151) Report on the election committee for the eleventh period executive committee of the Iranian Statistical Society, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, No. 74 (2012), pp. 9-10, (in Farsi).

(152) World Statistics Year (Dr. Rejali's Letter to Dr. Ahmad Parsian), Newsletter of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers Societies, 20 (2012), page 8, (in Farsi).

(153)In honor of Parviz Shahriari, Roshd, Magazine of Mathematics Education, Vol. 1, 109 (2012), pp. 10-16.

(154) Evaluation of mathematical enhancement, (with Maryam Ghaemi, Maryam Hashemi), presented to:  Iranian Vice-Presidency on Science and Technology, (2012).

(155)With frontiers in statistics (Ali Rejali), Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, No. 74 (2012), pp. 2-5.

(156) Interview with Dr. Ali Rejali about the beginning of the Iranian mathematics competitions for high school students, the website of Iranian Mathematics Olympiad, 2012.

(157) Popularizing science using the experience of mathematical society, Third Seminar on Physics and the necessities, for its popularization, Physics Branch of the Science Academy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, (2012), pp. 115-124.

(158) Mathematics which is challenging, Roshd, Magazine of Mathematics Education, Vol. 29, No. 107 (2012), pp. 54-55.

(159) Letter from Ali Rejali to the chairman of the Iranian Mathematical Society on the formation of a committee of mathematical education specialists in the country, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 134 (2013), page 16, (in Farsi).

(160) World year of statistics, Newsletter of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers Societies, 21 (2013), pp. 5-12, (in Farsi).

(161) Challenging mathematics through the Improvement of education, Mathematics Competitions, Vol. 26, No. 2 (2013), pp. 34-41 (in Cooperation with Neda Hematipour).

(162) Statistics education, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 77 (2013), pp. 14-15, (in Farsi).

(163) Interview with Dr. Ali Rejali, faculty member of Isfahan University of Technology, Daneshgar, 75 (2014), p. 24, (in Farsi).

(164) The role of mathematical competitions and other challenging contexts in the teaching and learning of mathematics, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Springer, (2015), (in Cooperation with Mariade De Losada), pp. 563-568.

(165)The absence of statistics experts in organizations is a blow to planning, Newspaper Interview; IRNA, (2015).

(166) A look at the ups and downs of the position of mathematics in the country, a reflection on the mathematical failure, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 142 (2015), pp. 20-21, (in Farsi).

(167) Isfahan Mathematics House (With F. Kheradpajooh), Bulletin de liaison de la CFEM, (2016), p. 8.

(168) The reasons for lack of interest in mathematical subjects, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, vol. 80, (2016), p.10, (in Farsi).

(169) Report of the scientific secretary of the Seminar on Mathematical Sciences and Challenges, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 89 (2016), pp. 5-8, (in Farsi).

(170) The situation of school mathematics education in Iran, Farnood, Vol. 21, (2016), pp. 21-30, (in Farsi).

(171) The reasons of Math plague, Newsletter of  the Iranian Statistical Society,  Vol. 80, (2016), p. 10, (in Farsi).

(172) The reasons for the lack of interest in mathematics and holding the Seminar on the Challenges Facing Mathematical Sciences, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 89 (2016), pp. 10-11.

(173) The reasons for the lack of interest in mathematics and holding the Seminar on the Challenges Facing Mathematical Sciences (With Azadeh Parvaneh), Proceedings of the Seminar on the Challenges Facing Mathematical Sciences, (2017), pp. 15-40. (in Farsi), and Letter of the Academy of Sciences, 2 (2018), pp. 151-169, (in Farsi).

(174) A brief report of the activities of the International Relations Committee of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 149-150 (2017), pp. 4-7, (in Farsi).

(175) Editorial: Warning about the status of statistics in the country, Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, 95 (2017), pp. 1-3, (in Farsi).

(176) The study of failure in mathematics in the last decade, Proceedings of the Seminar on the Challenges Facing Mathematical Sciences, (2017), pp. 111-134, (in Farsi).

(177) What are the mathematics houses in Iran and what they have done to Popularize Statistics? (With Maryam Ghaemi), Proceedings of the 61th World Statistics Congress, Morocco, Marrakech,(2017).

 (178) Maryam Mirzakhani; The sweet fruit of student’s math competitions, Roshd, Magazine of Mathematical Education, 127 (2017), pp. 38-40, (in Farsi).

(179) Continuous Learning of the Teachers, Roshd, Magazine of Mathematical Education, 130 (2018), pp. 25-27, (in Farsi).

(180) Three years of being present at the executive council, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 156 (2018), pp. 68-69, (in Farsi).

(181) Warning to the math community and enthusiasts for the country's sustainable development (With Azadeh Parvaneh), Journal of Culture and Mathematical Thinking, Iranian Mathematical Society, to be published,  (in Farsi).

(182) The most important challenges facing Iranian mathematical community (With Azadeh Parvaneh), Proceedings of the second Seminar on the Challenges Facing Mathematical Sciences, to be published (in Farsi).

(183) Some effective economic factors on failure in mathematics using the result of TIMSS study (With Azadeh Parvaneh, Soroush Alimoradi, Neda Hemmatipour), Farnood, Journal of Isfahan society of teachers of mathematics, (2019), pp. 51-68 (in Farsi).

(184) Half a century of continuous mathematics conferences in Iran, Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 157,158 (2018), pp. 20-26, (in Farsi).

(185) Dr. Ali Rejali's talks at an interview on "Opinion for improving education in Andisheh Varzan Some sights of the life and thoughts of Mahmoud Mehrmohammadi", (2019) (in Farsi).

(186) Challenges of statistics education in schools (With Amir Hossein Ashtari), Second Seminar on Statistics Education, Mashhad, to be published (in Farsi).


E- Accepted publications:

(1) Mathematics competitions in Iran. (In collaboration with Professors Toomanian and Zaare-Nahandi), presented at ICME-6, Budapest, Hungary, (1988), (in English).

(2) Statistical evaluation of the past mathematical competitions in Iran, presented at ICME-6, Budapest, Hungary, (1988), (in English).

(3) What should be done to be able to solve problems, presented at the twentieth annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1989), (in Farsi).

(4) Asymptotic independence in Number Theory and Statistics, presented at the department of Mathematics Colloquiums, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, (1990), (in Farsi).

(5) The result of a study on problems of research and developments in Isfahan University of Technology, (1991), (in Farsi).

(6) In--Service projects, presented as a poster and in Working Group 6, at ICME-7, Quebec, Canada, (1992), (in English).

(7) Data bank for Iranian Mathematics competitions, presented at ICME-7, Quebec, Canada, (1992), (in English).

(8) Asymptotic Independence in Number Theory, presented at CMA Statistical Sciences Seminar, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, (1992), (in English).

(9) History of probabilistic number theory, Presented at Mathematics Department and Mahani Research Institute of Kerman University, Kerman, Iran, (1993), (in Farsi).

(10) Popularization of mathematics in schools, Presented at Kerman University, Kerman, Iran, (1993), (in Farsi).

(11) Local densities of arithmetic functions, presented at 25th Iranian Mathematics conference, (1994), (in English).

(12) Popularizing mathematics and organizing the teacher's mathematics societies, presented at 25th Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1994), (in Farsi).

(13) A report on the first Iranian general exam in Mathematical sciences, presented at 25th Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1994), (in Farsi).

(14) Zeta distribution and its applications, presented at second Iranian Statistics Conference, (1994), (in English).

(15) A review on probability, presented at Tehran University Mathematics Festival, (1996), (in Farsi).

(16) GRE-type exam for mathematical sciences, presented in the Topic Group 24, Mathematics competitions, ICME-8, Spain, (1996), (in collaboration with Dr. Hamadani), (in English).

(17) Number Theory and its applications, presented at 28th Iranian Mathematics conference, (1997), (in Farsi).

(18) In-Service Education for Mathematics Teachers, presented at first Khorasan seminar on Mathematics Education, Mashhad, IRAN, (1997), (in Farsi).

(19) Creativity, presented at the meeting of the high school mathematics teachers of Isfahan, (1998), (in Farsi).

(20) Proposals for future activities of the WFNMC, presented at the forum of future Directions, WFNMC fourth session at ICME-9, (2000), (in English.)

(21) Teaching Statistics at Schools, presented at the fifth Iranian statistics conference (2000), (in Farsi).

(22) A report on panel discussion on pre and in-service programs for high school mathematics teachers, presented at the fifth Iranian Mathematics Education Conference, (2001), (in Farsi).

(23) About Riemann Hypothesis, presented at the Iranian Mathematics Society's conference for university students, Shiraz, IRAN, (2002), (in Farsi).

(24) Teachers, Competitions And Mathematics Education, Discussion paper presented at the 4th conference of the WFNMC, Melbourne, Australia, (2002), in collaboration with Kathrine Chiu, Peter Crippin, Tony Gardiner, Robert Geretschlager and Mark Saul, (in English).

(25) Statistical Thinking, presented at the 2nd mathematics education gathering of Khorason, Iran, (2003), (in Farsi).

(26) A workshop on teaching statistics, presented at the 2nd mathematics education gathering of Khorasan, Iran, (2003), (in Farsi).

(27) Mathematics Houses and their Achievements, presented at Khosestan gathering of mathematics teachers in honor of Dr. Karamzedeh, Ahwaz, Iran (2003), (in Farsi).

(28) Challenges for the Mathematics Community in Iran, presented as a Plenary Lecture at 35th Iranian Mathematics conference, Ahwaz, Iran, (2005),(in Farsi).

(29) Elementary school mathematics standards and their effects on graduate work in mathematics, presented as a plenary lecture at 36th Iranian Mathematics Conference, Yazd, Iran, (2005), (in Farsi).

(30) Statistical standards and thinking for school students, presented as a plenary lecture at 36th Iranian Mathematics Conference, Yazd, Iran, (2005), (in Farsi).

(31) Panel Discussion on establishment of an NGO organization for evaluation of statisticians in Iran, 9th Iranian Statistics Conference, Shiraz, Iran, (2006), (in Farsi).

(32) Proposals on research activities for the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers' societies, Gathering of general assembly of the Union, (2007), (in Farsi).

(33) What are Mathematics Houses in Iran, Presented at the Institute Henri Poincare at Paris, France, (2011).

(34) Challenging Mathematics through the Improvement of Education. Presented at the mini-conference of the WFNMC, Seoul, Korea, (2012).

(35) Teaching mathematics through playing. Presented at IMEC-12, Semnan, Iran, (2012)

(36) Statistical Independence, Asymptotic Independence and the Central Limit Theorem in Statistics, Number Theory and Combinatorics. Presented at the 10th Seminar on Probability and Stochastic Processes, Yazd, Iran, (2015).

(37) Panel Discussion on Preparation of mathematics teachers at the 46th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Yazd, Iran, (2015).

(38) Changing the position of education from service work to productive tool, Report for the Iranian-Islamic Center for Advancement, (2017).


F- Research and publications in Progress:

(1) Popularizing mathematics, mathematics competitions, and their effect on mathematical education.

(2) Asymptotic distributions of arithmetic functions, and zeta distribution.

(3) Sums of asymptotically independent random variables.

(4) Educational system and its difficulties, especially competitions and university entrance examinations.

(5) Standards for teaching statistics in schools

(6) In-service problems for teachers

(7) Popularizing Statistics

(8) Standards and goals of teaching mathematics in elementary schools.

(9) The role of teachers' societies for improvement of Education.

(10) Joint Numbers, in cooperation with F. Firoozbakht.

(11) Evaluation of teachers and university professors.

(12) Probabilistic methods in Combinatorics

(13) The Economy of Education

(14)  Conjecture by Ali Rejali on asymptotic normality of chromatic number of a random graph


In addition, I offered several proposals for the improvement of the educational system and statistical activities in Iran. Some of these proposals are being executed at the time being and are yielding hopeful results. The proposals are as follows:

(1) Research Centers for teachers in Iran, (in collaboration with a team of teachers.)

(2) In-Service project: A curriculum for mathematics teachers to catch up with the up-to-date findings in Mathematics, (in collaboration with a team of teachers at different levels.)

(3) Iranian Mathematics Competitions.

(4) Establishment of Mathematics Houses in Iran.

(5) Establishment of the mathematical societies for teachers in different provinces in Iran.

(6) Establishment of the Iranian National Committee for the World Mathematical Year 2000, (WMY-2000).

(7) Establishment of a statistical research center in Iran.

(8) Establishment of a Union for teacher's mathematics societies in Iran.

(9) Programs for the Statistics Week in Iran.

(10) Iranian Statistics Competitions.

(11) University Entrance Examinations in Iran.

(12) Sabbatical Leave Program for Mathematics Teachers.

(13) Establishment of a plan committee for the High Commission on National Statistics.

(14) A law for establishment of an NGO organization for evaluation of statisticians. “The Iranian Organization for Statisticians”

(15) Cooperation for Establishment of Isfahan Statistics House on the occasion of International Year of Statistics, (2013).

(16)  The role of the entrance examinations in the educational system, TV debate program, (2016).

(17)  Establishment of Isfahan Mathematics House. TV interview, (2016).

(18) Teachers as lifelong learners, Scientific panel speaker, UNESCO Chair meeting, Isfahan Farhangian University, (2017).

(19) Warning letter to Iranian Statistics Society (ISS); The Status of education, research and service of Statistics in Iran, (2017).

(20) The Future of Science and Mathematics Education in Iran, 20th Panel of Futurology Desk, Institute for Research and Planning for Education, (2017).


I have been also consulted for different statistical problems, by Electrical Company, Education Department, Khorshid Hospital, Amin Hospital, Iranian Mathematical Society, Iranian Statistical Society, Isfahan Univertsity of Technology, Mobarakeh Steel Company, Communication Company of Iran, Ministry of Power, Ministry of Finance, Isfahan Broadcasting organization and the City of Isfahan.


G-Serving as Editor:

 (1) Serving on the editorial board of the Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, (1980-1982).

(2) Coeditor of the Proceeding of the twelfth Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1981).

(3) Coeditor of the Proceedings of the summer seminar of the Iranian Mathematical Society, (1981).

(4) Coeditor of the Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 1981-1982.

(5) Cofounder and Coeditor of "Farhang and Andisheh Riazi" magazine of the Iranian Mathematical Society, (1981-1989).

(6) Editor of the Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 1983-1984, (1990-1992).

(7) Reviewer of the American Math. Reviews, (1986, cont.).

(8) On the editorial board of Peyke Riazi, the publication of the Isfahan University of Technology, (1988-1992).

(9) Column editor of "Mathematics Education" the Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, (1990-1992), (1994-1995).

(10) Column editor of "Mathematics Research", the Newsletter of the Iranian Mathematical Society, (1991-1992).

(11) On the editorial board for the Dictionary of Mathematics, Iranian Mathematical Society (1980), Published in (1992).

(12) Coeditor of the Proceedings of the first Iranian Statistics Conference, 1992.

(13) Moderator of the Australian Mathematics Competition and Mathematics Challenge for young Australians (1992).

(14) Editor of the Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, (1994-1996), (Numbers 4 through 11).

(15) Editor of the proceedings of the workshop on Mathematics Education, 26th Iranian Mathematics Conference, Kerman, IRAN, (1995).

(16) Coeditor of the proceedings of the first Iranian Mathematics Education Conference, first IMEC, (1996 & 1997).

(17) Coeditor of the Newsletter of the national Committee for WMY 2000, (1997-1999).

(18) Coeditor of the Newsletter of the Iranian Statistical Society, (1997-2002).

(19) Coeditor of Geometry and Mathematics Competitions, papers contributed to: Topic Area 6, 3rd WFNMC Congress, published by IUT, (1998).

(20) On the editorial board for Andisheh-ye Amari, an expository journal of the Iranian Statistical Society, (1998-2001).

(21) Coeditor of the Newsletter of the Iranian Union for Mathematics Teachers Societies,, (2002-2004).

(22) Editor of Geometry and Mathematics Competitions, Vol. 2, paper contributed to: Topic Area 1, 4th WFNMC conference, published by IUT, (2002). E-version,

(23) On the editorial board of JIRSS (Research Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society), (2001-2015).

(24) Editor of Final Report on the Gathering of the seminar on the ways of Cooperation Between  Teachers' Societies and Research Institute of the Ministry of Education, Isfahan Mathematics House, (2002).

(25) Editor of the proceedings of the seminar on the role of teachers' societies in improvement of education, (2004).

(26) Report on Research Activities of Isfahan Mathematics House (IMH), for promotion of mathematics teachers in primary schools. Published by IMH and UNESCO, (2007), (in Farsi and English).

(27) Co-editor of the proceedings of the 8th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-8), Shahre- Kord (2007).

(28) On the editorial board of the proceedings of the 10th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-10), Yazd, (2008).

(29) Editor, Proceedings of the Seminar on the Challenges Facing Mathematical Sciences, Academy of Sciences, (2017).


H- Seminar Attendances:

(1) The West Coast Number Theory Conference, USC (1977).

(2) The Ninth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Eighteenth, Twentieth, Twenty first, Twenty second, Twenty third, Twenty fifth, Twenty seventh and Twenty eighth and Thirty fifth Thirty six (as a plenary speaker) and thirty eighth Annual Iranian Mathematics Conferences, (1978, 1980-1984, 1987, 1989-1992, 1994, 1996, 1997, 2005,2005, 2007).

(3) The second Iranian statistics seminar, (1978).

(4) A short course in number theory, autumn school, Cimpa, Nice, France, (1983), as a Cimpa fellow.

(5) The sixth international congress on mathematical education (ICME-6), Budapest, Hungary, (1988), as a guest speaker.

(6) Main speaker at first Kerman Mathematics Conference, Kerman, IRAN, (1989).

(7) College on recent developments and applications in Mathematics and Computer science, ICTP, Italy (1990).

(8) Sharif University Seminar on Teaching Calculus, Tehran, IRAN, (1990).

(9) The first WFNMC Conference, Waterloo, Canada, (1990).

(10) Sharif University seminar on B. S. System in Mathematics. Tehran, IRAN, (1991).

(11) The first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth Iranian Statistics Conferences, IRAN, (1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006).

(12) The seventh international congress on mathematical education (ICME-7), Quebec, Canada, (1992).

(13) Bootstrap workshop, CMA, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, (1992).

(14) Workshop on new trends in probability, Stanford University, Stanford, California, (1993).

(15) Main speaker at discrete mathematics workshop for high-school teachers, Zanjan, Iran, (1995).

(16) Main speaker at Calculus workshops for high-school teachers, Najafabad, Iran, (1995, 1996, 1997, 1999).

(17) Main speaker at Mathematics Festival of Tehran University, (1996).

(18) Bayesian Statistical Inference, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, (1996).

(19) Main speaker at seminars for high school teachers in Kerman, Mashhad, Shiraz, Shahreh-Kord, Yazd, Zanjan, Rasht, Boshehr, Ghazvin (1994-1999).

(20) The eighth international congress on mathematical education (ICME-8), Sevilla, Spain, (1996).

(21) The first, second, third, fourth, fifth and 6th Iranian Mathematics Education Conferences (IMEC'S), (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003).

(22) Workshop on point processes modelling, Isfahan, (1997).

(23) Main Speaker at first Khorasan seminar on Mathematics Education, (1997).

(24) Main speaker at in service program for high school teachers, Bandar Abbas, Iran, (1998).

(25) The first and second Iranian Seminar on the history of mathematics, Bandar Abbas, Iran, (1998, 1999).

(26) The 3rd WFNMC congress, Zhong Shan, China, (1998), as a Peter O'Halloran's fellow.

(27) Main Speaker at in service program for high school teachers, Tehran, Iran, (1998).

(28) Main Speaker at in-service program for high school teachers, Isfahan, Iran, (1998).

(29) Main Speaker at the meeting of the Iranian high school mathematics teachers in Isfahan, (1998).

(30) Main Speaker at high school festivals in Shiraz, Isfahan, Shahrehkord and Shiraz, (1996-1999).

(31) Main Speaker at elementary school teachers' seminar in Isfahan, Iran, (1999).

(32) Main Speaker at intermediate school teachers' meeting in Isfahan, Iran, (1999).

(33) Main Speaker at in-service program for high school teachers, Tehran, Iran, (1999).

(34) Main Speaker at high school mathematics teachers Seminar of Golastan, Iran, (1999).

(35) Main Speaker at intermediate school mathematics teachers' Seminar of Isfahan for the WMY 2000, Isfahan, (2000).

(36) Main Speaker at high school mathematics teachers' Seminar of Arak (the central province), Iran, (2000).

(37) Main Speaker at WMY Seminar for mathematics teachers and official representatives of different cities in Isfahan, Iran, (2000).

(38) Main Speaker at WMY- Seminar for teachers and students, Jarghoieh Olia, Isfahan, Iran, (2000).

(39) Main Speaker at the fourth Fars students' Festival, Shiraz, Iran (2000).

(40) Main Speaker at WMY Seminar for mathematics teachers at Khomeini Shahr, Isfahan, (2000).

(41) Main Speaker at Mathematics Day 2000, Isfahan University of Technology, (2000).

(42) Main Speaker at Zarin Shahr Seminar for mathematics teachers and students, Zarin Shahr, Isfahan, (2000).

(43) Main Speaker at Shahid Mohajer Seminar on WMY-2000, Isfahan, (2000).

(44) Main Speaker at a meeting of representatives of the education departments of different provinces, Tehran, Iran, (2000).

(45) One of the main speakers at Isfahan Society of mathematics teachers meeting on the WMY, (2000).

(46) The ninth international congress on mathematical education (ICME-9), Chiba, Tokyo, Japan, (2000) as a Peter O'Halloran's fellow.

(47) The fifth Iranian Statistics conference, Isfahan Univ. of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, (2000), as an invited speaker at education section.

(48) Main Speaker at Khorasgan Seminar for mathematics teachers, Khorasgan, Isfahan, (2000).

(49) Main Speaker at the meeting of the young scientists’ society of Isfahan, Isfahan, (2000).

(50) Main Speaker at the fifth Festival for high school students of Fars, Shiraz Fars, (2001).

(51) Main Speaker at the meeting of Kashanian teachers of mathematics, Kashan, Isfahan, (2001).

(52) Main Speaker at the meeting of Ghom society for mathematics teachers, Ghom, (2001).

(53) Main Speaker at the meeting of Teachers of Gilan, Rasht, (2001).

(54) Main Speaker at Neyshabur Mathematics House meeting on Mathematics Education, Neyshabur, Khorasan, (2001).

(55) Main Speaker at the Gathering of students and teachers of Rey-College, Tehran, (2001).

(56) Main Speaker at the mathematics and statistics Seminar of Rubat Karim and the opening ceremony of its mathematics house, Tehran, (2002).

(57) Main Speaker at the mathematics teachers' gathering of Borkhar, Isfahan, (2002).

(58) Main Speaker at the meeting of high school mathematics teachers of Isfahan, Isfahan, (2002).

(59) Invited Speaker at the 4th Iranian Mathematical Society's seminar for mathematics students, Shiraz, (2002).

(60) Main Speaker at the sixth Festival for high school students of Fars, Shiraz, Fars, (2002).

(61) Main Speaker at Tehran Mathematics Teachers' Society meeting, Tehran, (2002).

(62) The 4th WFNMC Conference, Melbourne, Australia, (2002), as a Peter O'Halloran's fellow.

(63) Main Speaker at the gathering of all societies for teachers in Iran, Tehran, Iran, (2002).

(64) Main Speaker at in-service program of Isfahan Teachers' society, Isfahan, Iran, (2002).

(65) Main Speaker at the Science Summer School, Isfahan University of Technology, (2002).

(66) Invited Speaker at in service program for high school mathematics teachers of Falavarjan, Isfahan, (2002).

(67) Main Speaker at 6th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference IMEC-6, Shiraz, Iran, (2003).

(68) Main Speaker at 6th Festival for high school students of Fars, Shiraz, (2003).

(69) Invited Speaker at the mathematics gathering of Semirom, Isfahan, (2003).

(70) Main Speaker at Isfahan young students’ scholars, Saeb research Center, Isfahan, Iran, (2003).

(71) Main Speaker at one day seminar on applications of Computer and internet in Education, Fatemeh Zahra Teachers Training Center, Isfahan, Iran, (2003).

(72) Main Speaker at the gathering of the Union of Mathematics Teachers' societies of Iran, Shahrekord, Chaharmahal, (2003).

(73) Invited Speaker at 8th gathering of mathematics teachers in Mazandaran, (2003).

(74) Invited Speaker at 2nd mathematics education gathering of Khorasan, Mashhad, Iran, (2003).

(75) Main Speaker at Gonbad Mathematics House, Gonbad, Golastan, Iran, (2003).

(76) Main Speaker at Khosestan Gathering of Mathematics teachers in honor of Dr. Karamzadeh, Ahwaz, Iran, (2003).

(77) Main Speaker at Zarin Shahr Teacher's Research Center, Zarin Shahr, Isfahan, Iran, (2003).

(78) Main Speaker at Gorgan gathering of students, Gorgan, Golastan, (2004).

(79) Main Speaker at the 2nd meeting of teachers of Mathematics in Mathematics House, Gonbad, Golastan, (2004).

(80) Main Speaker at the opening of Saveh Mathematics House, Saveh, Central Province of Iran, (2004).

(81) Main Speaker at the gathering of teachers and teacher students at Sanandaj, Kordestan, Iran, (2004).

(82) Main Speaker at 8th general assembly of Kerman Society for Teachers of Mathematics (Edrak), Kerman, Iran, (2004).

(83) Main Speaker at Neishabour Teachers' Gathering, Neishabour, Khorasan, Iran, (2004).

(84) Plenary Lecturer at 35th Iranian Mathematics Conference, Ahwaz, Iran, (2005).

(85) Main Speaker at workshops in Statistics and Modelling for Teachers of Chahar Mehal and Bakhtiary, Mazandaran, Ghazvin, Khorasan and Isfahan, (summer of 2005).

(86) Plenary Lecturer and Invited Speaker at 36th Iranian Mathematics Conference, Yazd, Iran, (2005).

(87) Main Speaker at the gathering of mathematics teachers of branch 1 of education department of Isfahan, (2005).

(88) Main Speaker at Monday gatherings of mathematics teachers of Isfahan, each year in (2005 and 2006), (Co-Founder of these meetings at 1979.)

(89) Invited speaker at Khomein Mathematics House special programs for teachers and students, (2006).

(90) Main speaker at Mathematics Day special program at university of Isfahan, (2006).

(91) Main speaker at mathematics day special program at Isfahan University of Technology, (2006).

(92) Main speaker at Fars gathering of teachers of mathematics, (2006).

(93) Invited speakers at gatherings of the representatives of Mathematics teachers' societies in Ghom and Ardebil, (2006, and 2006).

(94) Invited speaker at Freduenthal Institute of Utrecht University, Netherlands, (2006).

(95) Main speaker at Islamic Geometric patterns workshop, Leiden, Netherlands, (2006).

(96) Main speaker at Mobarakeh Education Department, (2006).

(97) Main speaker at Tehran Education Department, (2006).

(98) Main speaker at student researchers meeting in Khomeini Shar, (2006).

(99) Main speaker at High school teachers' gathering of Branch 1 of Isfahan Education Department, (2007).

(100) Running a workshop on active teaching for intermediate teachers of Branch 1 of Isfahan Education Department, (2007).

(101) Main speaker at High school teachers' gathering of Branch 2 of Isfahan Education Department, (2007).

(102) Main speaker at High school and intermediate teachers' gathering of Branch 4 of Isfahan Education Department, (2007).

(103) Main speaker at gathering of student researchers and teachers of Borojen, Chaharmahal Bakhtiary, (2007).

(104) Main speaker at the Opening of Delijan Mathematics House, Delijan, (2007).

(105) On panel discussion of Iranian Mathematical Society on Research in Schools at 38th Iranian Mathematics Conference, Zanjan, Iran, (2007).

(106) Plenary Speaker at Isfahan Universities student gathering for Statistics Day, Isfahan, Iran, (2007).

(107) Plenary Speaker at Najafabad PayamehNour University about mathematics thinking, Najafabad, Iran, (2007)

(108) Invited speaker at gathering of Mathematics teacher and University Faculty and students of Yazd province, Yazd Mathematics House, (2008).

(109) Invited speaker at the gathering of Khorasan Razavi Mathematics Teacher’s Society, (2008).

(110) Plenary speaker at the Teacher Training Centers of Khorasan Provinces, (2008).

(111) Invited speaker at Henrei Poincare Institute in Paris, France, (2011).

(112) Main speaker at Mathematics Teachers’ Union Gathering in Tabriz, Iran, (2011).

(113) Invited Speaker at Shahid Beheshti University Statistics Day, Tehran, Iran, (2011).

(114) Invited Speaker at the weekly colloquium of Tarbiat Modaress Statistics Department, Tehran, Iran, (2011).

(115) Invited Speaker at Shiraz University of Technology Mathematics Department, Shiraz, Iran, (2011).

(116) Main Speaker at the WFNMC mini-conference, Seoul, Korea, (2012).

(117) Invited Speaker at the Seminar at the Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Laval University, Quebec, Canada, (9 June 2014).

(118) Invited Speaker at the 10th Seminar on Probability and Stochastic Processes, Yazd, Iran, (2015).

(119) Invited Speaker at the gathering of Mathematics Teachers, Isfahan Teachers’ Research Center, Isfahan, Iran, (2015).

(120) Co-Chair, Discussion Group on Mathematics Houses at ICME-13, (2016).

(121) Keynote Speaker at the IASE Satellite Conference, Rabat, Morocco, (2017).

(122) Invited Speaker at a Gathering on Mathematics Teaching and the Challenges Ahead, Yazd, IRAN, (2017).

(123) Invited Speaker at the International Forum on Science Education, Islamabad, Pakistan, (2018).

(124) A Member of the Panel on Statistician System in Iran, Held at the 13th Iranian Statistical Conference, Shahrood, Iran, (2018).

(125) Invited Speaker at the First Seminar of Statistics Education, Mashhad, (2018).

(126) Invited Lecturer at Weekly Seminars of Isfahan University of Technology School of Mathematics, (2019).

(127) Invited Speaker at the Second Seminar of Statistics Education, Mashhad, (2019).


J-Teaching Experiences:

(1) Shiraz University, (1978-1980).

(2) Isfahan University of Technology, 1980, continuing.

(3) Visiting Harvard University Mathematics Department, (1985-1986).

(4) Visiting the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, (CMA), The Australian National University, and The Australian International Centre for Mathematics Enrichments, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia, (1992-1993).

(5) Visiting Department of Statistics of Stanford University, (1993).


K- Courses Taught:

Calculus, Mathematical Analysis, Advanced course in Real Analysis. Linear Algebra. Number Theory, Analytic Number Theory, Workshops in Number Theory, Advanced course in Analytic Number Theory. Computational Number Theory, Elementary Probability, Probability and Its applications, Probability, Engineering Probability, Elementary Statistics and Probability (which caused interest in new incoming students into the statistics field), Computational  Number Theory, Advanced course in Probability Theory. Elementary Stochastic Processes, Advanced course in Stochastic Processes, Queuing Theory, Applied stochastic processes. Elementary Statistics, Statistical Methods, Mathematical Statistics. Multivariate Analysis, Biostatistics, Social Statistics, Engineering Statistics, Advanced course in Biostatistics. Sampling Methods, Mathematics Education, Mathematical teaching methods for elementary school teachers, Methods for teaching Mathematics, Problem solving in Number Theory and Probability for Iranian IMO teams. Different courses on Mathematics and Statistics for high school mathematics teachers at different in-service projects. Undergraduate project advisor in Statistical and Educational projects. Graduate seminar advisor and Graduate project advisor in Number Theory, Probability Theory, Bootstrap Methods, Wavelet Analysis, Spatial Statistics and Queuing Systems. Leading members of the Mathematics House of Isfahan in number theory and statistics projects. The cooperative methods of teaching for elementary school teachers. The cooperative problem solving methods in number theory and statistics for the members of the Mathematics House of Isfahan. Research Methods for high school teachers of mathematics. Teaching mathematics teachers how to use internet for mathematics teaching. Workshops on the goals of teaching and concepts of mathematics for elementary school teachers, Workshops for a group of lecturers at teacher training centers on cooperative teaching methods.



L- Graduate Advisor:

(1) Oliaeenia, Maziar, (Distributions of numbers), (1992).

(2) Firoozbakht, Farideh, (Distributions of primes), (1992).

(3) Eftekhari, Hora, (Convergence birth and death processes), in cooperation with Dr. Naderi, (2003).

(4) Moatamedi, Giti, (Analysis of busy and ideal periods in queues), in cooperation with Dr. Naderi, (2003).

(5) Dorcheh, Maryam, (A queueing model with variable number of servers), in cooperation with Dr. Naderi, (2003).

(6) Saneii, Zahra, (An exponential queueing model with competition for service), in cooperation with Dr. Naderi, (2003).

(7) Yaeghobi, Moslem, (Limiting distributions of vectors of positive random variables), (2004).

(8) Shams, Mehdi, (Basu's theorem and its applications), in cooperation with Professor Parsian, (2005).

(9) Hashemi, Maryam (Simple Resampling Methods for Censored regression quantiles), in cooperation with Dr. Alimoradi, (2007).

(10) Hassanzadeh, Amin (Simulation and Inference for Stochastic Volatility Models Driven by Lévy Processes), in cooperation with Dr. Naderi, (2009).

(11) Behmanesh, Tohid (Robust Estimation of Error Scale in Nonparametric Regression Models), in cooperation with Dr. Alimoradi, (2010).

(12) Salmani, Saeed (On the Simple Linear Regression Model with Correlated Measurement Errors), in cooperation with Dr. Alimoradi, (2010).

(13) Ramazani, Mehdi (Nonparametric methods in Multivariate Factorial Designs with Large Number of Factor Levels), in cooperation with Dr. Alimoradi, (2010).

(14) Shahmandi H., Marzieh (Multicollinearity and Logistic Regression), in cooperation with Dr. Alimoradi, (2010).

(15) Fatehi P. Masoud (Scheduling in Many Server Service Systems), (2011).

(16) Hemati Pour, N. (Predictive Regression with order-autoregressive predictors), in cooperation with Dr. Alimoradi, (2012).

(17) Homayoni, E. (Robust Tests in Logistic Regression Model), in cooperation with Dr. Alimoradi, (2012).

(18) Nadi, M. F. (On the Effect of phase truncation in a certain queue-birth and- death- Process), in cooperation with Dr. Mahmoodi, (2012).

(19) Parvaneh Z., A. (On Simulation of Tempered Stable Distributions), (2015).


M- Graduate Judge:

(1) On panel of judges for Ph.D. Qualifying examinations of Mashhad Ferdowsi University, (2003-2004).

(2) On panel of judges for Ph.D. Qualifying examinations of Shiraz University, (2007-2008).

(3) On panel of judges for Ph.D. Qualifying examinations of Isfahan University of Technology, (2007-2008).

(4) External examiner for thesis of Ph.D. students

(a) Dr. Parvardeh, Dr.Dolati, Dr. Sharghi and Dr. Bidram of Shiraz University.

(b) Dr. Salehi Rad and Dr. BadamchiZadeh of Mashhad Ferdowsi University.

(c) Dr. Keikhaee of Isfahan University of Technology.


N-Administrational Experiences:

(1) Cofounder and Coordinator of the Teachers' Research Center of Isfahan, (1980-1982).

(2) Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Isfahan University of Technology, (1981-1983).

(3) Dean, College of Sciences, Isfahan University of Technology, (1981-1984).

(4) Director of Computer Center, Isfahan University of Technology, (1987-1989).

(5) Vice Dean in Research, School of Mathematics, Isfahan University of Technology, (1986-1992, 1994-1997, 1997-1999).

(6) Director of Graduate studies, School of Mathematics, Isfahan University of Technology, (1986 -1987, 1993-1994).

(7) Chairman, Committee for Higher Education, Plan and Budget Organization, (1982-1983).

(8) Member of the Committee for the Social Activities Plans, Plan and Budget Organization, (1982-1983).

(9) Member of the Committee for Computer Center, Isfahan University of Technology, (1982-1984 and 1986-1990).

(10) Member of the Committee for Libraries, Isfahan University of Technology, (1989-1990. 1994-1997).

(11) Member of the Isfahan University of Technology Plan Committee, (1990-1991 and 1998-1999).

(12) Member of the school board, Isfahan University of Technology, (1991).

(13) Member of the Promotion Committee, Isfahan University of Technology, (1990-1992).

(14) Executive Member of the Iranian Mathematical Society, (1980-1984. 1990-1992, 2014-cont.

(15) Treasurer and Vice Chairman of the Iranian Mathematical Society, (1981-1984).

(16) Executive Member of the Iranian Statistical Society, (1991-1992, 1994-1996).

(17) Member of the Organizing Committee for the Twelfth Iranian Mathematics Conference, (1981).

(18) Treasurer of the Iranian Statistical Society, (1991-1992).

(19) Member of the Organizing Committee for the summer seminar of the Iranian Mathematical Society, (1981).

(20) Member of both (Organizing and Scientific) Committees for the First Iranian Statistics Conference, (1992), (Cofounder of the Iranian Statistics Conferences)

(21) Member of the Committee for Mathematics, Iran Publishing Center, (1980-1982).

(22) Member of the Plan Committee for Mathematics, Ministry of Higher Education. (1991-1992).

(23) Cofounder and the Member of the Organizing Committee for the First Mathematics Competition of Isfahan, (1983).

(24) Founder and Coordinator of the First National Mathematics Competition, (1984).

(25) Member of the National Committee for Mathematics Competitions, (1987-1991).

(26) Member of the Committee for Investigation the Causes of Lack of Interest in Mathematics, Research Organization, Ministry of Education, (1983-1984).

(27) Organizer of a one-day Computer seminar for high school teachers of Isfahan, (1988).

(28) Co-organizer of the education section of the twenty second annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Mashhad, (1991).

(29) Organizer of a one-day Seminar on problems of research and development in Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, (1991).

(30) Organizer of the education section of the twenty third annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Kermanshah, (1992).

(31) Observer in the Advisory Committee for the Australian Mathematics Trust (1992).

(32) Founder and Co-organizer of the first Iranian academy of sciences' exam (G.R.E. type) in Mathematical Sciences, (1993).

(33) Co-founder of the societies for Mathematics teachers in Khorasan, Fars, Isfahan, Kerman, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiary, Yazd, Bushehr, Gilan, Zanjan, East Azarbayejan, and Ghazvin provinces in Iran, (1994-1997).

(34) Member of the scientific committee for the second Iranian statistics conference, Mashhad, (1994).

(35) Member of the scientific committee for the fifth Islamic countries statistics Conference, Lahore, Pakistan, (1994).

(36) Member of the scientific committee for the twenty sixth Iranian Mathematics Conference, Kerman, (1995).

(37) Member of the advisory board for Kharazmi festival for young talented students in Isfahan, (1995-1999).

(38) Member of the scientific committee for the education section of the twenty seventh Iranian mathematics conference, Shiraz, (1996).

(39) Member of the committee for organizing the third Iranian statistics conference, Tehran, (1996).

(40) Chairman, Scientific Committee for organizing the First Iranian Mathematics Education Conference, first IMEC, Isfahan, (1996).

(41) Member of the organizing committee for the first IMEC, Isfahan, (1996). (Founder of the Iranian mathematics education conferences).

(42) Member of the International panel of judges for International Mathematical Talent Search, (1997-cont).

(43) Member of the Hilbert and Erdos Awards Subcommittee of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions, (WFNMC), 1996-2000, (2000-2004).

(44) Founding member of the national committee (Setad) for the world mathematical year 2000 (WMY 2000), (1997-2000).

(45) Member of the plan committee for the national Committee of the WMY- 2000, (1997-2000).

(46) Member of the executive committee for the national committee of the WMY (2000, 1998-2000).

(47) Member of election committee for the Executive Committee of the Iranian Mathematical Society, (1997-1998 and 2005-2006).

(48) Member of the founding committee for the Iranian Union for teacher's mathematics societies, (1997-2001).

(49) Member of the organizing committee for the second seminar on differential equations, dynamical systems and their applications, (1998).

(50) Cochairman of the Topic Area 6, “Geometry and Mathematics Competitions”, 3rd WFNMC Congress, Zhong Shan, China, (1998).

(51) Chairman of the scientific committee for the education section of the fourth Iranian Statistics Conference, (1998)

(52) Founding member of the information committee of Isfahan University of Technology, (1998-2001).

(53) Co-Organizer of the first national meeting for the National Committee (Setad) for the WMY-2000, (1998).

(54) Member of the organizing committee for the 5th Iranian Statistics Conference, (1998-2000).

(55) Cofounder of Isfahan Mathematics House, (1999).

(56) Member of both the Board and Scientific Committees of Isfahan Mathematics House, (1999, cont.).

(57) Organizer of the second national meeting for the national Committee (Setad) for the WMY-2000, (1999).

(58) Member of the scientific committee for the second probability and stochastic processes seminar in Tafresh, Iran, (1999).

(59) Member of the High Commission for establishment of the teachers' societies, Ministry of education, (1999-2003).

(60) Founding member of the committee on mathematics and development, a subcommittee of Setad for the WMY-2000, (1999-2000).

(61) Founding member of the committee on mathematics education, a subcommittee of Setad for the WMY-2000, (1999-2000).

(62) Member of the founding committee for the Iranian society of Cryptology, (1999-2000).

(63) Founder of a committee for the study of university entrance examinations, Setad, Tehran, (2000).

(64) Organizer of a one day seminar for the university lecturers on Mathematics Education, Setad, Tehran, (2000).

(65) Co-organizer of a one day seminar on the role of statistics in development, Isfahan University of Technology, (2000).

(66) Co-organizer of Statistics Day for high school students of Isfahan, Isfahan University of Technology, (2000).

(67) Member of the scientific committee for the mathematics and communications seminar, Communication Research Center, Tehran, Iran, (1999 -2000).

(68) Member of the Committee for the improvement of the role of teachers in activities related to mathematics competitions, World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions (WFNMC), (2000-2002).

(69) Inspector of the Iranian Statistical Society, (2000-2004).

(70) Co-organizer of an internet In-service programs for high school mathematics teachers of Isfahan, Isfahan Mathematics House in cooperation with Isfahan society for mathematics teachers, (2000-2003).

(71) Member of the scientific committee for the fifth Iranian Mathematics Education Conference, Mashhad, Iran, (2000-2001).

(72) Member of the scientific committee for the third probability and stochastic processes Khonsar, Iran, (2000-2001).

(73) Convener of the Topic Area 1,”Geometry and Mathematics Competitions”, 4th WFNMC conference, Melbourne, Australia, (2002, 2001-2002).

(74) Co-organizer of Statistics Days for university students of Isfahan, Isfahan Mathematics House, Isfahan, (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006).

(75) Representative of the International Mathematics Tournament of Towns in Iran, (1988-2009).

(76) Organizer of the first team competition on mathematics, Isfahan Mathematics House, Isfahan, (2002).

(77) Member of the scientific and organizing committees for the first Information Technology seminar for schools. Isfahan Mathematics House, Isfahan, (2002).

(78) Founder and Chairman of scientific committee for the seminar on the study of the problems of university entrance examinations, Isfahan Mathematics House (with cooperation with the universities of Isfahan and the education organization of Isfahan), Isfahan, (2002). [The outcome of this seminar, as a law was presented to the Iran Parliament in 2003].

(79) Member of the organizing committee for the seminar on the study of the problems of university entrance examinations, Isfahan Mathematics House, Isfahan, (2002).

(80) Member of the Task Force for the activities of the WFNMC at ICME-10, (2002-2004).

(81) Organizer of the first Mathematics House Team Competition (Isfahan Entrance into the Tournament of Towns), (2003).

(82) Member of 16th ICMI study “Challenging mathematics in and beyond the classroom”, The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), (2003).

(83) Founder and a member of founding committee for establishment of Iranian Mathematics Houses' Commission, (2002-2003).

(84) Executive member of the Union for mathematics teachers' societies, Iran, (2003-2011).

(85) Chairman of the scientific committee for the education section of the 7th Iranian Statistics Conference, (2003-2004).

(86) Chairman of the Committee for finalizing the new law for university entrance examinations which is presented to Iranian Parliament, (2003-2007), which became a law in 2007.

(87) Organizer and the chairman for scientific activities of the gathering of mathematics teachers' societies and the representatives of the ministry of education for their cooperation, Isfahan Mathematics House, Isfahan, (2004).

(88) Organizer of the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth Mathematics House Team Competitions (Tournament of Towns), Isfahan, (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008).

(89) Member of the Program Committee for the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions (WFNMC), (2004-2018).

(90) Member of the scientific committee for the 3rd Iranian Conference on Cryptology, (2004-2005).

(91) Member of the scientific committee for the 5th Iranian Students' Conference on Statistics, (2004-2005).

(92) Co-organizer of the Statistics and Modelling Tour for high school teachers of Iran, (to make them prepared for teaching a course on the subject.), (2004-2006).

(93) Cofounder of the Moje-Nour Society, (ICT for blinds) and its President, (2005-2007), Executive Director, (2012-cont.).

(94) Member of the organizing committee for the Workshop on Art and Mathematics, (2005-2006).

(95) Member of the Scientific Committee for the 8th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-8) Shahrekord, (2005-2006).

(96) Representative of Iran in ICMI (The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction), (2005-2015).

(97) Founder of Isfahan Inter-Libraries Loan Plan (2006)

(98) Member of the board for Iranian Mathematics Houses Commission, (2006-2012).

(99) Member of Professor Fatemi's Award Committee of the Iranian Mathematical Society, (2006-2019).

(100) Organizer of the first Isfahan Statistics Team Competition (2006), the second (2007), the third (2008), the fourth (2009) and the fifth (2010).

(101) Member of the Scientific Committee for the 9th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-9), Zahedan, (2006-2007).

(102) Co-chair of TSG6 (Activities and programs for gifted students), ICME-11, Monterrey, Mexico, (2006-2008).

(103) Member of the Scientific Committee for the 10th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-10), Yazd, (2007-2009).

 (104) Vice President of the WFNMC, (2008-2018).

(105) On the Scientific Committee for the 11th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-11), Mazandaran, (2010).

(106) Chair of the Planning Committee for Statistics week in Iran, (2010).

(107) Co-chair of TSG34, ICME-12, Seoul, Korea, (2010-2012).

(108) On the Scientific Committee for the 12th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-12), Semnan, (2012).

(109) Member of the national committee (Setad) for the International Year of Statistic 2013 (IYS 2013), (2012-2013).

(110) Founding member of the Commission on improvement of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences, Iran, (2012-2017).

(111) Member of Executive Committee of Algebra Days at Isfahan Mathematics House, (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019).

(112) Founder of the Union for the Iranian Mathematical Sciences Union (2013).

(113) Member of Founding Board of Isfahan Statistics House, (2013-cont).

(114) Member of Scientific Committee of 12th Iranian Statistical Conference, Kermanshah, (2014).

(115) Chairman of Scientific committee for the first seminar on Mathematical Sciences and their Challenges in Iran, (2015).

(116) Chair of a team working on the challenges face the education, Academy of Sciences, (2015- 2017).

 (117) Chairman, Scientific Committee on Mathematical Sciences and Challenges Seminar, Tehran, Iran, (92015).

(118) Chairman of the Committee for International relations of the Iranian Mathematical Society, (2015-cont).

(119) Member of the International Relation Committee and the board of the plan for improvement of Isfahan University of Technology, (2015- 2017).

(120) Co-Chair of a DG on Mathematics Houses at ICME-13 and its report, Hamburg, (2016)

(121) Program Chair of the 2nd Iranian mathematical Society gathering for the improvement of mathematics education and research, Khansar, (2016).

(122) Co-organizer of the meeting of the representatives and members of working teams of Iranian Mathematical Society, Tehran, (2017).

(123) Organizer for the Iranian Mathematical Society’s representatives gathering, at the Statistical Center of Iran, (2017).

(124) Member of the Ranking Committee for Statisticians for the Iranian Statistical Society, (2017-2019).

(125) Panel member for the future of science and mathematical education in Iran, (2017).

(126) Following up the approvals of the International Relation Committee of the plan for improvement of Isfahan University of Technology.

(127) Contributing to holding, presenting a roundtable and a talk at the Second Seminar on the Challenges Facing Mathematical Sciences at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

(128) Keeping following up on the Iranian universities entrance examinations plan with attending in the Education and Research Commission in the Iranian Parliament.

(129) Being a member of the planning committee of the study group of 11th International Congress on Mathematical Education which is to be held in China in 2020.

(130) Planning to manage a Study Group on Mathematics Houses to be held at the 2020 International Congress of Mathematical Education in China.

(131) Collaborating with Mr. Tabesh and a group of Stanford University colleagues to set up a virtual math education network for children and students to use math games and perform math modeling work under the name Poly Up, since 2019.

(132) Collaborating with the Faculty of Education at McGill University of Canada on Mathematics and Statistics Education (Summer 2019).

(133) Collaborating with the Faculty of Mathematics of the Isfahan University of Technology in developing a new curriculum for BSc. Program in mathematics, 2017-2019.

(134) Collaboration in planning for launching the data science field in the Isfahan University of Technology, as an interdisciplinary field, 2018-cont.

(135) Collaboration in Planning the Mathematics and Statistics Day at the Isfahan University of Technology to attract top students, 2018-2019.

(136) Trying to recruit talented and young mathematics and statistics professors with formal membership in the recruitment committee of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences.

(137) Providing a program for holding the Mathematics and Statistics Day for the Faculty of Mathematics of the Isfahan University of Technology in winter 2019.

(138) Investigating of the problems in the mathematics education of Iran, and presenting the holding plan for some seminar of failure in mathematics at Isfahan University of Technology, with the help of the research deputy of the Ministry of Science in February of 2019.

(139) Investigating the problems of training and performing statistical tasks, and writing a paper on these challenges that led to a seminar held in February 2010 at the University of Isfahan.

(140) Following up on mathematics houses issues especially Isfahan Mathematics House, Mathematics Houses Council and Teachers Educational Scientific Associations across the country and Unions of Mathematical Teachers' Educational Scientific Associations.

(141) Following up and trying to develop the Isfahan interlibrary loan plan (2006, cont.).

(142) Following up and handling to the tasks related to the Mathematics Advancement Commission of Academy of Sciences of Iran (2011, cont.).

(143) Collaborating with the School Mathematics Department of the Iranian Mathematical Society to develop school mathematics standards.

(144)Visiting schools, especially primary schools, to observe the challenges of primary education, since 1980.


P- Addresses:

• School of Mathematical Sciences,

 Isfahan University of Technology,

 Isfahan 84156, Iran.

 Fax no: (+98)3113912602


 Isfahan Mathematics House,

 P.O. Box 81645-356,

 Isfahan, Iran

 Fax no: (+98)3116692014