Administrational Experiences

Administrational Experiences:

(1) Cofounder and Coordinator of the Teachers' Research Center of Isfahan, 1980-1982.

(2) Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Isfahan University of Technology, 1981-1983.

(3) Dean, College of Sciences, Isfahan University of Technology, 1981-1984.

(4) Director of Computer Center, Isfahan University of Technology, 1987-1989.

(5) Vice Dean in Research, School of Mathematics, Isfahan University of Technology, 1986-1992, 1994-1997. 1997-1999.

(6) Director of Graduate studies, School of Mathematics, Isfahan University of Technology, 1986 -1987, 1993-1994.

(7) Chairman, Committee for Higher Education, Plan and Budget Organization, 1982-1983.

(8) Member of the Committee for the Social Activities Plans, Plan and Budget Organization, 1982-1983.

(9) Member of the Committee for Computer Center, Isfahan University of Technology, 1982-1984 and 1986-1990.

(10) Member of the Committee for Libraries, Isfahan University of Technology, 1989-1990. 1994-1997.

(11) Member of the Isfahan University of Technology Plan Committee, 1990-1991 and 1998-1999.

(12) Member of the school board, Isfahan University of Technology, (1991).

(13) Member of the Promotion Committee, Isfahan University of Technology, 1990-1992.

(14)  Executive Member of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 1980-1984. 1990-1992.

(15) Treasurer and Vice Chairman of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 1981-1984.

(16)  Executive Member of the Iranian Statistical Society, 1991-1992, 1994-1996.

(17) Member of the Organizing Committee for the Twelveth Iranian Mathematics Conference, 1981.

(18) Treasurer of the Iranian Statistical Society,1991-1992.

(19) Member of the Organizing Committee for the summer seminar of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 1981.

(20) Member of both (Organizing and Scientific) Committees for the First Iranian Statistics Conference,1992. (Cofounder of the Iranian Statistics Conferences)

(21) Member of the Committee for Mathematics, Iran Publishing Center, 1980-1982.

(22) Member of the Plan Committee for Mathematics, Ministry of Higher Education. 1991-1992.

(23) Cofounder and the Member of the Organizing Committee for the  First Mathematics Competition of Isfahan (1983).

(24)  Founder and  Coordinator of the First National Mathematics Competition (1984).

(25) Member of the National Committee for Mathematics Competitions, 1987-1991.

(26) Member of the Committee for Investigation the Causes of Lack of Interest in Mathematics, Research Organization, Ministry of Education, 1983-1984.

(27) Organizer of a one-day Computer seminar for high school teachers of Isfahan, 1988.

(28) Co-organizer of the education section of the twenty second annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Meshed, 1991.

(29) Organizer of a one-day Seminar on problems of research and development in Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 1991.

(30) Organizer of the education section of the twenty third annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Kermanshah, 1992.

(31) Observer in the Advisory Committee for the Australian Mathematics Trust (1992).

(32)  Founder and Co-organizer of the first Iranian academy of sciences' exam (G.R.E. type) in Mathematical Sciences (1993).

(33)  Co-founder of the societies for Mathematics teachers in Khorasan, Fars, Isfahan, Kerman, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiary, Yazd, Bushehr, Gilan, Zanjan, East Azarbayejan, and Ghazvin provinces in Iran (1994-1997).

(34) Member of the scientific committee for the second Iranian statistics conference, Meshed, 1994.

(35) Member of the Scientific committee for the fifth Islamic countries statistics Conference, Lahore, Pakistan (1994).

(36) Member of the scientific committee for the twenty sixth Iranian Mathematics Conference, Kerman, (1995).

(37) Member of the advisory board for Kharazmi festival for young talented students in Isfahan, 1995-1999.

(38) Member of the scientific committee for the education section of the twenty seventh Iranian mathematics conference, shiraz, (1996).

(39) Member of the committee for organizing the third Iranian statistics conference, Tehran (1996).

(40) Chairman, Scientific Committee for organizing the First Iranian Mathematics Education Conference, first IMEC, Isfahan (1996).

(41) Member of the organizing committee for the first IMEC, Isfahan (1996). (Founder of the Iranian mathematics education conferences).

(42) Member of the international panel of judges for International Mathematical Talent Search, 1997-cont.

(43) Member of the Hilbert and Erdos Awards Subcommittee of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions, (WFNMC), 1996-2000, 2000-2004.

(44)  Founding member of the national committee (Setad) for the world mathematical year 2000 (WMY 2000), 1997-2000.

(45) Member of the plan committee for the national Committee of the WMY- 2000, 1997-2000.

(46) Member of the executive committee for the national committee of the WMY 2000, 1998-2000.

(47) Member of election committee for the Executive Committee of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1997-1998 and 2005-2006.

(48) Member of the founding committee for the Iranian Association for teacher's mathematics societies 1997-2001.

(49) Member of the organizing committee for the second seminar on differential equations, dynamical systems and their applications (1998).

(50) Cochairman of the Topic Area 6, “Geometry and Mathematics Competitions”, 3rd WFNMC Congress, Zhong Shan, China (1998).

(51) Chairman of the scientific committee for the education section of the fourth Iranian Statistics Conference (1998)

(52) Founding member of the information committee of Isfahan University of Technology, 1998-2001.

(53) Coorganizer of the first national meeting for the National Committee (Setad) for the WMY-2000 (1998).

(54) Member of the organizing committee for the 5th Iranian Statistics Conference, 1998-2000.

(55)  Cofounder of Isfahan Mathematics House (1999).

(56) Member of both the Board and Scientific Committees of Isfahan Mathematics House, 1999,cont.

(57) Organizer of the second national meeting for the national Committee (Setad) for the WMY-2000 (1999).

(58) Member of the scientific committee for the second probability and stochastic processes seminar in Tafresh, Iran (1999).

(59) Member of the High Commission for establishment of the teachers' societies, Ministry of education, 1999-2003.

(60) Founding member of the committe on mathematics and development, a subcommittee of Setad for the WMY-2000, 1999-2000.

(61)Founding member of the committee on mathematics education, a subcommittee of Setad for the WMY-2000, 1999-2000.

(62) Member of the founding committee for the Iranian society of Cryptology, 1999-2000.

(63) Founder of a committee for the study of university entrance examinations, Setad, Tehran (2000).

(64) Organizer of a one day seminar for the university lecturers on Mathematics Education, Setad, Tehran (2000).

(65) Co-organizer of a one day seminar on the role of statistics in development, Isfahan University of Technology (2000).

(66) Co-organizer of Statistics Day for high school students of Isfahan, Isfahan University of Technology (2000).

(67) Member of the scientific committee for the mathematics and communications seminar, Communication Research Center, Tehran, Iran, 1999 -2000.

(68) Member of the Committee for the improvement of the role of teachers in activities related to mathematics competitions, World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions (WFNMC), 2000-2002.

(69) Inspector of the Iranian Statistical Society, 2000-2004.

(70) Co-organizer of an internet In-service programs for high school mathematics teachers of Isfahan, Isfahan Mathematics House in cooperation with Isfahan society for mathematics teachers, 2000-2003.

(71) Member of the scientific committee for the fifth Iranian Mathematics Education Conference, Meshed, Iran 2000-2001.

(72) Member of the scientific committee for the third probability and stochastic processes Khonsar, Iran, 2000-2001.

(73) Convener of the Topic Area 1, ”Geometry and Mathematics Competitions”, 4th WFNMC conference, Melbourne, Australia 2002, 2001-2002.

(74) Co-organizer of Statistics Days for university students of Isfahan, Isfahan Mathematics House, Isfahan (2001,2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006).

(75) Representative of the International Mathematics Tournament of Towns in Iran, 1988-2009.

(76) Organizer of the first team competition on mathematics, Isfahan Mathematics House, Isfahan (2002).

(77) Member of the scientific and organizing committees for the first Information Technology seminar for schools. Isfahan Mathematics House, Isfahan (2002).

(78) Founder and Chairman of scientific committe for the seminar on the study of the problems of university entrance examinations, Isfahan Mathematics House (with cooperation with the universities of Isfahan and the education organization of Isfahan), Isfahan, (2002). [The outcome of this seminar, as a law was approved by the Iran Parliment in 2007].

(79) Member of the organizing committee for the seminar on the study of the problems of university entrance examinations, Isfahan Mathematics House, Isfahan (2002).

(80) Member of the Task Force for the activities of the WFNMC at ICME-10, 2002-2004.

(81) Organizer of the first Mathematics House Team Competition (Isfahan Entrance into the Tournament of Towns), 2003.

(82) Member of 16th ICMI study “Challenging mathematics in and beyond the clasroom”, The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), 2003-cont.

(83) Founder and a member of founding committe for establishment of Iranian Mathematics Houses' Commission 2002-2003.

(84) Executive member of the association for mathematics teachers' societies, Iran, 2003-2011.

(85) Chairman of the scientific committee for the education section of the 7th Iranian Statistics Conference 2003-2004.

(86) Chairman of the Committee for finalizing the new law for university entrance examinations which is presented to Iranian Parliment, 2003-2007, which became a law in 2007.

(87) Organizer and the chairman for scientific activities of the gathering of mathematics teachers' societies and the representatives of the ministary of education for their cooperation, Isfahan Mathematics House, Isfahan (2004).

(88) Organizer of the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth Mathematics House Team Competitions (Tournament of Towns), Isfahan, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.

(89) Member of the Program Committee for the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions (WFNMC), 2004-cont.

(90) Member of the scientific committee for the 3rd Iranian Conference on Cryptology, 2004-2005.

(91) Member of the scientific committee for the 5th Iranian Students' Conference on Statistics, 2004-2005.

(92) Coorganizer of the Statistics and Modelling Tour for highschool teachers of Iran, (to make them prepared for teaching a course on the subject.) 2004-2006.

(93) Cofounder of the Moje-Nour Society, (ICT for blindes) and its President, 2005-2007, Executive Director 2012-cont.

(94) Member of the organizing committee for the Workshop on Art and Mathematics, 2005-2006.

(95) Member of the Scientific Committee for the 8th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-8) ShahreKord, 2005-2006.

(96)Representative of Iran in ICMI (The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction), 2005-cont.

(97) Member of the board for Iranian Mathematics Houses Commission, 2006-2012.

(98) Member of Professor Fatemi's Award Committee of the Iranian Mathematical Society 2006-2010.

(99) Organizer of the first Isfahan Statistics Team Competition (2006) , the second (2007) , the third(2008),the fourth (2009) and the fifth (2010).

(100) Member of the Scientific Committee for the 9th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-9), Zahedan, 2006-2007.

(101) Co-chair of TSG6 (Activities and programs for gifted students), ICME-11, Monterrey, Mexico, 2006-2008.

(102) Member of the Scientific Committee for the 10th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-10), Yazd, 2007-2009.

(103) On the Scientific Committee for the 10th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-10), Yazd, 2008.

(104) Vice President of the WFNMC ,2008-cont.

(105) On the Scientific Committee for the 11th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-11), Mazandaran, 2010.

(106) Co-chair of TSG34 ,ICME-12, Seoul, Korea ,2010-2012.

(107) On the Scientifice Committee for the 12th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference (IMEC-12), Semnan, 2012.