Title | Publication Date |
Paknemat, H., Pishevar, A., Pournader, P., Numerical Simulation of Perfect Dielectric Droplet Dynamics in a Uniform Electric Field, 19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME 2011 ) | May, 2011 |
Joulaian, M., Khajepour, S., Pishevar, A., Afshar, Y., Mapping DPD Simulation Parameters to Physical Parameters, 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME 2010 ) | May, 2010 |
Ghorbani, N., Pishevar, A., Afshar, Y., 3D SIMULATION OF DROP IMPACT DUE TO GRAVITY ON HORIZONTAL SOLID SURFACE BY MANY-BODY DISSIPATIVE PARTICLE DYNAMICS, 13th Annual and 2nd International Fluid Dynamics Conference. | May, 2010 |
Dastanpour, R., Monjezy, M., Saidi, M.S., Pishevar, A., MONTE CARLO MODELING OF AEROSOL DEPOSITION IN HUMAN LUNG’S FIVE LOBES, 13th Annual and 2nd International Fluid Dynamics Conference. | May, 2010 |
Joulaian, M., Khajepor, S., Pishevar, A., Afshar, Y., Dissipative particle dynamics simulation of nano Taylor cone, ASME 2010 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels Collocated with 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engin | May, 2010 |
Pournaderi, P., Pishevar, A., SIMULATION OF VAPORIZING TWO PHASE FLOWS USING A LEVEL SET BASED SHARP INTERFACE METHOD, 13th Annual and 2nd International Fluid Dynamics Conference. | May, 2010 |
Paknemat, H., Pishevar, A., Pournader, P., SIMULATING 2D AXISYMMETRIC DEFORMATION OF PERFECT DIELECTRIC DROPLET IN A UNIFORM ELECTRIC FIELD, 13th Annual and 2nd International Fluid Dynamics Conference. | May, 2010 |
Monjezy, M., Dastanpour, R., Saidi, M.S., Pishevar, A., 3D-1D MODELING OF THE RESPIRATORY TRACK, 13th Annual and 2nd International Fluid Dynamics Conference. | May, 2010 |
Khajepor, S., Joulaian, M., Pishevar, A., Afshar, Y., Simulation of dripping flow using Dissipative Particle Dynamics, ASME 2010 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels Collocated with 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Eng |