Conference Papers

Title Publication Date
Paknemat, H., Pishevar, A., Pournader, P., Numerical Simulation of Perfect Dielectric Droplet Dynamics in a Uniform Electric Field, 19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME 2011 ) May, 2011
Joulaian, M., Khajepour, S., Pishevar, A., Afshar, Y., Mapping DPD Simulation Parameters to Physical Parameters, 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME 2010 ) May, 2010
Ghorbani, N., Pishevar, A., Afshar, Y., 3D SIMULATION OF DROP IMPACT DUE TO GRAVITY ON HORIZONTAL SOLID SURFACE BY MANY-BODY DISSIPATIVE PARTICLE DYNAMICS, 13th Annual and 2nd International Fluid Dynamics Conference. May, 2010
Dastanpour, R., Monjezy, M., Saidi, M.S., Pishevar, A., MONTE CARLO MODELING OF AEROSOL DEPOSITION IN HUMAN LUNG’S FIVE LOBES, 13th Annual and 2nd International Fluid Dynamics Conference. May, 2010
Joulaian, M., Khajepor, S., Pishevar, A., Afshar, Y., Dissipative particle dynamics simulation of nano Taylor cone, ASME 2010 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels Collocated with 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engin May, 2010
Pournaderi, P., Pishevar, A., SIMULATION OF VAPORIZING TWO PHASE FLOWS USING A LEVEL SET BASED SHARP INTERFACE METHOD, 13th Annual and 2nd International Fluid Dynamics Conference. May, 2010
Paknemat, H., Pishevar, A., Pournader, P., SIMULATING 2D AXISYMMETRIC DEFORMATION OF PERFECT DIELECTRIC DROPLET IN A UNIFORM ELECTRIC FIELD, 13th Annual and 2nd International Fluid Dynamics Conference. May, 2010
Monjezy, M., Dastanpour, R., Saidi, M.S., Pishevar, A., 3D-1D MODELING OF THE RESPIRATORY TRACK, 13th Annual and 2nd International Fluid Dynamics Conference. May, 2010
Khajepor, S., Joulaian, M., Pishevar, A., Afshar, Y., Simulation of dripping flow using Dissipative Particle Dynamics, ASME 2010 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels Collocated with 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Eng