Thesis Supervised

# Year Name University
Ph.D. Sudents  (Thesis supervised)
1 2007 Seraj. A. Tarbiat Modarres University The effect of maternal genetic effect on first day body weight, immune system, performance and reproduction traits in a commercial brioler strain
2 2008 Razmkabir, M. University of Tehran The Genetic evaluation of performance traits by random regression models in Holstein dairy cows in Iran
3 2009 Khaldari, M. University of Tehran Genetic response to selection for 4 week body weight and carcass compartments in Japanese Quail, PhD thesis
4 2009 Varkoohi, Sh. University of Tehran Genetic response to selection for traits related to feed efficiency in Japanese Quail, PhD thesis
5 2010 Rezvannejad, E. University of Tehran Genetic mapping of QTLs affecting 4-wk breast weight and body weight in Japanese Quail
6 2011 Ghiassi, H. University of Tehran Comparison of different selection strategies on reproductive performance in Iranian Holstein Cows
7 2012 Ahmadi, A. University of Tehran QTL mapping affected on some performance traits in Japanese Quail
8 2012 Bagheri, M. University of Tehran Association Between a few Candidate genes and Clinical Mastitis, Somatic Cell Count and Milk production in Holstein Dairy Cows of Iran
9 2012 Safdari, M. University of Tehran Investigation on polymorphisms in loci affected on some behavioral traits and study of genetic structure of Iranian honey bee populations
10 2012 Shirali, M. University of Tehran Comparison of different statistical methods for analyzing genomic data and estimating genomic breeding values in quantitative and threshold traits
11 2013 Abdollahi, R. University of Tehran The impact of allelic architecture of complex traits on genetic evaluations and evolutionary genetics
12 2013 Yousefi, K. University of Tehran The effects of Amino acid Levels and feeding methods on the performance, Ascites susceptibility, Immune Response Broiler chickens
13 2014 Ahmadpanah, J. University of Guilan Comparison of alternative selection strategies to reduce ascites susceptibility in broilers using computer simulation
14 2014 Sahebhonar, M. University of Tehran Optimum Selection Strategies in Genomic Breeding Programs in Holstein Dairy Cattle
15 2014 Zandi, M.B. University of Tehran Whole Genome Scan of Turkaman and Caspian Horse to Identify Genome Structure and signature of selection
16 2015 Hassanpour, K. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Evaluation of Transcriptome and the Profile of Gene Expression of birds sensitive to Ascites Syndrome
17 2016 Arabi, H. University of Tehran Genetic polymorphism in candidate genes and it's relation with economic traits in Japanese Quail
18 2016 Beiki, H. University of Tehran Large-scale gene co-expression network as a source of functional annotation for bovine genes
19 2017 Sharifi, S. Isfahan University of Technology Gene Ranking of Resistance to  Bovine Mastitis
21 2020 Jafari. A. Lorestan University Evaluation of the interactions between starter physical form and level and frequency of liquid feed offering on performance, ruminal fermentation, and blood metabolites in Holstein dairy calves
20 2020 Heidari, M. Isfahan University of Technology Reconstruction of the Gene Expression Regulatory Network Involved in Johne’s Disease in Dairy Cattle
# Year Name University Ms.C. Students (Thesis supervised)
1 2005 Eslamieh, M.M. University of Tehran The study of bovine lactoferrin gene polymorphism with PCR-RFLP method and its relationship to genetic resistanceagainst mastitis, MY & Holstein cows
2 2006 Safdari, M. University of Tehran Selection strategies for Milk yield and mastitis resistance in Iranian dairy cows
3 2007 Bakhteyarizadeh, M. University of Tehran Genetic relationships between linear type traits, SCC and longevity in Holstein dairy cows in Iran
4 2007 Beiki, H. University of Tehran  Divergent selection for 4-wk BW in japanese quail
5 2007 Heydaritabar, M. University of Tehran The pattern of changes in SCC in milk of Holstein dairy cows in Iran
6 2007 Jafari. A. University of Tehran Growth hormone gene polymorphism in Isfahand Mazandaran native fowls
7 2008 Hashemi Gamir, M. University of Tehran Genetic Evaluation of stillbirth in Iranian Holsteins dairy cows using a threshold model
8 2008 Kazemi, O. University of Tehran  The polymorphism of bovine fecundity major genes FecB and FecXI in Iranian goats
9 2008 Khani, H. Azad University of Varamin Estimation of genetic parameters of performance traits in high yielding Holstein cows
10 2008 Najafgholian, J. University of Tehran Assessing Hygienic Behavior and Attraction to Varroa Mite in Iranian honey bee and ...,
11 2010 Naghous, M. University of Tehran The relationship between growth curve and Ascites syndrome in a commercial brioler strain
12 2010 Seyfi. E. Azad University of Karaj Evaluation of Selection Strategies for Milk-Yield and Non-Return Rate in Iranian Holstein dairy cows
13 2011 Sadeghi, R. University of Tehran Divergent selection for body weight in Coturnix coturnix japonica: Genetic Correleted Response of Reproductive Traits
14 2011 Safari Aligharlou, A. University of Tehran Mathematical Models To Desribe Egg Production of a Commercial Broiler dam Lines
15 2011 Sheikh Zeinaldin, H. University of Tehran Cloning and sequencing of Cox1 gene in Hidatidose ...,
16 2012 Salimi, S. University of Tehran The Effect of Including Maternal Genetic Effects on Birds Ranking in a Commercial Broiler Sire Line
17 2013 Hosseni, M. University of Tehran Using Ultrasound to Determine Fat Thickness and longissimus dorsi Muscle Depth on Iranian Fat-tailed Sheep of different live weight
18 2013 Javan Nikkhah, M. University of Tehran Estimation of genetic and environment parameters of Growth and Reproduction traits in Iran Black Sheep
19 2013 Reza Gholivand, A. University of Tehran DNA Polymorphism of STAT5 Gene and it's relationship with Milk yield in Mahabadi Goats
20 2014 Amini, H. R. University of Tehran DNA Uptake by Embryo could be one of the causes for making transgenic Chickens
21 2014 Hagh Shenas, H. University of Tehran Evaluation of Carcass quality of Crossbred and purebred sheeps
22 2014 Khoramnia, B. University of Tehran The performance of Broiler farm Under Uniq production system in Golestan province
23 2014 Nikoonejad, V. University of Tehran Comparison of different relationship matrices in mating strategies to control Inbreeding and Genetic Gain in Poultry population
24 2014 Sarbaz Shendi, F. University of Tehran Tracing Major Genes of some Economical Traits in a Commercial Broiler Line by Using Basian Analysis Approach and Major Gene Index
25 2016 Bashiri, M. University of Tehran Fitting growth curve with nonlinear mixed-effects models in Japanese quail
26 2016 Talebi, B. University of Tehran The arrangement of quantitative traits loci within chromosomes and its effects on  some population genetic parameters
27 2016
Safdari, P.
Isfahan University of Technology
The effect of soybean genitin on performance, Imune response, micobial population ... in broiler chickens
28 2016
Ramin Shami
Isfahan University of Technology
Genetic evaluation of BCS and its raltionship with Milk yeild by using Basian mathod in Hulstein dairy cattle of Isfahan
29 2017 Rostami, D. Isfahan University of Technology Genetic aspects of milking speed in Holestien dairy cows of Isfahan
30 2017
Rostamzadeh, S.
Isfahan University of Technology
Improve the genetic evaluation system of stay ability in Holstein herds of Isfahan Province, Isfahan University of Technology
31 2017
Rasti, F.
Isfahan University of Technology  Improving the method of performance evaluation of honey bee colonies (A. Melefera L.) to estimate genetic parameters
32 2017
Jahanbakhsh, J.
Isfahan University of Technology
Review and Identify Biomarkers in Biological Pathways Involved in Mastitis Disease in Cattle by Using Gene Network Technique, Isfahan University of technology
33 2019 Rabanni, A. Isfahan University of Technology Comparison of production and reproduction traits of Holstein and Brown Swiss dairy cattle in Iran
34 2019 Soleimani, F. Isfahan University of Technology Assessment of the economic and management aspects of bulk tank total bacterial counts in Iranian dairy farms
35 2020 Abutalebian, A.H. Isfahan University of Technology The relationship between the shape of the milk production curve and reproductive traits in dairy cows
36 2021 Tabashiri Isfahani, R. Isfahan University of Technology Investigation of gene expression profile and identification of regulatory pathways of miRNAs involved in Mumps disease caused by Streptococcus uberis
37 2021 Pouresmaeili, H. Isfahan University of Technology Evaluation of mastitis in dairy cattle herd of Isfahan University of  Technology and study of alternative somatic cell count traits
38 2022 Akbari Jouchi, J. Isfahan University of Technology A Comparison of the performance of four honeybee races (Iranian, Italian, Carniolan, Caucasian) and Iranian-Carniolan and Iranian-Italian hybrids
39 2022 Sadeghjou langerogdi, O. Isfahan University of Technology Using Transition Cow Index (TCI) as a tool to manage the transition period dairy cows
40 2022 Shirani, S. Isfahan University of Technology The association between AI time and the sex ratio in dairy cattle) and Iranian-Carniolan and Iranian-Italian hybrids
41 2023 Safarnourolah, Sh. Isfahan University of Technology Factors associated with honey bee population and their relationship with honey bee colonies overwintering