Papers presented in Conferences

  1. Surface Coating of 316L stainless steel alloy using nanographene oxide layers, 14th Conference of National day of Engineering, 4th March, 2018, Isfahan, Iran.
  2. Improving properties of Epoxy- Carbon composite using poly (methyl methacrylate) nanofibres, 14th Conference of National day of Engineering, 4th March, 2018, Isfahan, Iran.
  3. Chemically surface modification of nanoparticles of Titanium dioxide using 3-(triethoxysilyl) propyl methacrylate coupling agent,6th National Conference on Nanotechnology from Theory to Application, Feb.8th, 2018, Tehran, Iran.
  4. Investigating mechanical properties of Polyacrylonirile nanofibre reinforced with nano particles of silicone carbide. 7th National conference & 2nd International conference on Applications of Chemistry in Advanced Technologies, 14 th Dec.2017, Tehran,Iran.
  5. An Experimental Study on Reactive Absorption Kinetic of Hydrogen Sulfide into Sodium Hydroxide Solution, 1st National Conference on Gas and Petrochemical Processes, 3-4 May 2017, Bojnord, Iran.
  6. Surface modification of nano ZnO via polymers with different level of humidity absorption on photo- degradation behavior of low density polyethylene film, 4th International Conference on Recent Innovation in Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, 14th July 2017, Tehran, Iran.
  7. Design and characterization of poly (glycerol sebacate)/polycaprolacton and poly (1, 8 octanediol)/polycaprolacton scaffold by electrospining for soft tissue, The fifth National nanotechnology conference: Theory to Application, 8th Feb.2017, Isfahan, Iran.
  8. Enhancement of Mechanical properties of Polyacrylonitrile nanofibres with alumina nanoparticles, The Fifth National conference on application of Chemistry in New Technologies,29th Dec.2016, Isfahan, Iran.
  9. Preparation of elastomeric foam having high cell pressure and foaming agent content-independent foam density, The 5th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and Application (CCFA-5) Dec.20-21, 2016, Tehran, Iran.
  10. Interfacial Toughening of Glass Fiber-Epoxy Composites Using Electrospun Nanofibers, The 5th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and Application (CCFA-5) Dec.20-21, 2016, Tehran, Iran.
  11. Preparation and Characterization of elastomeric natural rubber/nanoclay nanocomposite foams, 6th International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 26-28 Oct.2016, Karaj, Iran.
  12. Hydrolysis of Chitosan Using Ultraviolet Irradiation and Hydrogen peroxide,
  13. Thermal Stability of Epoxy resin and its Amine Based Curing Agent, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology,2-5 November 2016,Tehran,Iran
  14. Encapsulation in Core-Shell Nanofibres, 12th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, 2-5 November 2016, Tehran, Iran.
  15. Synthesis and characterization of gelatin film containing propolis as wound dressing materials, 3rd International conference on New Research Achievements in Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, May2016, Tehran, Iran.
  16. Comparison between chitosan powder and chitosan nanofibre for removal of phenol from aqueous solution,2nd International conference on modern research in Agricultural Science and Environment,14 March 2016,Istanbul,Turkey.
  17. Optimization of crosslinking time of Chitosan/ polyvinylalcohol for preparation of non-soluble adsorbent,2nd International Conference on New Research Achievements in Chemistry &Chemical Engineering, May 5th,2016,Tehran,Iran.
  18. Effect of Different Chitosan/PVA volumetric ratio on Morphology of Electrospun Nanofibres, 3rd National Conference & 1st International Conference on Applied Research in Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, April22, 2016, Tehran, Iran.
  19. Effect of addition of LDPE on mechanical properties of PVC/ Wood composite, National Conference on Polymer in Construction, May 2016, Tehran, Iran.
  20. Preparation of a Wood/PVC/LDPE composite: Investigating effect of Nano clay on mechanical, thermal and water absorption, 2nd International Conference on New Research Achievements in Chemistry& Chemical Engineering, 5th May 2016, Tehran, Iran.
  21. Design and characterization of PGS/PCL/ Gelatin core-shell nanofibers for treatment of retinal injuries, The 12th international conference on Membrane Science and Technology (MST 2015),1-3 November 2015, Tehran, Iran
  22. Electrospining of Nanofibrous membranes: Prediction and optimization, The 12th international conference on Membrane Science and Technology (MST 2015),1-3 November 2015, Tehran, Iran
  23. Effect of beta tricalcium phosphate nanoparticles loaded in PCL/PGS nanofibre membrane for bone tissue engineering, 6th International conference on Nanostructures (ICNS6) 7-10 March 2016, Kish Island, Iran.
  24. Design and characterization of nano- composite membranes for the treatment of bone defects in oral and maxillofacial, Third Congress of Iranian Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists, 29-31 July 2015, Isfahan, Iran.
  25. Review mathematical models for optimization of electrospining parameters of scaffolds used in Tissue Engineering, Stem cells& Regenerative Medicine International Congress, May 20-22, 2015, Mashhad, Iran
  26. Synthesis, Mechanical properties and degradation behavior of poly (glycerol-sebacate) as retina stem cell scaffold using electrospining technique, Stem cells& Regenerative Medicine International Congress, May 20-22, 2015, Mashhad, Iran
  27. Prediction and optimization of electrospining process for gelatin/cellulose acetate nanofibres, Stem cells& Regenerative Medicine International Congress,May 20-22, 2015, Mashhad, Iran
  28. Electrospun poly(ε-caprolactone)/ gelatin/Fibrinogen Nanofibrous Scaffolds For Central Nerve Tissue Engineering, Stem cells& Regenerative Medicine International Congress, May 20-22, 2015, Mashhad, Iran
  29. Experimental Optimization of Sodium Sulfide Production by H2S Reactive Absorption via Genetic Algorithm, International Conference on Economics, Accounting, Management and Social Science & International Conference on Engineering, Arts Management and Environment ,December 11-12,2014,Szczeein, Poland
  30. Mathematical modeling of CO2 absorption with monoethanolamine in packed column,  International Conference on Economics, Accounting, Management and Social Science & International Conference on Engineering, Arts Management and Environment ,December 11-12,2014,Szczeein, Poland
  31. Optimization of Hydrogen Sulfide Reactive Absorption in Spray Column by Response Surface Methodology, International Conference on Economics, Accounting, Management and Social Science & International Conference on Engineering, Arts Management and Environment ,December 11-12,2014,Szczeein, Poland
  32. Investigating role and different types of additives and nano additives in Industrial lubricants, National Conference on applications of Chemistry in new Technologies, 13th Nov.2014, Isfahan, Iran.
  33. Mechanical and Thermal Properties of HDPE/Wood Flour Nanocomposites, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (ISPST2014),6-9 Oct.2014,Tehran, Iran.
  34. Preparation and characterization of Poly (hydroxyl butyrate)/ Chitosan blend Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (ISPST2014), 6-9 Oct.2014, Tehran, Iran.
  35. Investigating the effect of Expandable Polystyrene Bead, Recycled Rubber Powder and Silica Fume on Water Absorption Behavior of Concrete, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (ISPST2014), 6-9 Oct.2014, Tehran, Iran.
  36. Blending of NR/BR/EPDM-g-GMA by reactive Processing for tire sidewall applications, 11th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology (ISPST2014), 6-9 Oct.2014, Tehran, Iran.
  37. Preparation and characterization of a novel chitosan scaffold, 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology (ICN2014), 9-11 July 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
  38. Optimization of operating condition of sodium sulfide production from reactive absorption of hydrogen sulfide in spray column using response surface methodology, 3rd National conference on New technologies in Chemistry& Chemical Engineering, Ghochan, Iran, 20-21 May 2014.
  39. Comparison of performance of reactive absorption of carbon dioxide in packed column, spray column and membrane system, 3rd National conference on new technologies in Chemistry& Chemical Engineering, Ghochan, Iran, 20-21 May 2014.
  40. Operating condition optimization of reactive absorption of Hydrogen sulfide using genetic algorithm, 3rd National conference on new technologies in Chemistry& Chemical Engineering, Ghochan, Iran, 20-21 May 2014.
  41. Microwave Curing for Long Rubber Articles, The 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC2014),Kish, Iran,24-27 February, 2014.
  42. LLDPE/ Starch Blend: Effect of Stearic Acid, Citric Acid and Glycerin on Water Absorption and Mechanical Properties, The 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC2014), Kish, Iran,24-27 February, 2014.
  43. Development of a Response Surface Model for Heat Build Up of Tread Tire Compound in the Presence of Modified Clays, The 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC2014), Kish, Iran, 24-27 February, 2014.
  44. A Modified rate based modeling of reactive absorption of H2S   in NaOH and NaOCl solution in a packed bed column, The 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC2014), Kish, Iran, 24-27 February, 2014.
  45. Electrospun sodium alginate/polyvinylalcohol nanofibrous scaffold: An attempt to increase final sodium alginate mass ratio, 4th International Conference on UltraFine Grained and Nano Structured Materials(UFGNSM2013), Tehran, Iranm5-6 Nov.2013
  46. Fabrication of Collagen-Chitosan nanofibrous scaffold with honey underlayer for skin tissue engineering, 4th International Conference on UltraFine Grained and Nano Structured Materials(UFGNSM2013), Tehran, Iranm5-6 Nov.2013
  47. Effects of pH on polyvinyl alcohol/sodium alginate electrospun nanofibres morphology for biomedical applications. The second International and The Seventh Joint Conference of Iranian Metallurgical engineering and Iranian Foundrymen Scientific Societies, Semnan,Iran,29-30 Oct.2013
  48. Electrospun collagen-chitosan-vitaminC nanofibrous scaffolds for tissue engineering, The first Iranian annual congress in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 18-20 May 2013.
  49. Morphological Characterization of Blended Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) / Sodium Alginate Electrospun Nanofibres: Effects of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) with two different molecular weight, The First Iranian Annual Congress on Progress in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Tehran,Iran,18-20 May 2013
  50.  Investigating, Evaluation and presenting required procedure for improving efficiency of heat exchangers in Bisotun power plant (West Plants), 5th Electric Power Generation Conference , Ahwaz,Iran,12-14 Feb.2013
  51. Synthesis of Poly glycerol sebacate as a novel material in Tissue Engineering,1st New and Advanced Materials International Congress (NAMIC) 30-31 May 2012
  52. Preparing Nylon6/PE-g-MA alloys for increasing permeability resistance against gasoline, 10th International Seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, Amirkabir University, Tehran, Iran 21-25 Oct.2012
  53. Investigating synthesis method and factors affecting Physico-Chemical properties of Calcium sulphonate superbasem3rd Surfactant& Detergent Technology Conference, Sharif University, Tehran, Iran 10-11th Oct.2012
  54. Investigating synthesis method and factors affecting Physico-Chemical properties of Calcium phenate superbase,3rd Surfactant & Detergent Technology Conference, Sharif University Tehran,Iran10-11th Oct.2012
  55. Synthesis and Characterization of Nano Sized Calcium Carbonate ( Ca CO3) particles in Micro Emulsion Solutions, 14th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, 21-24 February 2012, Singapore
  56. Design of Experiment in Synthesis of Nano Silica, Effect of Precipitation Parameter on Properties, 14th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, 21-24 February 2012, Singapore
  57. Comparing performance of automotive lead acid batteries: application of Na2SO4 in negative and positive electrodes paste,LABAT,8th International conference on lead-acid batteries,7-10th June 2011,Albena,Bulgaria
  58. Nanoparticle shape Matters: Effect on the properties of Scaffolds, TERMIS AP 2010,15-17 September 2010,NSW,Australia
  59. Effect of using Na2SO4 additive on the performance of Automotive acid Battery,6th Iranian Seminar on electrochemical , 9-10th October 2010,Kish Island, Iran
  60. Simulation of air separation and oxygen production by cryogenic method in mobarekeh steel plant"2nd conference on Science and separation Engineering, May 4-6,2010, Kerman, Iran
  61. Preparation of Nano-hydroxyapatite/Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) nanocomposite scaffold used in Bone tissue Engineering proceedings of the 3rd conference on Nanostructures, March 10-12, 2010, Kish Island, Iran.
  62. Application of Taguchi method in synthesis of Hydroxyapatite/Beta Tricalcium Phosphate Nano particles with different shape factors.5th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids(DSL 2009)24-26 June 2009, Italy.
  63. Modeling of Drug release using controlled drug release and chemical erosion of polymer"18th International congress of chemical and process Engineering,24-28 August 2008, Prague, CZ
  64. The effect of particle size and concentration MDH on flammability and mechanical properties high density polyethylene and ethyl vinyl acetate (HDPE/EVA) compound"18th International congress of chemical and process Engineering,24-28 August 2008,Prague, CZ.
  65. The effect of particle size and concentration ATH flammability and mechanical properties high density polyethylene and Ethyl Vinyl acetate (HDPE/EVA) compound" The 5th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition  2-5  January 2008, Kish Island, Iran
  66. Separation of MgCl2 from Carnalite with purity of higher than 93% at laboratory Scale.34th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, May 21-25,2007,Slovakia
  67. Alpha-Cellulose filled Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber Compounds: The effects of cure system and filler loading "European Polymer Federation "Slovenian Chemical Society, 2-6 July 2007.
  68. The effect of filler loading in alpha-cellulose filled NR/SBR composites" European Polymer Federation” Slovenian Chemical Society,2-6 July 2007.Slovenia
  69. Optimization of Mechanical properties of WOOD/HDPE composite "European Polymer Federation" Slovenian Chemical Society,2-6 July 2007.Slovenia
  70. Determining factors effecting crystallinity of PET Bottles.7th Congress of National Chemical Engineering. Shiraz, Iran 2007.
  71. Mechanical, Thermo mechanical properties of laminated films from whey protein and zein layers “The 8th International seminar on Polymer Science & Technology, 23-25 Oct.2007.Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
  72. A Novel method for Synthesis and characterization of Nano particle size Polypropylene, 11th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran 2006.
  73. Investigating effect of variables in Ceramic foams for aluminum alloys "10th Iranian annual conference of Materials Mashhad, Iran 2005
  74. Separation of KCl from Carnalite with purity of higher than 99% at laboratory scale.16th International congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2004,Czech Republic
  75. Synthesis of Bone Cement, International Orthopaedic Congress on Arthroplasty, April 24-26,2001,Tehran,Iran
  76. Modeling and Investigation of Mechanical characteristics of Intervertebral Disc Prosthesis, 9th Conference on Biomedical Engineering (March 2000) Iran Science and Technology University.
  77. Advanced Bone Cement, 7th conference on Biomedical Engineering, Dec.1994, Sharif University of Technology. Iran
  78. Modified Hydroxyapatite Reinforced PEMA Bone Cement, Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine Nov.1992,Japan
  79. Advanced Bone Cement for Long term Orthopedic Implantation Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine.Sept.1991, London, England