Biography 255

Dr. Abbas Pakdel

Professor  in Animal Breeding & Genetics

Department of Animal Science
College of Agriculture 
Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran




Birth date: October 7th , 1967 in Isfahan, Iran.

Diploma: in Natural scince within 1983-1986 years, Isfahan, Iran.

B.Sc within 1986-1990 years, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.

M. Sc within 1990-1994 years, Tarbiat Modaress University, Tehran, Iran.

Ph.D within 2000- 2004 years Wageningen University, The Netherland

The title of PhD thesis: "Genetic Analysis of Ascited and Related Traits in Broiler Chickens"


Academic Appointment

  1. Academic member of Ilam University within 1996-2005.
  2. Director of Cultural Affairs in Ilam University within 1993-1996
  3. Head of Department of Animal Science in Ilam University within 1996-2000
  4. Academic member of Tehran University, UTCAN, 2005- 2014.
  5. Executive secretary of the First National Conference of Nanotechnology and its Application in Agriculture and Natural Resources, 16-18 May 2012
  6. Head of Department of Animal Science in Tehran University within: 2012 -2014
  7. Associate Dean, Education & Postgraduate in Tehran University within 2008-2012
  8. Director of fundamental research affair within 2008-2012
  9. Academic member of Isfahan University of Technology, 2014- continued.
  10. Head of Department of Animal Science in Isfahan University of Technology, 2017-2021
  11. Present Dean of the College of Agriculture in Isfahan University of Technology, 2022 to ...
  12. Member of the Agricultural Scientific Working Group of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, 2022 to …
  13. Representative of the Minister of Science, Research and Technology in the Board of Trustees of Amin Non-Governmental and Non-Profit Higher Education Institute, 2022 to …
  14. Representative of the Minister of Science, Research and Technology in Isfahan Province Council, Agricultural and Natural Resources Engineering Organization of IRAN, 2023 to ....