Biography 42

I received my B.Sc. in structural engineering at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) in 2009, and my M.Sc. degree again at IUT in 2011. Immediately, I started as a Ph.D. candidate at IUT and finished it in 2016 under supervision of Prof. Bijan Boroomand. I started my career as faculty member of structural engineering at the Civil Engineering Department of Isfahan University of Technology in 2016, which is ongoing to this date.

My research field includes development and implementation of mesh-based and mesh-less numerical methods in various fields of structural engineering and computational mechanics including fracture mechanics, plates and shells, structural dynamics, Nano-mechanics, etc. The original mesh-less method developed by my research team, named Equilibrated Basis Functions (EqBFs), is being continuously extended for various challenging engineering problems including singularity polluted solids, free and forced vibration of solids and structure, dynamics and stability of shell-like elements, and improvement of well-established modern numerical methods such as EFG, SBFEM, MLPG, VEM, and the like.