Research Projects

  • Metrological  Buoy project manager, construction of the first meteorological buoy in Iran, Isfahan University of Technology
  • Project Manager , underwater hull cleaning System , Isfahan University of Technology
  • Project Manager ,  Installation  of Mother Stations and Technical Support of Ports and Shipping Organization, Isfahan University of Technology, Oceanor Company
  • Project manager ,Khazar (Caspian) Oil Company , Design and deployment of ASTARA wave buoy , Isfahan university of Technology
  • Manager of the comprehensive plan,  quality control of metrological and oceanographic data of the Ports and Maritime Organization, Isfahan university of technology
  • Project manager,  National Marine Monitoring and Forecasting Plan, General Directorate of Coasts and Ports, Isfahan university of technology
  • project manager , Iranian Wave Modeling project
  • Project Manager,  Design and Execution of Marine Characteristics Laboratory, Isfahan university of technology
  • Project manager,  Deep Water Robot Exploration Project Kavosh 8, IOEC project,
  • Design and localization of explosion-proof equipment for oil and gas industry, private sector
  • Design and construction of monitoring system for grid-connected solar systems, private sector