1- Production of zeolite from stone cutting wastes and its application for wastewater treatment
2- Production of activated carbon from oily sludge of petroleun refinery
3- Use of rice hull for removal of heavy metal from industrial wastewater
4- Use of blast furnace slag as sorbent in water and wastewater treatment
5- Determination of waste generation rate in the industrial towns
6- Determination of heavy metal concentration in some natural plant species around Irankouh
lead and zinc mine in Isfahan
7- Investigation on the use of saline wastewater of Zobahan factory for greenbelt irrigation
8- Determination of flouride concentrations in water, soil and some of crops in Isfahan-Iran
9- Investiogation of heavy metal pollution in water, soil and plants aroun Ahangaran lead and
zinc mine in Malayer-Iran
10- Solid waste and environmental pollution management in the gas stations and distribution
network of Isfahan city-Iran