Project Title: Resource Allocation for Space-Air-Ground Internet of Remote Things Networks (employer:Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran (MCI), 2022-now)
Project Title: Internet of vehicles (IoV) networks using optical camera communication (OCC) technology (employer:Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran (MCI), 2021-2023)
Project Title: Improving the performance and network coverage using V2V communication in 5G and 6G networks (employer:Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran (MCI), 2021-2022)
Project Title: Fog Computing in Vehicular Networks (employer:Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran (MCI), 2021-2022)
Project Title: Standards, Applications and suitable Road map for Traffic Radio Communication (2019-2020)
Project Title: Technical and Financial Comparison between SDH and OTN Systems for Esfahan Urban Railway Lines, (employer: Esfahan Urban Railway Organization, 2013)