
M. Sc. Students:

1. " A vortex method for simulating turbulent jets", Faroogh Fazeli,2004.

2. "A numerical study of the motion of drops in simple shear flow", Hosain Abbaspoor, 2004.

3."A numerical study of the motion of drops in Poiseuille flow at Finite Reynolds numbers", Peyman Yazdi, 2005.

4."Numerical simulation of the motion drops suspended in simple shear flow", Yaser Afshar, 2006.

5.”Numerical simulation of buoyant drops suspended in a shear flow”, Sina

Goodarzi, 2011.

6.”Numerical simulation of buoyant drops suspended in Poiseuille flow”,Hamed

Khalili, 2012.

7.”Behavior of suspension of drops on an inclined surface”, Mehdi Tafreshi,2012.

8.”Effect of drop size on the behavior of suspensions in simple shear flow”,

Reza Khazaeli, 2012.

9.”Three dimensional numerical simulation of sedimenting drops inside a vertical channel”,Mahmood Amiri,2012.

10.”Three dimensional interaction of two buoyant drops under gravity”,Omid Pournader,2012.

11.”Numerical simulation of drops in a horizontal shear flow”,Amin Razavieh,2012.

12. “Effect of viscosity ration on the motion of drops on an inclined surface”,

     Mohammad Aberooi, 2013.

13. "Numerical study of non-linear behavior of a sheared immiscible fluid interface",

     Majid Ahmadi, 2014.

14. "Inversigation of particle size segregation in Poisssuile flow in two dimensions",

      Mohammad Abdolmaleki, 2014.

15. "Numerical simulation of drop impingement onto horizontal and inclined surface",

       Mehdi Baghaee, 2014.

 16. "A numerical study of coalescense and breakup of droplets using front-tracking

      method", Meghdad Razizadeh, 2015.

 17. "Three dimensional numerical simulation of drops  in a channel under uniform

electric field" , Mostafa Akbari, 2016.

18. "Numerical Simulation of Film Boiling in Complex Geometries", Amir Sedaghatkish, 2017.

19. "Numerical Simulation of Nucleate Boiling Using  Front Tracking Method",  Mohammad Amin Amini, 2018. 

20. "Three dimensional numerical simulation of drops under umiform electric field using  consevation of charge equation", Mohammad  Amin Saeedipoor, 2018.

21. "Two dimensional numerical simulation of film boiling with heat flux boundary condition using front tracking method",Pooria Ghambari,2018.

22."Two dimensional numerical  simulation of condensation in a vertical channel using front tracking method", Ali Fazel,2019.

23. "Three dimensional numerical simulation of drops flowing on an inclined surface",Saeedeh Hoseini. 2019.

24. "Three dimensional numerical simulation of drops in a channel under uniform electric field using equation of conservation of change, comparison with Taylor theory",Sajad Hamzei 2019. 

25. Numerical simulation of film boiling with heat flux boundary condition using front tracking method",Pedram Shakiba,2020.

26. Numerical simulation of suspension of drops in a channel under uniform electric field using equation of conservation of charge, Reza Zahedi, 2021.

28. Numerical Simulation of a Rising, Expanding Bubble Around a Hot Cylinder in a Confined Domain filled with Liquid, with In-flow and Out-flow Boundary Conditions, Artwell Musarurwa,2022.

29. Numerical simulation of film boiling in the presence of a uniform electric field using front tracking, Milad Roozbehani, 2022.

30. Aerodynamic break up of drops in tandom under a specified initial velocity, Mehran Moradi 2022.

31. A three dimensional study of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability by numerical simulations, Yahya Amooshahi 2023.






Ph. D. Students:

1."Three dimensional numerical simulation of drops suspended in simple shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers",Morteza Bayareh, 2010.

2.”Three dimensional numerical simulation of drops suspended in Poiseuille flow

at non-zero Reynolds numbers”, Amireh Noorbakhsh, 2011.

3."A comprehensive study of the breakup of a liquid jet in different breakup regimes using front/tracking method in three dimnesions", Hamed Shahin, 2018.

4. "Long time numerical simulation of film boiling in three dimensions on a horizontal periodic surface using front tracking", Amir Khorram, 2022.

5. "Three dimensional numerical simulation of nucleate boiling heat transfer using front tracking", Alireza Salehi, 2023.

6. "Three-dimensional numerical simulation of drop evaporation at high density ratios using front tracking",Mehrdad Najafian,2023.




