
Current Ph.D. Students:

            Amir Samadi

            Amir Khorsandi

            Amin Ghalami

            Mohammad Reza Hosseini

            Mehdi Naderi

            Mohammad Taghi Adili

            Safora NaderolAsli

            Amin Jamali

            Alireza Homayounzade



Current M.S. Students:





Supervised Ph.D. Students:

            M. KhosraviFard                     Associate Prof., ECE Dept. of Isfahan University of Tech.

كدهايي براي منابع يكنواي محدود     :Thesis Title

            Pejman Goudarzi                    Researcher at Iran Research Telecom

طراحي الگوريتم هاي تخصيص نرخ بهينه بر مبناي تابع سودمندي در شبكه هاي داده       :Thesis Title

            Pejman Khadivi                      Assistant Prof., ECE Dept. of Isfahan University of Tech.

Thesis Title: Vertical Handoff in Hybrid Mobile Networks based on Self - Organization

            H. Karimiyan Alidash             Assistant Prof., ECE Dept. of Kashan University

Thesis Title: Low-Power State-Retention Standard-Cell Flip-Flop Desig

            Mohammad BehdadFar          Assistant Prof. IRB Univ., Tehran

                                Thesis Title: Introduction of Scalar Search Algorithm to Find the Longest Prefix in IP Network

            Ali Ghiasian                            Assistant Prof, ECE Dept. of Shahrekord University, Iran

                                Thesis Title: Investigation of link scheduling in wireless networks using graph theory

            Mahmoud Daneshvar              Assistant Prof, Najaf-Abad Azad University, Iran

                                Thesis Title: The Study of Interaction between Scheduling Algorithms and Bursty Traffic


Advised Ph.D. Students:

             Mehdi Berenjkob                    Associate Prof., ECE Dept. of Isfahan University of Tech.

پروتكلهاي توزيع كليد دوسويه در رمزنگاري

             Ali Fanian                               Assistant Prof, ECE Dept. of Isfahan University of Tech.

Thesis Title: Key Management in Wireless Sensor Networks


Some Previous Graduate Students:


            Arash Shokrani                       Ph.D. from Carlton Univ. Canada

            Mohammad Manshaee            Assistant Prof, ECE Dept. of Isfahan University of Tech.

            Mohammad Sabahi                 Assistant Prof., Esfahan University, Iran

            Nahid Saberi                           Assistant Professor at City University of New York/Ph.D. McGill Univ. Canada,

            Mehdi Mani                            Ph.D. “Universite Pierre et marie  curie”, France

            Golnaz Karbaschi                    Ph.D. “Universite Pierre et marie  curie”, Franc

            Toraj Shabanian                      Ph.D. from IUT, Isfahan, Iran           

            Yaser Eftekhari                       Ph.D. from Carleton Univ., Canada

            Mohammad Ataei                   Ph.D. from Ottawa Univ., Canada

            Hasan Halabian                       Ph.D. Ottawa Univ., Canada

            Marjan Hadian                        Ph.D. Australia

            Zahra Baharloui                      Ph.D. Lecturer, IUT, Isfahan, Iran

            Amir Saemi                             Ph.D. Philosophy University of California, Santa Barbara, March 2013    

                                                              Ph.D Electronics and Telecommunications, September 2007 University of Limoges, ,                                                             France (CNRS 6172, French National Scientific Research Center)

             Shahram Tabandeh                 Ph.D. Candidate, McGill Univ., Canada

              Ali Kahkbod                           Ph.D. Candidate, Michigan Ann Arbor, USA

              Iraj Hosseini                           Ph.D. Candidate, Alberta, Canada    

              Yahya Ajami                           Ph.D. Candidate, Yonsei University, Korea

              Zeinab Zali                             Ph.D. Candidate, IUT, Isfahan, Iran

              Zahra Baharloui                      Ph.D. Candidate, IUT, Isfahan, Iran

              Narjes Torabi                           Ph.D. Candidate, Canada

              Mohammad Reza Faghani      Ph.D. Candidate, Canada

              Saideh AliNejad                     Ph.D. Candidate, Sharif Univ. of Technology, Tehran, Iran

              Zohreh Fotohi                         Lecturer, Azad University, NajafAbad, Iran// Ph.D. Candidate, IUT, Isfahan, Iran

              Hatam Abdoli                         Lecturer, Abu-Ali Sina (Avisina) Univ.,Hamadan, Iran/ Ph.D. Candidate, Esfahan University, Iran

              Soodeh Amiri                          Ph.D. Candidate, Yazd University, Iran

              Mohammad reza Hosseini       Ph.D. Candidate, IUT, Isfahan, Iran

              Amin Motahari                        Ph.D. Candidate, Florida Univ. Florida, USA

              Sorush SadeghZadeh              Ph.D. Candidate, Esfahan University, Iran

              Zahra Vali                               Ph.D. Candidate, IUT, Isfahan, Iran

              Shima Kheradmand                Ph.D. Candidate, IUT, Isfahan, Iran

              Parvin Rastegari                      Ph.D. Candidate, IUT, Isfahan, Iran

              Daruish Fooladivanda             Ph.D. Candidate, USA

              Yahya Forgani                        Lecturer, Azad University, Mashhad, Iran