Biography 40

Personal Details                                                  


Surname                        Moradi Gharibvand

First name                     Mehran


   Office:                     Department of Mechanical Engineering,

                                   Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran

Tel:                               +98(31)33915254    





1992-1996                      PhD in Computational Mechanics,

                                       Faculty of Engineering,

                                       Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan

Held a scholarship from the Japanese Government and an Overseas Research Scholarship from the Iranian Government

Thesis: "New Boundary Element Methods for Quasi-static  Problems of Coupled thermoelasticity"


1991-1992                     Japanese language, Osaka University of Foreign languages, 

                                      Osaka, Japan

1987-1989                      MSc in Solid Mechanics,

                                       Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

                                      Thesis:" Application of Complex Variables in the Theory of Elasticity"


1983-1987                      BSc in Mechanical Engineering,

                                       Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran