Voiculescu amenable Hopf von Neumann algebras with applications

Fatemeh Akhtari
Rasoul Nasr-Isfahani

For a Hopf von Neumann algebra , we give a fixed point characterization of Voiculescu amenability of in terms of modules over . As a consequence, we present some descriptions for amenability of locally compact groups in terms of certain associated Hopf von Neumann algebras. We finally apply this result to some modules of continuous functions on a multiplicative subsemigroup of .

Keywords: Additively uniformly continuous; Hopf von Neumann algebra; left fixed point; locally compact group; right module; Voiculescu amenability
AMSC: Primary: 46H25, Primary: 46L10, Primary: 47H10, Secondary: 16T05, Secondary: 43A20, Secondary: 46H05, Secondary: 47B65



