On the second conjugate of the weighted semigroup algebra for a locally compact semigroup

On the second conjugate of the weighted semigroupalgebra for a locally compact semigroup


Saeid Maghsoudi


Rasoul Nasr-Isfahani



Let S be a topological semigroup, ω be a weight function on S, and M a (S, ω) be the weightedsemigroup algebra of S. Let   (SM a (S, ω)) be the C *-algebra of all M a (S, ω)-measurable functions g on S such that g/ω vanishes at infinity. Here, we consider   (SM a (S, ω))* as a closed subalgebra of M a (S, ω)** equipped with the first Arens product, and study the relation between these two algebras. In particular, we show that   (SM a (S, ω))* is a closed ideal ofM a (S, ω)** only when S is compact.

Keywords: Arens multiplication,  foundation semigroup,  second dual,weighted semigroup algebra

MSC: Primary 43A1043A20Secondary 43A1546H05


