Operator Algebraist

Directory of Operator Algebraist Home Pages

This page contains a list of names of operator algebraists, with each name linked to that person's home page. Some entries include a one line research description. See this directory information file for how to have your home page listed here. Please use this link to email me if you find any link that does not work.

Lists of home pages of operator algebraists can also be found at the following sites:

  • Operator algebraists directory at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, maintained by Birant Ramazan. This list contains a very large number of entries, including a number of people in neighboring areas such as single operator theory. It gives gives institutions (without links), email addresses, and sometimes research areas. There is a separate page for each letter of the alphabet.
  • Home pages of Operator Algebraists, maintained by Samuel G. Walters. Names (with links) only. Geographically split: first Canada, then the U.S., then everywhere else. Moderate length.
  • Some operator algebraist pages in France. Names (with links) only; very short list.

These lists differ from mine in that they contain less information on the people listed (except that some contain email addresses), but that they are apparently compiled by individuals and therefore list people who have not taken the trouble to submit entries for my list. The first two listed are considerably longer than my list. Besides these lists, there is a directory of home pages of individual mathematicians (in all fields), at Pennsylvania State University.

Return to the general list of resources for operator algebraists.

