2013 Journal Papers |
Nasr-Isfahani, Rasoul; Soltani Renani, Sima, Amenable locally compact semigroups and a fixed point property, Oxford Quart. J. Math. (2013), to appear
Akhtari, Fatemeh; Nasr-Isfahani, Rasoul Strongly Amenable Representations of Involutive Banach Algebras. Positivity (2013), to appear.
Mohammad-Reza Ghanei; Nasr-Isfahani, Rasoul; Inner amenability of locally compact quantum groups Internat. J. Math. (2013), to appear.
Desaulniers, Shawn; Nasr-Isfahani, Rasoul; Nemati, Mehdi Common fixed point properties and amenability of a class of Banach algebras J. Math. Anal. Appl. 402 (2013), 536–544.
Javanshiri, Hossein; Nasr-Isfahani, Rasoul; The strict topology for the space of Radon measures on a locally compact Hausdorff space Topology Appl. 160 (2013), 887–895.
Dashti, Mahshid, Nasr-Isfahani, Rasoul; Soltani Renani, Sima Vector-valued invariant means on spaces of bounded operators on Banach algebras. Collog.Math. (2013), to appear.