Nasr-Isfahani, Rasoul; Soltani Renani, Sima,
Character injectivity and projectivity of Banach modules,
Oxford Quart. J. Math. (2013), to appear
Dashti, Mahshid, Nasr-Isfahani, Rasoul; Soltani Renani, Sima
Character amenability of Lipschitz algebras.
Canad. Math. Bull. (2013), to appear.
Nasr-Isfahani, Rasoul; Soltani Renani, Sima
Character contractibility of Banach algebras and homological properties of Banach modules.
Studia Math. 202 (2011), no. 3, 205–225
Bahrami, Farid; Nasr-Isfahani, Rasoul; Soltani Renani, Sima
Homological properties of certain Banach modules over group algebras.
Proc. Edinburge Math. Soc. (2) 54 (2011), no. 2, 321–328.
Nasr-Isfahani, Rasoul; Soltani Renani, Sima
On homological properties for some modules of uniformly continuous functions,
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 84 (2011), no. 2, 177–185