Seminars and Conferences (1995)


1- B. Najafi, E. A. Mason, and J. Kestin  “ Extension of the principle of corresponding states via pair interaction  potentials” Eight symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Maryland, U. S. A. , 1981


2- G. A. Parsafar, B. Najafi, and Saman Alavi “ Investigation of some thermophysical properties and regularities of dense fluids using a simple equation of state” Second Iranian seminar of Physical Chemistry, Isfahan, Iran August 1995


3- G. A. Parsafar, B. Najafi, and V. Moeini “ Liquid vapor calculation using a cluster model” 3rd Iranian Seminar of physical Chemistry, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Nov. 1996


4- G. A. Parsafar, B. Najafi and Roya Araghi “ Calculation of the Joule-Thomson coefficient of Refrigerants” 3rd Iranian Seminar of physical Chemistry, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Nov. 1996


5- G. A. Parsafar, B. Najafi and Ali Siavosh Haghighi “ Calculation of vapor pressure of two component dense fluid mixtures using an equation of state” 3rd Iranian Seminar of physical Chemistry, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Nov. 1996


6 G. A. Parsafar, Fatemeh Khodaei, and B. Najafi “ Calculation of thermodynamical and thermophysical properties of fluids using new equations of states” 3rd Iranian Seminar of physical Chemistry, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Nov. 1996


7- Ozra Abedi, G. A. Parsafar, B. Najafi “ Calculation of thermal pressure using  equations of states” The second International & Twelveth National Congress of Chemistry& Chemical Engineering of Iran, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Sep. 1997


8- Mehrnoosh Karimkhani, G. A. Parsafar, B. Najafi “ Calculation of solubility parameter using equations of states” The second International & Twelveth National Congress of Chemistry& Chemical Engineering of Iran, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Sep. 1997


9- Shahram Ranjbar, G. A. Parsafar, B. Najafi “ Calculation of osmotic pressure using closed systems and equation of state” The second International & Twelveth National Congress of Chemistry& Chemical Engineering of Iran, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Sep. 1997


10- E- Keshavarzi, G. A. Parsafar, and B. Najafi “ Developing a new model for the prediction of solubility of binary mixtures using LIR equation of states” The fourth national congress of Iranian Chemical Engineering, Tehran, 1998


11- B. Najafi “ Development of a new corresponding states for the calculation of the transport properties of dense gases” The first Physical-Chemistry Conference held by the Iranian Universities’ Faculty, Shiraz, Iran, May 1999


12- B. Najafi and Y. Ghayeb, “Prediction of the viscosity of the Refrigerants over a

wide temperature and pressure range via a simple equation” 1st workshop on the Thermochemical, Thermodynamic and Transport properties of halogenated hydrocarbons mixtures, Pisa (Italy), Dec. 1999


13- B. Najafi, Roya Araghi “ Calculation of initial density dependence and developing a corresponding state function for the calculation of thermal conductivity over wide temperature-pressure range” Thirteenth Iranian Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 1999


14- E- Keshavarzi, G. A. Parsafar, and B. Najafi “ Prediction of attractive branch of effective potential using  Joule- Thomson inversion Curve” Thirteenth Iranian Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 1999


15- B. Najafi, and Y. Ghayeb “ Developing an accurate corresponding states function for the calculation of viscosity of  fluids over wide temperature-pressure range” Thirteenth Iranian Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 1999


16- E- Keshavarzi, G. A. Parsafar, and B. Najafi ‘Developing a new model for the prediction of solubility of binary mixtures using LIR equation of states” 4th national congress of Iranian chemical engineering, Sharif University, Tehran, Iran, 1999


17- Y. Ghayeb, G. R. Toghani, B. Najafi, and G. A. Parsafar “Prediction of the viscosity of supercritical gases and refrigerants at high pressures” 4th Physical Chemistry Seminar, University of Kish, Kish Island, March 2001


18- E. Daneshman, R. Araghi, B. Najafi and Y. Ghayeb “ A new correlation function for the Thermal Conductivity of gases over a wide temperature and pressure range” 4th Physical Chemistry Seminar, University of Kish, Kish Island, March 2001


19- B. Najafi, V. Moeini, G. A. Parsafar and Y. Ghayeb, “ Calculation of the viscosity of fluids using the Modified Enskog Theory via two new correlation functions for the co-volume and Thermal pressure” 4th Physical Chemistry Seminar, University of Kish, Kish Island, March 2001


20- M. Etaei, B. Najafi, and G. A. Parsafar “ Development of a new program for calculating the interatomic potential function via the inversion of the zero-density viscosity data” 4th Physical Chemistry Seminar, University of Kish, Kish Island, March 2001


21- A. Zeini, G. A. Parsafar, H. Sabzian, B. Najafi, and K. Khosravi “ Kinetic study of pressureswing adsoption” 4th Physical Chemistry Seminar, University of Kish, Kish Island, March 2001



22- Mina Jami Alahmadi, Elaheh  K. Goharshadi and B. Najafi “ Determination of potential energy functions of argon, krypton and xenon via the inversion of reduced viscosity collision integrals at zero pressure” 14th  Canadian Symposium on theoretical Chemistry, CSTC2001, Carlton University, Canada,  August 2001


23-Yousef Ghayeb, Bijan Najafi, and M. Karami “New correlation function for the calculation of the transport properties of gases near the critical state” The fifth Conference of Physical Chemistry, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran, Jan. 2002


24- Mahmod Paykari and Bijan Najafi “ Comparison of up flow and down flow directions for water treatment by the method of ion exchange resins” The fifth Conference of Physical Chemistry, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran, Jan. 2002


25- G. A. Parsafar, B. Najafi, H. Farrokhpour “Analytical expression for thermodynamic properties of some hard-core fluids” 6th Iranian Physical Chemistry seminar, Urima University, Iran September 2002



26- M. Vahedpour, M. Bamdad, E. Keshavarzi and B. Najafi “Prediction of the shear modulus using the analytical expression for the first shell of radial distribution function (RDF)” 6th Iranian Physical Chemistry seminar, Urima University, Iran September 2002


27- Mahvash Ghasemi and B. Najafi “ A new software for the prediction of the viscosity of gaseous mixtures of monatomic and polyatomic gases” 6th Iranian Physical Chemistry seminar, Urima University, Iran September 2002


28- Mohammad Hossein Kosari and B. Najafi “ A new software for the prediction of the thermal conductivity of gaseous mixtures of monatomic and polyatomic gases” 6th Iranian Physical Chemistry seminar, Urima University, Iran September 2002


29- M. Bamdad, M. Vahedpour, B. Najafi and E. Keshavarzi “ Prediction of viscosity of fluids using the shear modulus”  6th Iranian Physical Chemistry seminar, Urima University, Iran September 2002


30- Y. Ghayeb, B. Najafi and M. Karami “ New correlation functions for the calculation of the transport properties of gases near the critical states” The sixteenth European conference on thermophysical properties (ECTP 2002), Imperial College, London, England, September 2002


31- B. Najafi, Y. Ghayeb and G.A. Parsafar “ Calculation of viscosity of supercritical gases based on the modified Enskog theory” The sixteenth European conference on thermophysical properties (ECTP 2002), Imperial College, London, England, September 2002


32-  B. Najafi, Roya Araghi, Y. Ghayeb  “ New correlation functions for the calculation of the thermal conductivity of gases over a wide temperature and pressure range”, The Third Physical Chemistry Seminar, University of Tehran, August 2003


33- E. Keshavarzi, M. Vahedpour, S. Alavi, B. Najafi “ An analytical expression for the shear modulus and relaxation time of hard sphere fluids and its extension for Lennard-Jones fluids” 14th Iranian Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Congress, Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran, 17-19 February  2004



34- M. Bamdad, S. Alavi, B. Najafi, E. Keshavarzi “ Investigation of the variation of shear relaxation time of fluids and refrigerants with density” 14th Iranian Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Congress, Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran, 17-19 February  2004


35- Y. Ghayeb, L. Farokhpour, M. Bamdad, B. Najafi “ Viscosity calculation of supercritical gases based on the hard-sphere model” 7th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 8-10 March 2005


36- S. Ghasemi, Y. Ghayeb, B. Najafi “ A new way for the calculation of viscosity of binary mixtures over a wide pressure range” 7th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 8-10 March 2005


37 - Y. Ghayeb, B. Najafi, V. Moeini, G. A. Parsafar “Calculation of the viscosity of supercritical fluids based on the modified Enskog theory” 7th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 8-10 March 2005


38- Y. Ghayeb, Hoda Samiei Yazdi, B. Najafi “ Friction theory for the calculation of the viscosity of dense fluids” 7th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 8-10 March 2005


39- Mehrdad Khanpour, G. A. Parsafar, B. Najafi “ Importance of hard-core potential models and their application to real fluids” 8th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, 21-24 November 2005.


40- M. Vahedpour, S. Alavi, B. Najafi, E. Keshavarzi “ Relaxation time for bulk viscosity of soft-sphere and Lennard-Jones fluids” 8th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, 21-24 November 2005.


41- H. MohamadimManesh, S. Alavi, B. Najafi  ‘Molecular dynamics study of thermal expansivity for sI and sII Clathrate Hydrates” 11th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Ardebil, Iran, 2008

42- N. Poosty, S. Alavi, B. Najafi, “Molecular dynamics studies of stabilities, structures of two solid state phases of aspirin and its solubility in different solvents” 11th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Ardebil, Iran, 2008

43- M. H. Kowsari, S. Alavi, B. Najafi, ‘Dynamics in Room-temperature Ionic Liquids: A Computer Simulation Study’ 11th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Ardebil, Iran, 2008

44- H. Peyman, S. Alavi, M.H. Kowsari, B. Najafi, “Investigation of Structural, thermodynamics and dynamics of Alkali-metal disilicate glasses via molecular dynamics simulation” 11th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Ardebil, Iran, 2008


45- M. H. Kowsari, S. Alavi, B. Najafi, S. G. Hashemifard, “systematic structural study of 1-Alkyl-3-Methylimidazolium-Based Liquids via Molecular Dynamics Simulation” 11th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Ardebil, Iran, 2008


46 -H. Peyman, S. Alavi, M.H. Kowsari, B. Najafi,  “Molecular dynamics simulations of sodium and potassium disilicate: A universal equation of state” 11th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Ardebil, Iran, 2008

47- M. H Kowsari, . S. Alavi, M. Ashrafizadeh, B. Najafi, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Dynamics and Diffusion Coefficients of Tetrabutylphosphonium Amino Acid Based room temperature Ionic Liquids, The 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition ( ICHEC 2009 ), kish, iran, 2009


48- H. Mohammadimanesh, S. Alavi, M. Ashrafizadeh, B. Najafi, S. L. fani, Molecular dynamics simulation of NMR Lineshape Anisotropy of Guest Molecules within Inclusion Complexes, 12th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Sannandaj, 2009


49- E. Dehghanpishe, S. Alavi, H. Kowsari, B. Najafi, “Atomistic Simulation of the structure of the Tetrabutylphosphonium Amino Acid Ionic Liquids” 12th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Sannandaj, 2009


 50- K. Gholizadeh, S. Alavi, H. Kowsari, B. Najafi Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Amino Acid Ionic Liquids with the Alanine and Glycine Anions12th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Sannandaj, 2009


 51- F. Ranjbar, S. Alavi, H. Kowsari, B. Najafi A structural study of the Amino Acid Ionic Liquids via Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Anions12th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Sannandaj, 2009


52- S. Jalili, B. Najafi, A. Maleki, “Interaction between amylin peptide and dioleoylphosphatidylcholine: a molecular dynamics study, 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Shiraz, 2010


53- S. L. Fani, S. Alavi, B. Najafi, H. Mohammadimanesh “Study of self-diffusion of methane and carbon dioxide in BEA zeolite with MD simulation” 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Shiraz, 2010


54- H. Mohammadimanesh, S. Alavi, B. Bajafi,  Molecular dynamics simulation of 13C NMR powder lineshapes of linear molecules in structure I clathrate hydrate” 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Shiraz, 2010



55- M. H Kowsari, . S. Alavi, M. Ashrafizadeh, B. Najafi “Determination of the melting point of the equimolar ionic liquid–benzene inclusion crystal by molecular simulation” 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Shiraz, 2010




56- F. Amirseifeldini, M. Loghavi, R. Rabei, S. Alavi, H. Mohammadimanesh, B. Najafi, “Comparison of the diffusion of CO and N2 in ITQ-7 zeolite via Molecular dynamics simulation” 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Shiraz, 2010



57- M. H Kowsari, . S. Alavi, M. Ashrafizadeh, B. Najafi  “MD simulation of the dynamics of molecular motion in the equimolar mixture of [emim][NTf2]•C6H6” 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Shiraz, 2010



58- M. Loghavi , F. Amirseifeldini, , R. Rabei, S. Alavi, H. Mohammadimanesh, B. Najafi, “Molecular dynamics simulation study of self-diffusivity of carbon disulfide gas in ITQ-7 zeolite” 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Shiraz, 2010



59- R. Rabei , M. Loghavi , F. Amirseifeldini, , , S. Alavi, H. Mohammadimanesh, B. Najafi  “Diffusion of different refrigerants in zeolite FAU: A molecular dynamics study” 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Shiraz, 2010