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Effects of carbon content on the formation of nano/ultrafine grained low-carbon steel treated by martensite process
Effects of carbon content on the formation of nano/ultrafine grained low-carbon steel treated by martensite process
Micronutrient status of calcareous paddy soils and rice produts implication for human health
Micronutrient status of calcareous paddy soils and rice produts implication for human health
Effects of silicon content on the microstructure and corrosion behavior of Fe Cr C hardfacing alloys
Effects of silicon content on the microstructure and corrosion behavior of Fe Cr C hardfacing alloys
Effect of silicon content on the microstructure and properties of Fe Cr C hardfacing alloys
Effect of silicon content on the microstructure and properties of Fe Cr C hardfacing alloys
Different forms of soil potassium as affected by the age of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) trees in Rafsanjan Iran
Different forms of soil potassium as affected by the age of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) trees in Rafsanjan Iran
Effect of geo-pedological conditions on the distribution and chemical speciation of selected trace elements in forest soils of western Alborz Iran
Effect of geo-pedological conditions on the distribution and chemical speciation of selected trace elements in forest soils of western Alborz Iran
Effect of geo-pedological conditions on the distribution and chemical speciation of selected trace elements in forest soils of western Alborz Iran
Precision griculture concept distribution pattern of selected soil and crop characteristics influenced by fertigation
Short-term effects of tillage and manure on some soil physical properties and maize root growth in a sandy loam soil in western Iran