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Effects of methyl jasmonate elicitation on the carvone and limonene contents, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in caraway (<i>Carum carvi</i> L.) callus cultures
Effects of methyl jasmonate elicitation on the carvone and limonene contents, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in caraway (<i>Carum carvi</i> L.) callus cultures
Essential oil composition and total phenolic content in Cupressus arizonica G. in response to microbial inoculation under water stress conditions
Essential oil composition and total phenolic content in Cupressus arizonica G. in response to microbial inoculation under water stress conditions
Investigation on total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, and emulsifying capacity of sodium alginate from Nizimuddinia zanardini during microwave-assisted extraction; optimization and statistical modeling
Investigation on total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, and emulsifying capacity of sodium alginate from Nizimuddinia zanardini during microwave-assisted extraction; optimization and statistical modeling
Investigation the effect of processing condition and dispersed phase content on rheology-morphology relationship in polypropylene/polyethylene terephthalate microfibrillar composite
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The Effects of Callus Elicitation on Lepidine, Phenolic Content, and Antioxidant Activity of Lepidium sativum L.: Chitosan and Gibberellic Acid
Effect of short carbon fiber content on the mechanical properties of TiB2 based composites prepared by spark plasma sintering
Effect of short carbon fiber content on the mechanical properties of TiB2 based composites prepared by spark plasma sintering
Day 7 Embryos Change the Proteomics and Exosomal Micro-RNAs Content of Bovine Uterine Fluid: Involvement of Innate Immune Functions
Effects of starter protein content and alkali processing of wheat straw on growth, ruminal fermentation, and behavior in Holstein calves
Effects of starter protein content and alkali processing of wheat straw on growth, ruminal fermentation, and behavior in Holstein calves
The influence of size and healing content on the performance of extrinsic self-healing coatings