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Short-term effects of tillage and manure on some soil physical properties and maize root growth in a sandy loam soil in western Iran
Long-term impacts of municipal solid waste compost sewage sludge and farmyard manure application on organic carbon bulk density and consistency limits of a calcareous soil in central Iran
Long-term impacts of municipal solid waste compost sewage sludge and farmyard manure application on organic carbon bulk density and consistency limits of a calcareous soil in central Iran
Long-term impacts of municipal solid waste compost sewage sludge and farmyard manure application on organic carbon bulk density and consistency limits of a calcareous soil in central Iran
Land-use conversion effects on phosphate sorption characteristics in soils of forest and rangeland sites from Zagros area Western Iran
Land-use conversion effects on phosphate sorption characteristics in soils of forest and rangeland sites from Zagros area Western Iran
Fabrication and characterization of sol gel derived hydroxyapatite/zirconia composite nanopowders with various yttria contents
Effect of Irrigation regims on oil content and composition of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars
Effect of dietary betaine on performance immunocompetence and gut contents osmolarity of broilers challenged with a mixed coccidial infection
Effect of dietary betaine on performance immunocompetence and gut contents osmolarity of broilers challenged with a mixed coccidial infection
Soil redistribution rate and its relationship with soil organic carbon and total nitrogen using 137Cs technique in a cultivated complex hillslope in western Iran
Soil redistribution rate and its relationship with soil organic carbon and total nitrogen using 137Cs technique in a cultivated complex hillslope in western Iran
Optimization of Nafion Content in Nafion-Polyaniline Nano-composite modified Cathode for PEMFC Application
The effect of urethane and urea content on the gas permeation properties of poly(urethane-urea) membranes
Impact of Sprinkler Irrigation Uniformity on the Variability of Sugar Beet Leaf N Content