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Synthesis of engineered silica aerogel containing SrAl2O4: Eu2+, Dy3+ to improve luminescence efficiency, thermal and water stability and optical properties
Heat transfer in BCC lattice materials: Conduction, convection, and radiation
Influence of reducing starch in the dietswith similar protein and energy contents on lactation performance, ruminal fermentation, digestibility, behaviour and blood metabolites in primiparous andmultiparous dairy cows
Influence of reducing starch in the dietswith similar protein and energy contents on lactation performance, ruminal fermentation, digestibility, behaviour and blood metabolites in primiparous andmultiparous dairy cows
Inbred progeny of tall fescue infected withEpichlo¨ efungal endophyte have a high defence compound content and no depression in seed set
Inbred progeny of tall fescue infected withEpichlo¨ efungal endophyte have a high defence compound content and no depression in seed set
A modeling strategy for hot drying of rough rice assisted by ultrasonic wave
Health effect assessment of PM2.5 pollution due to vehicular traffic (case study: Isfahan)
Hamiltonian structure of Fierz-Pauli gravitons, partially massless fields and gauge symmetry
Fluid flow and convective heat transfer in a rotating rectangular microchannel with various aspect ratios
Predicting heavy metal contents by applying machine learning approaches and environmental covariates in west of Iran
Impact of different pretreatments on drying kinetics and quality of button mushroom slices dried by hot-air or electrohydrodynamic drying
Investigation of hardness, wear and magnetic properties of NiCoCrFeZrx HEA prepared through mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering
Experimental investigation of synergistic effect of non-ionic surfactant and smart water injection methods for enhanced oil recovery from carbonate reservoirs
Experimental investigation of synergistic effect of non-ionic surfactant and smart water injection methods for enhanced oil recovery from carbonate reservoirs