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The effect of fluorine content on the mechanical properties of poly (caprolactone)/nano-fluoridated hydroxyapatite scaffold for bone-tissue engineering
The effect of fluorine content on the mechanical properties of poly (caprolactone)/nano-fluoridated hydroxyapatite scaffold for bone-tissue engineering
The effect of fluorine content on the mechanical properties of poly (caprolactone)/nano-fluoridated hydroxyapatite scaffold for bone-tissue engineering
Bacterial filtration rates in repacked and weathered soil columns
Contribution o f Lithologic and Anthropogenic Factors to Surface Soil Heavy Metals in Western Iran Using Multivariate Geostatistical Analyses
Contribution o f Lithologic and Anthropogenic Factors to Surface Soil Heavy Metals in Western Iran Using Multivariate Geostatistical Analyses
Soil physicochemical properties and vegetation pattern in an arid environment affected by a salt diaper
Does salinity enhance Cd toxicity to soil alkaline phosphatase
Estimating Soil Hydraulic Parameters By Using Green and Ampt Infiltration Equation
Mapping Soil Organic Carbon Using IRS-AWIFS Satellite Imagery (Case Study Dehaghan Rangeland Isfahan IRAN)
Mapping Soil Organic Carbon Using IRS-AWIFS Satellite Imagery (Case Study Dehaghan Rangeland Isfahan IRAN)
Development and field testing of an integrated sensor for on-the-go measurement of soil mechanical resistance
Development and field testing of an integrated sensor for on-the-go measurement of soil mechanical resistance
Soil loosening characteristics of a dual bent blade subsurface tillage implement
Soil loosening characteristics of a dual bent blade subsurface tillage implement