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Hydrodynamics and mass transfer in liquid-liquid non-circular microchannels Comparison of two aspect ratios and three junction structures
Hydrodynamics and mass transfer in liquid-liquid non-circular microchannels Comparison of two aspect ratios and three junction structures
A Simple and Environmentally Friendly Method for Surface Modification of ZrO2 Nanoparticles by Biosafe Citric Acid as Well as Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and Its Application for the Preparation of Poly(vinyl chloride)Nanocomposite Films
Influence of the conservative force on transport coefficients in the DPD method
Optimization of spiral-shaped piezoelectric energy harvester using Taguchi method
Optimization of spiral-shaped piezoelectric energy harvester using Taguchi method
Novel composite finite element model for piezoelectric energy harvesters based on 3D beam kinematics
Adaptive Tube-Based Model Predictive Control for Linear Systems with Parametric Uncertainty
Adaptive Tube-Based Model Predictive Control for Linear Systems with Parametric Uncertainty
Effect of non-stoichiometry on the densification, phase purity, microstructure, crystal structure, and dielectric loss of Ba(Co 1/3 Nb 2/3 )O 3 ceramics
A new efficient feature-combination-based method for dynamic texture modeling and classification using semi-random starting parameter dynamic Bayesian networks
A new efficient feature-combination-based method for dynamic texture modeling and classification using semi-random starting parameter dynamic Bayesian networks
Specimen Preparation Methods for Artificially Cemented Sand in Simple Shear and Hollow Cylinder Apparatuses
Physical mechanical and dry sliding wear propertiesof hybrid and non-hybrid Al-V nanocomposites produced by powder metallurgy
Physical mechanical and dry sliding wear propertiesof hybrid and non-hybrid Al-V nanocomposites produced by powder metallurgy