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Prediction of soil physical and mechanical properties by optimized support vector machines
Effect of nitrogen fertilizers on nitrate leaching from a saline soil profile under corn and barley cultivation
Effect of nitrogen fertilizers on nitrate leaching from a saline soil profile under corn and barley cultivation
Landfarming Process Effects on Biochemical Properties of Petroleum Contaminated Soils
Landfarming Process Effects on Biochemical Properties of Petroleum Contaminated Soils
Synthesis Characterization and Soil Biodegradation Study of Polyamides Derived from the Novel Bioactive Diacid Monomer 5-2-Phthalimidoethanesulfonamido Isophthalic Acid
Microbial indices related to soil carbon as affected by management practices in arid forest and agricultural ecosystems
Phosphorus Sorption Kinetic in Calcareous Soils of Selected Arid and Semiarid Toposequences and its Relationship with Plant Growth
Phosphorus Sorption Kinetic in Calcareous Soils of Selected Arid and Semiarid Toposequences and its Relationship with Plant Growth
Physical properties of two rough rice varieties affected by moisture content
Physical properties of two rough rice varieties affected by moisture content
Transport of zinc copper and lead in a sewage sludge amended calcareous soil
Transport of zinc copper and lead in a sewage sludge amended calcareous soil
Transport of zinc copper and lead in a sewage sludge amended calcareous soil
Palygorskite formation under the influence of saline and alkaline groundwater in central Iranian soils