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Comparison of capsule resin data and kinetic parameters with some static soil test to predict potassium uptake by rice
Aplication of tne WRB (FAO) and US Taxonomy systems to Gypsiferous soils in Northwes Isfahan Iran
Aplication of tne WRB (FAO) and US Taxonomy systems to Gypsiferous soils in Northwes Isfahan Iran
Genetic study of yield Glucosinolates Oil and Protein contents in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)
Genetic study of yield Glucosinolates Oil and Protein contents in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)
Comparison of compaction and puddling as pre-planting soil preparation for mechanized rice transplanting in very gravelly Calcisols in central Iran
Depasturation Effects on physical characteristics Fertility. and Tilth Index of soil A Case study of Boroojen
Depasturation Effects on physical characteristics Fertility. and Tilth Index of soil A Case study of Boroojen
Salinity tolerance of bermudagerass (Cynodon spp. L. C. Rich) cultivars and shoot Na and Cl contents under a high saline environment
Salinity tolerance of bermudagerass (Cynodon spp. L. C. Rich) cultivars and shoot Na and Cl contents under a high saline environment
Nuclear and cytoplasmic inheritance of salt tolerance in bread wheat plants based on ion contents and biological yield
Nuclear and cytoplasmic inheritance of salt tolerance in bread wheat plants based on ion contents and biological yield
Sandy soil improvement using acrylic resin grout injection
Sandy soil improvement using acrylic resin grout injection
Genetic Algorithm Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Moisture and Oil Content of Pretreated Fried Mushroom