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Solar energy potentials in Iran A review
Ab initio intermolecular potential energy surfaces of He-CS2 Ne-CS2 and Ar-CS2 complexes
Experimental and numerical investigation on the jet characteristics of spark ignition direct injection gaseous injector
Evaluation of Pressure Drop and Mass-Transfer Characteristics of a Structured Packing for Production and Separation of Food Flavours Part I Pressure Drop Characteristics
Evaluation of Pressure Drop and Mass-Transfer Characteristics of a Structured Packing for Production and Separation of Food Flavours Part II Mass-transfer Characteristic
Analysis of carbamate pesticides in water samples using single-drop microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
New heating schedule in hydrogen annealing furnace based on process simulation for less energy consumption
Turbulence models application on CFD simulation of hydrodynamic heat and mass transfer in a structured packing
An improved design method for estimating the annual auxiliary energy requirement for solar heating building
Dropping Rate Reduction in Hybrid WLAN/Cellular Systems by Mobile Ad Hoc Relaying
Dropping Rate Reduction in Hybrid WLAN/Cellular Systems by Mobile Ad Hoc Relaying
Premixed flamelet modelling Factors influencing the turbulent heat release rate source term and the turbulent burning velocity
Determination of phenols in water samples by single-drop microextraction followed by in-syringe derivatization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometric detection
Mobile Ad Hoc Relaying for Upward Vertical Handoff in Hybrid WLAN/Cellular Systems
Mobile Ad Hoc Relaying for Upward Vertical Handoff in Hybrid WLAN/Cellular Systems