Finding Contents or People

Supervised deep learning for content-aware image retargeting with Fourier Convolutions
Experimental investigation of the effects of oil asphaltene content on CO2 foam stability in the presence of nanoparticles and sodium dodecyl sulfate
Experimental investigation of the effects of oil asphaltene content on CO2 foam stability in the presence of nanoparticles and sodium dodecyl sulfate
Influence of reducing starch in the dietswith similar protein and energy contents on lactation performance, ruminal fermentation, digestibility, behaviour and blood metabolites in primiparous andmultiparous dairy cows
Influence of reducing starch in the dietswith similar protein and energy contents on lactation performance, ruminal fermentation, digestibility, behaviour and blood metabolites in primiparous andmultiparous dairy cows
Inbred progeny of tall fescue infected withEpichlo¨ efungal endophyte have a high defence compound content and no depression in seed set
Inbred progeny of tall fescue infected withEpichlo¨ efungal endophyte have a high defence compound content and no depression in seed set
Predicting heavy metal contents by applying machine learning approaches and environmental covariates in west of Iran
Seed yield stability with modified essential oil content and composition in self-compatible progenies of bitter fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)
Seed yield stability with modified essential oil content and composition in self-compatible progenies of bitter fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)
Inbred progeny of tall fescue infected with Epichloë fungal endophyte have a high defence compound content and no depression in seed set
Inbred progeny of tall fescue infected with Epichloë fungal endophyte have a high defence compound content and no depression in seed set
Effects of methyl jasmonate elicitation on the carvone and limonene contents, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in caraway (<i>Carum carvi</i> L.) callus cultures
Effects of methyl jasmonate elicitation on the carvone and limonene contents, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in caraway (<i>Carum carvi</i> L.) callus cultures
Essential oil composition and total phenolic content in Cupressus arizonica G. in response to microbial inoculation under water stress conditions