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Growth Defects and Chromium Content Loss during the Deposition of Stainless Steel by CAE-PVD and Its Effect on the Corrosion and Passivation Behavior of the Coating
Growth Defects and Chromium Content Loss during the Deposition of Stainless Steel by CAE-PVD and Its Effect on the Corrosion and Passivation Behavior of the Coating
effect of sodium cholorid stress on gas exchange cholorophyll content and nutrient concentration of nine citrus rootstocks
effect of sodium cholorid stress on gas exchange cholorophyll content and nutrient concentration of nine citrus rootstocks
Ion content and its correlation with some physiological parameters in olive cultivars in response to salinity
Ion content and its correlation with some physiological parameters in olive cultivars in response to salinity
Ion content and its correlation with some physiological parameters in olive cultivars in response to salinity
Developing an electronic portable device based on dielectric power spectroscopy for non-destructive prediction of date moisture content
Developing an electronic portable device based on dielectric power spectroscopy for non-destructive prediction of date moisture content
Developing an electronic portable device based on dielectric power spectroscopy for non-destructive prediction of date moisture content
Effect of Weft Density and Percentage of Stainless Steel Fiber Content of Weft Yarn on Electrical Properties of Woven Fabric Strain Sensors
Variation in Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Globe Artichoke Under Different Irrigation Regimes
Variation in Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Globe Artichoke Under Different Irrigation Regimes
Optimization of phenolic and flavonoid content and antioxidants capacity of pressurized liquid extraction from Dracocephalum kotschyivia circumscribed central composite
Evaluation of seven different drying treatments with respect to total flavonoid phenolic vitamin C content chlorophyll antioxidant activity and color of green tea (Camellia sinensis or C. assamica) leaves