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An efficient and high-speed VLSI implementation of optimal normal basis multiplication over GF(2m)
An efficient and high-speed VLSI implementation of optimal normal basis multiplication over GF(2m)
CO2 absorption using gas-liquid membrane contactors made of highly porous poly(vinyl chloride) hollow fiber membranes
CO2 absorption using gas-liquid membrane contactors made of highly porous poly(vinyl chloride) hollow fiber membranes
Highly efficient dye adsorbent based on polyaniline-coated nylon-6 nanofibers
Highly efficient dye adsorbent based on polyaniline-coated nylon-6 nanofibers
The effect of bonding time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of transient liquid phase bonding between SAF 2507 and AISI 304
The effect of bonding time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of transient liquid phase bonding between SAF 2507 and AISI 304
The effect of bonding time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of transient liquid phase bonding between SAF 2507 and AISI 304
Developing a puncture-free in ovo chicken transfection strategy based on bypassing albumen nucleases
Multi-sensor data fusion in the nondestructive measurement of kiwifruit texture
Multi-sensor data fusion in the nondestructive measurement of kiwifruit texture
Multi-sensor data fusion in the nondestructive measurement of kiwifruit texture
Development of a mathematical methodology to investigate biohydrogen production from regional and national agricultural crop residues A case study of Iran
An exact multiphase Riemann solver for compressible cavitating flows